“Pretty much.” Rebecca nods, joining me in the kitchen. “Although her lucid moments are far and few between. For the most part, she’s stuck in the past.”

Living in the time when her husband was still alive. Waiting for him to come back home, only for it to never happen.

Rebecca goes back to cleaning the table, but I pull her to me instead. My arms wrap around her middle, and I place my head against the top of her head.

“I’m so sorry, Red,” I whisper softly.

Her body is stiff in my embrace. I expect her to protest, to push me away, but instead, her fingers curl around my forearms, holding me tightly.

“It is what it is.”

“This is awful. This life…”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Some days, I hate it. Others I feel grateful that she lives in the world in which Dad’s still alive. Atleast she has him. Even though it breaks my heart every time I have to lie to her and tell her he’s coming home when I know damn well that’ll never happen.”

Rebecca’s parents were so in love. I could remember it even though he died in a car accident when we were just kids. The Williams’ were devastated by his loss. The whole town was really. Mr. Williams was a good man, and everybody loved him. In all the years after that, I never saw Mrs. Williams look at another man, much less show any interest in dating.

She focused on her children instead, and they were happy.

I couldn’t imagine what it must be for Rebecca to have to go through all of this over and over again.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” The endearment falls off my lips easily, like it always did.

Becky turns in my arms, her eyes meeting mine. I could see tears glistening in them. Lifting my hand, I cup her face, running my thumb over her cheekbone. “Don’t cry.”

There was nothing worse than seeing Rebecca cry. She was always so strong. So fierce. It hurt even more seeing her broken apart like this.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” I whisper, brushing away her tears.

Fuck this.

Leaning down, I press my mouth against hers. I can feel the salty taste of tears on her lips as I kiss her gently. Every swipe of my mouth over hers is a silent reassurance that things will be okay.

My hand slips to the back of her neck, my fingers tangling in her hair as I tilt her head. Rebecca lets out a shuddered breath, her lips parting as her fingers clasp around my shirt, pulling me closer to her.

So I give in. I let her take what she needs. I let her lose herself in me.

She nips at my lip, a soft growl coming from my chest as I cup her cheeks between my palms. Damn, she tastes so sweet. So perfect. So… mine.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” a female voice says, breaking through the haze that’s Rebecca.

We pull apart, and I catch a glimpse of Linda as she scurries out of the kitchen.

“Shit,” Rebecca mutters, pressing her forehead against my chest, her breathing heavy.

Shit, indeed.

Although I guess I should be happy it was Linda and not Rebecca’s brother. I was sure that encounter would have gone much differently if Chase had caught us making out.

My hand tightens in her hair before I let my fingers slide out of her silky strands and take a step back. “I think I should get going. I promised Mom I’d bring her some fresh clothes in the morning.”

“Wait, I have something for you.”

She hurries toward the counter grabbing a plastic container and hands it to me. “You can take this to your parents. And before you ask, this is the healthy version of chocolate muffins, but they taste as good as the regular ones.”


She baked muffins for my parents.