“Miguel?” Mrs. Williams tilts her head to the side, her eyes narrowing on me. “Is that you?”

It’s like all the air is sucked out of the room. Rebecca’s eyes widen as she glances from her mother to me.

“Yeah, sorry for intruding like this.”

“Oh, nonsense!” She slips from under Rebecca’s arms and slowly moves toward me, outstretching her hands.

Bending down, I gently wrap my arms around her fragile body, my chest squeezing tightly as her hands tap my back.

Damn, I missed this.

“Just look at you. How much you’ve grown since the last time I saw you.”

Glancing over her shoulder, I catch tears glistening in Rebecca’s eyes before she brushes them away. Turning her back to us, she goes back to the stove, but I have an inkling she needs a moment to collect herself.

Before I can say anything, Mrs. Williams pushes me at arm’s length and just stares at me. “You’re even more handsome than you were before. Not that I’m surprised.”

“You’re one to talk.” I flash her a smile that she returns almost immediately.

“Oh, please! Are you staying for breakfast? It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“It’s been a while.”

I don’t bother correcting her that we saw each other not that long ago. I looked up Alzheimer’s online that day I helped Rebecca search for her mother, and I knew that she wouldn’t remember anything.

“Becky, you should probably bake some eggs. You know Miguel can eat for three people.”

“I know, Mom.”

Mrs. Williams pushes me toward the table. “Come, you have to tell me everything. Becky is always so tight-lipped about you.”

Mrs. Williams shoots a glare in Rebecca’s direction, but she chooses to ignore it, instead focusing on finishing the breakfast.

“So, how are you doing? Did you come home for good?”

“Good, and no. I’m here for the wedding.”

Her brows scrunch together. “Wedding?”

“Emmett and Kate’s wedding, Mom,” Rebecca reminds her gently.

That distant look is back in her eyes, and I can see the first traces of frustration showing on her face as she tries to remember something that’s not there. “Right. Emmett and Kate’s wedding. Not that I’m surprised. That boy really had it bad.”

I chuckle softly. “That he does. He was determined to get the girl, and get the girl he did. I still can’t believe Kate fell for his sorry ass.”

Mrs. Williams nods her head. “There is nothing a man won’t do for the woman he loves.”

“I guess there is that.”

Grabbing my coffee cup, I take a sip.

“What about you two?” Mrs. Williams shoots me a pointed look. “When will you make an honest woman out of my daughter?”

Well, shit.

Her question throws me off guard, making me choke on the coffee. I place the cup on the table and start coughing loudly.

Rebecca chooses that exact moment to bring food to the table. Putting the pan in the middle of it, she places her hand on my back and gives me a few robust taps.