Which reminded me…

“We’ll be fine,” I reassure her.

The older woman nods.

I grab a wine glass from the cupboard and fill it as she picks up her things. I walk her out the door, making sure it’s locked and the house is still quiet as I make my way to the back porch.

I don’t bother with the lights as I sit on the swing, taking a sip of wine. Putting the glass on the table, I grab my phone and pull out Miguel’s contact.

Maybe I should just shoot him a message instead? Or call Emmett, but he and Kate went out of the town for a short honeymoon. I didn’t want to interrupt them. They deserved some rest, which meant this was on me. I had to put on my big girl panties and—

The sound of feet pounding against the gravel snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up just in time to see a tall figurerunning toward me.

My heart speeds up as I watch the person move closer, fear setting in.

People don’t go running around these parts.

There was an odd animal here or there, getting lost and moving too close to the house, but never people.

What if…

The person comes to the stop a few feet away, the soft moonlight illuminating the tall form just enough. I let out a shaky breath as I stared at his rapidly rising and falling chest.

I push to my feet, my legs feeling wobbly underneath me. “Miguel.” His name is a soft whisper coming from my lips.

Miguel lifts his hand, running it through his hair as his eyes meet mine.

Mere feet separate us, but it feels like an ocean. There is so much that has happened between the two of us, and I have no idea where we stand. Does he hate me for the secrets I’ve kept from him? Are we friends? Are we lovers? Are we nothing like we were before he came back to Bluebonnet?

His hair is a mess, dark curls going in different directions from where he ran his fingers through it. His shirt is plastered to his chest, patches of sweat visible even in the darkness.

“Rebecca,” he rasps, his gravelly voice sending tingles running down my spine.

He was running.


He hadn’t left just yet.

He’s still here.

Quietly watching me.

How was it fair that even after everything that had happened, after all the insecurities and doubts and hurt we’ve inflicted upon each other, this man still affected me this way?

I didn’t know what was going on or where we stood.

The only thing I knew was that there was a haunted look blazing in his dark eyes, and I itched to make it go away.

I’m not sure which one of us makes the first move. But suddenly, strong arms wrap around me. Miguel’s hand falls on the small of my back, his other one slipping to the back of my neck, holding onto me for dear life.

“My dad, he…” Miguel rasps, his voice muffled.

He knew.

That’s why he was still here.

He knew what had happened.