Which, granted, might be the truth.

We made no promises.

We had no future.

Then why the hell could I still feel the press of his lips against mine? Sense those calloused fingers skimming over my flesh? Feel his fingers dig into my skin as he sinks into me, making me experience passion like no other man ever could? Making me feel like that young and careless girl I used to be when we were together?

“Earth to Rebecca.” A hand appears in front of my face as Savannah waves at me, and I can feel the color rise up my cheeks. “Are you blushing?”

“I’m not blushing; it’s just warm in here.” I feel bad for lying to her, but I couldn’t tell her any of what’s really been on my mind because that would lead to more questions, most of which I don’t have an answer to.

“The AC is working just fine,” Savannah points out.

“Maybe I’m coming down with something?” I offer weakly. Seriously, some days, she’s like a dogwith a bone.

“Oh, no, you don’t. You promised me we were going to hang out once the craziness of the wedding was done, and I’m keeping you to it.”

“And we will.”

“Promise me, Becs.” She points her finger at me. “You and me and drinks and The Hut. I wanna hear you say it out loud.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine, Ipromise.Happy?”

“I would be if that gloomy look wasn’t on your face.”

I let out a sigh. “Just thinking about Mom’s next appointment.”

This part was the truth, at least. Mom has an appointment planned in a few weeks, and I was dreading it merely because I could see she’s been deteriorating lately, and I hated it. I hated this disease, and I hated that my hands were tied, and I couldn’t do anything to stop this.

Savannah’s smile falls. “How is she doing?”

“On and off,” I let out a sigh. “Off more and more these days.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that. Do you think there is something they can do?”

I shake my head. That was the saddest part. There wasn’t anything anybody could do. There wasn’t a medicine or a treatment that could give me my mom back.

The bell jingles, and I look up to find Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Winters enter the café, their heads bent close together as they chat. Based on how animatedly they’re talking, today’s gossip must be really good.

Savannah and I exchange a silent glance as the two of them join us at the counter, so immersed in their conversation they barely pay us any attention.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Winters,” I say, smiling brightly at them. “What can I help you with today?”

“Hey, honey.” Mrs. Smith turns to me. “I’m here to get ahalf-dozen chocolate cupcakes for my grandkids. And can I also get one of those vanilla lattes?”

“Sure thing. Anything for you, Mrs. Winters?”

“Get me one of those lattes, too.”

“Two lattes and half a dozen cupcakes, coming right up.”

Placing two cups under the espresso machine, I start the coffee as I grab the box and start putting the cupcakes inside.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Mrs. Winters turning to Mrs. Smith. “Poor Margaret. I can’t believe she has to go through all of this. She must be devastated.”

“He’s so young, too, and in such good shape. You’d never think something like that could happen to him.”

Young? Good shape?I glance toward Savannah, who just shrugs, clearly as confused as I am.What the hell’s going on?