Of course he’s asking about the arch, Becky. He isn’t asking how you want him to devour you. Don’t be silly.

“Umm… It should be slightly tighter on the top.”

“Like this?” he murmurs, his fingers tracing circles over my skin while he fixes tulle with his free hand.

“You should let me go.”

Miguel’s eyes meet mine. “You just said not to let go.”

“Not to let me drop in the lake,” I correct. “But I’m good now. Besides, somebody could come.”

The last thing we needed was for somebody to see us like this. It was bad enough that Kate caught us as we were coming back to the party after what happened in the woods. She was already suspicious enough as it was.

A flicker of irritation flashes on his face, but it’s gone as soon as it appears. “Fine, but you have to kiss me first.”

My mouth falls open. “What?”

Which part of nobody can see us does he not understand?

“Kiss me,” Miguel repeats, challenge shining as clear as day in his irises. “A payment of sorts, so I can keep behaving nicely today. That’s what you want, right? For me to be on my best behavior, so nobody would suspect we’re hooking up behind their backs.”


He turns me around, his hands gripping my hips. “There is nobody here, Red. Just you and me, but if you don’t hurry up…”

This man really liked to play with fire.

But did I really have a choice?

Excuses, excuses,the little voice at the back of my head chants, but I ignore it.

I rise on the tips of my toes, planning to give him a small peck at the corner of his mouth. After all, he didn’t specify how or where I was supposed to kiss him, but the moment my lips brushed against his mouth, he turned his head, his mouth falling hard on mine.

My knees wobble from the intensity of his kiss, the pure need screaming from every swipe of his mouth. I brace my hands against his chest, needing to steady myself as he pulls back, leaving me breathless.

My eyes blink open, and I catch his tongue sliding over his lower lip as if he’s trying to savor the feel of our kiss.

And damn him, now I want more.

I want to rip that shirt and feel the firm muscles under my fingertips and cash on that promise he made me yesterday in the woods. Then I wanted to get down on my knees and drive him crazy with need, just like he made me. Wanted to feel his le—

“You’re here early.”

Miguel and I jump apart at the sound of Kate’s voice.

What is it with people sneaking up on me today?

I turn around, plastering a severe look on my face as I cross my arms over my chest. “And what are you doing outside?”

“I saw you from the window and figured I’d come to see if you needed help.”

“What I need is for you to go inside and relax.” I place my hands on her shoulder and turn her so she’s facing the house, giving her a slight push. “I’ve got this covered, and we can’t have Emmett seeing you before the wedding. It’s bad luck.”

Kate looks over her shoulder. “You know we live together, right?”

“I don’t care. He’s not seeing you before the ceremony.” When we get to the house, I spot Penelope coming down the stairs, Henry, her guide dog, by her side. “Hey, Pens, keep an eye on your sister? I don’t want to see her outside.”

“You know it.”