“Go.” A hand lands on my shoulder, giving me a firm squeeze, but then, almost as quickly, he pulls it away. “I have this under control.”

“Okay, but call if you need anything.” I grab my to-go cup filled with coffee and bag before slipping out the door.

Since my truck is still at the shop, I decide to walk to Kate and Emmett’s. Thankfully, it’s still early, so it’s not too hot yet. I guess there was something positive about being unable to sleep.

You’d think that having sex would ease some of that pent-up tension that’s been building inside of me for the last few weeks, but it only made me more wound up. The whole situation was unnerving. The way Miguel knew my body. How good he could make me feel with the barest of touches. How he knew just how far he could push me to get what he wanted.

It’s been years. He shouldn’t know me that well, and yet he does, and I don’t know how I feel about it. Should I even think about it this much? He said it himself: he’s here for the wedding, and then he’ll be gone, and my life will go back to what it was.

Kate and Emmett’s house finally comes into view, so I push all those thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on what’s essential—the wedding.

Thankfully, we cleaned most of the remnants of last night’s party before we left, so everything was ready for the setup.

I slip into the shed, pull out boxes of decorations we’ve made, and get to work.

I figured I’d start with the arch since it’s the most important part of the ceremony. Dragging the box after me, I put it on the dock and start pulling the tulle out of it. The pale yellow material has just a little bit of glitter, so it shines prettily under the bright light. For a moment, I look at the arch,trying to figure out the best plan of attack, as I check the inspo image Kate put on her Pinterest board.

“Let’s see how this goes,” I mutter to myself, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Since Emmett was the one who built the damn thing, I had to rise on the tips of my toes, and even then, I had to toss the tulle over.

“I should have gotten a damn chair.”

Only now, I’m too lazy to go and get it, so I repeat the process, grabbing the piece, stretching up, and tossing it over the arch. By the time I’m done with the top part, my breathing is labored, and my shins are burning. Taking a step back, I look at my handiwork, noticing a few sections that need fixing.

Sucking in a breath, I rise on my toes again to do just that, but suddenly I lose my balance.


Just as I start to fall forward, strong arms wrap around my middle, and I’m pulled into a firm chest.

“You looking to go for a swim before the ceremony?” Miguel’s rough voice tickles my neck.

I look over my shoulder, my eyes meeting the dark depths of Miguel’s gaze. My heart is racing from the almost fall, or maybe because of Miguel and his nearness.

“Don’t you dare let me fall.”

I didn’t have time to go and change now. There was way too much work that had to be done.

Miguel’s chest rumbles with laughter. “That could be arranged. But seriously, what were you doing?”

“Trying to decorate this arch, but the damn thing was built with giants in mind, apparently.”

Miguel glances up. “Hardly, it’s not that tall.”

He shifts a little, one hand rising to touch the top of the arch which only has a couple of inches on him. “See?”

No, I didn’t see anything because the fingers of his other hand, the one still wrapped around me, had slipped under my shirt, rubbing at my belly.

My stomach clenches, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from making a sound.

“How do you want it?”


“The arch? How do you want it?”

Color floods my cheeks.