“What did we do as dumb high schoolers?” Emmett asks as he joins our group, Lucas, Kevin and his college friends following behind him.

“What we didn’t do is a better question,” I mutter as my gaze meets Hayden Watson’s.

He tips his chin in my direction, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smile. “What’s up, Fernandez? Long time no see.”

I met Emmett’s friends once when we were playing against one another back in college, and just this spring, Hayden entered the draft early, just like I did, and he was lucky enough to stay in Boston.

We exchange a handshake as Emmett makes the introductions around the group. “These are Nixon and Hayden. You guys remember Miguel, my best man, and these are Jamie and Timothy, our high school buddies.”

The introductions are made, and we chat a little bit about their trip as we finish our beers.

“What did I hear about some kind of famous football game y’all play here?” Nixon claps his hands together, a big grin on his face.

Emmett’s eyes narrow. “Your southern accent sucks, Cole. Don’t do that shit again.”

The quarterback shrugs. “Hey, when in Texas.”

“We can’t play since we’re missing….” Timothy looks around, his gaze fixing on something over my shoulder. “Oh, no, he’s here.”

My muscles stiffen at his words because only one person is missing, and that’s…

Emmett turns around, so I do the same, my gaze finding Nico standing next to the tables.

Talking to Rebecca.

There is a soft smile on her face as she listens to whatever he has to say.

What is so fucking funny?

“They got pretty close,” Emmett’s comment has me gritting my teeth in irritation.

What they were, was standing too fucking close. Rebecca was leaning against the table, that damn dress raised high up her thigh, and his knee was brushing against hers.

“Yeah. I guess it makes sense considering they were some of the rare people who stayed back and didn’t go to an out-of-town college.”

That was the second time somebody mentioned the two of them being all alone here. Did they know something I didn’t? Did something really happen between the two of them? And why did the thought make me want to pummel my fist into Nico’s stupid face?

A loud whistle spreads through the backyard.

“Yo, Nico!” Jamie yells loudly, drawing his attention. “We playing football or what?”

“I’m coming!” Nico shouts back before turning his attention to Rebecca and saying something only she can hear.

Whatever it is must be comedic because she bursts into laughter.

My fingers clench tightly into a fist by my side.

You don’t want to attack one of your high school friends and make a scene.

But I did.

I so fucking did.

“Okay, then, let’s assemble the teams.” Emmett nudges me with his elbow. “I think I’ll take my best man. Just like in the good ol’ days.”

“We’ll see if you can catch up, old man,” I say, glancing at him. Emmett chuckles, “We’ll see about that.”

They go back to dividing the teams, and my attention darts back to Rebecca and Nico. Who arestilltalking.