“Prepping to go to law school,” Jamie says.

My brows shoot up. “No shit?”

“Yeah, busted my knee up freshman year, so I tried a few different things to figure out what I wanna do with my life, and I ended up really enjoying the debate team,so here we are.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised. You always liked to argue.”

“Oh, shut up.” Jamie elbows me, unsuccessfully trying to keep a straight face.

“That’s so cool, man, really.” I turn toward Timothy. “What about you? Still causing trouble? Chasing girls around the town?”

Timothy chuckles lightly and lifts his hand, a wedding band shining on his finger. “Hardly. My version of trouble these days is not putting my dirty clothes where they belong, so I must find different ways to apologize to my wife.”


Well, I didn’t see that one coming. Timothy was one of the biggest playboys when we played together in high school. I was certain he’d stay single forever.

“And a kid on the way.” He looks around and points toward the tables. “She’s there.”

A little brunette looks our way and smiles at him which has a big, goofy grin spreading over his face.

“Who’d have thought? The biggest playboy from our class has turned into a sap,” Jamie teases. “Not just that. Can you believe he’s teaching the new generation? We’re all screwed.”


Timothy shrugs. “I’m working as an assistant coach for the high school. It’s actually been pretty cool. You should see some of the boys play. They’re so fucking good. I can’t wait to see what they can do in the next season.”

“That’s amazing. Who’d have thought that you, of all people, would end up being a pillar of respectfulness?”

“I think calling him a pillar of respectfulness is pushing it a little,” Jamie laughs.

“Fuck off, you’re just jealous I get to play when you have to deal with people’s bullshit all day.”

Jamie takes a sip of his beer. “I’ll remind you of that whenyou come complaining to me about one high school drama or another.”

“It’ll keep things interesting.” Timothy turns to me. “But seriously, if you have time, you should stop by the school. It’s technically off-season, and we can’t practice, but I’ve seen some of the boys working out alone on the field. I’m sure they’d appreciate you coming. Everybody went crazy last year when they found out a Bluebonnet native got into the NFL. It gives them hope that they can do it too.”

“I’ll try to drop by the school.” I knew better than most how meeting somebody you admire can change your life for the better and give you the motivation to keep working hard. “A high school coach, married with a baby on the way.” I shake my head. “How things have changed.”

Just then, a flash of red catches my attention. I glance toward the house where Rebecca is talking to a group of women.

She went back home to change after we set everything up and fuck me. If I thought she looked stunning in a simple tee and shorts, it had nothing on Rebecca in a dress. Especially not this tight-fitting, straps crisscrossing-over her back kind of a dress. At first, the tension between us was almost palpable, and having Mrs. Santiago around didn’t help much either. I wanted to talk to Rebecca about what had happened, but she did everything in her power to ignore me, and she only talked to me when she was bossing me around on where to set things up. Then Emmett and Kate came, along with their college friends, and things became even crazier if possible.

“And I guess some things never change,” Jamie snickers.

“What?” Lifting the beer, I take a long sip as I turn my attention back to the guys.

“You and Becky?” Jamie nudges my shoulder with his. “Is that still a thing?”

“They broke up, asshole,” Timothy chimes in. “I told you that.”

“So what? You’d never think it by the way he looks at her.”

My fingers grip the bottle tighter, and I make a point to keep my eyes on him even though every fiber of my body wants me to seek her out. “And how is that?” I ask as casually as possible.

Although I avoided alcohol for the most part, I needed something to ground me tonight, but now I had a feeling this one beer wouldn’t cut it. I feel the itch to turn around and seek her in the crowd, but I force myself to stay still. I didn’t want to draw any more attention to myself than I already had.

“Like you did when we were dumb high schoolers.”