I shift the bags with the dresses to one armas I climb the few steps to the front porch. Rising on the tips of my toes, I reach for the shelf above the door to grab the key the two have stashed there. Not really original, but then again, the crime rate in Bluebonnet was minimal, so rarely anybody, especially somebody living on the ranch outside of the town, bothered with locking the door.

The weight of the dresses makes me wobbly on my feet. Cursing quietly, I feel my muscles strain as I try to reach further, but just when I’m about to get it, the front door opens, and I stumble forward.

“Holy shit…”

A wall of muscles greets me, and I clutch the person’s shirt, trying to steady myself.

“Trying to break in, Red?”

The low, husky voice has the hair at my nape rising.

My fingers clench around the material as my heart does a little flip inside my chest. I slowly raise my gaze until I meet familiar chocolate eyes observing me with the same silent intensity that was focused on me the last time we were together before he turned around and walked away, leaving me with words that have haunted me for the past forty-eight hours.

There hasn’t been anyone else.

Not one single person since you walked out of my life three years ago.

And now we were alone once again.



“Are you trying to scare me to death?” Rebecca lets go the moment she realizes who she’s holding onto, like she’s been burned.

Her reaction shouldn’t sting, but it did.

I lean against the doorframe, trying to hide the fact that feeling her hands on me unnerved me unlike anything else.

I tried to stay away the last couple of days, giving her some time to think about what had happened and all the things that were said. What I expected it to accomplish, I wasn’t sure. But I couldn’t take her looking at me with so much distrust.

“If I remember correctly, you were the one trying to break in.”

She crosses her arms over her chest, clutching two long white bags. “I wasn’t breaking in. I was trying to get the key so I could take this inside. The better question is, what areyoudoing here?”

“Emmett called me and asked if I could pick up some stuff at the store for the party later tonight and start the barbecue since he was called out to the fields. There was some issue with the cattle or something.”

I didn’t ask too much; I was just grateful for the opportunityto finally get out of my parent’s house and from my dad’s disapproving gaze.

“He…” For a while, her mouth hangs open, but then she presses her lips together and shakes her head, looking away. “Of course he did.”

“He said Kate should be home, but the place was empty, so I looked around until I found the key. Not that it was hard to find it.”

“Well, Kate got a phone call, so she asked me to put these away and help set things up.”

Her gaze turns to me, finally meeting mine. I take in her face and the silence stretches between us as the realization sets in.

“So it’s just the two of us,” I whisper, my voice coming out raspy.


I watch as her throat bobs, and my gaze zeros in on the motion. I could still remember how soft the curve of her neck was, the intoxicating scent of roses that clung to her skin as I buried my face in her neck, the warmth of her skin.

I shift my weight from one foot to the other as my body starts reacting to the memory of her in my arms.

“You don’t have to stay,” Rebecca points out.

The muscle in my jaw twitches in irritation at her comment.