“Not here.” I stare him down. “Not on my fucking floor.”
Gallo seethes, but he’s a casino owner too and he understands better than anyone in the world. After a beat, he nods once, and I gesture for him to follow. He falls in beside me, and we’re followed by Ren, who cuts us off from the three big thugs, none of whom look happy about the arrangement. Nearby, I spot more of my men shadowing us, making sure things don’t get out of hand.
I talk as we take the elevator to my floor. “I understand you’re upset. I told Frost this was a bad idea.”
“She stole from all three of us.” Gallo glares at me. “What’s keeping me from getting my pound of flesh now? You realize Frost wants to go to war, right?”
“You’re getting a cut. There won’t be violence.”
“Not according to my sources.”
“Your sources haven’t spoken to me yet. I’ll straighten this out.”
We step into my office, but Gallo grabs my arm. He stands too close, and I can smell his aftershave.
“I barely trust you, Costa, but at least you’re from a good family, an Italian family. You’ve got a foolish American name, but I can forgive that, we’re American now. Frost though? He’s slime. He’s an investor, a jumped-up banker playing at being a casino owner. There’s no honor in that man.”
I stare at Gallo until he releases me. I’m aware of the irony in this old gangster calling Frostslime, but a part of me agrees. Gallo may be violent and bombastic, but he’s got a code and he follows it, whereas Frost does whatever the fuck Frost wants for whatever reason he chooses. There’s order in Gallo’s world. There’s only money and the bottom line in Frost.
Gallo understands relationships and taking care of his people.
Frost understands balance sheets.
“We’re going to make this right,” I say, walking to my desk. Gallo remains standing near the door. Outside, his men lurk glaring at Ren, who ignores them.
“You’d better. If you don’t, I’m going to find that girl, and I’m going to do what I’ve wanted to do from the beginning.”
“Don’t threaten her.” I give him a long look. “She is under my protection. Going after her is going after me, and you know my threats are not empty.”
He laughs, a raspy and ugly thing. “What the fuck is with you and this girl, Costa? You’ve been protecting her from the start.”
“She’s useful.”
“There are plenty of useful people in Vegas. This girl’s more than useful to you, and I’m starting to think you’re fucking her. That’s it, isn’t it? She’s got a great body and you want to keep her around, huh?”
“Watch your mouth.”
“Alright, I can see you’re getting upset. I respect you enough to back off. But listen to me, Costa, I will not be treated like this again. Make sure Frost understands, and if that motherfucker can’t get it together, I’ll make him pay too.”
“This isn’t the old Vegas anymore. You can’t walk around threatening to murder people.”
“I said my piece. Don’t forget it.” The old man turns and leaves. I watch him and his people storm off, wondering what sort of nightmare I’ve found myself in.
Ren sits down in a chair across from my desk and crosses his legs. “That went well.”
“Get Frost on the phone. Contact his people or whatever you do. Make him understand that Gallo is a part of this deal whether he likes it or not. Gallo needs a cut.”
“I suspect that won’t go well.”
“I don’t care. It’s happening.”
Ren doesn’t move. He keeps studying his fingers. “Is she worth this? You realize Gallo’s going to make a move sooner or later, right? Either against you or against Frost. Once that happens, a real war’s going to break out. Is she worth that?”
I stare at him, heart hammering in my throat.
“Yes,” I say.
“Good.” He gets up, wiping his nails on his pants. “I hope so.”