A cave somewhere.

But I was in a super comfy bed, with the softest blanket—

No, that wasn’t a blanket. It was a big, strong furry arm. What the—

Then I realized that arm was attached to an even bigger furry creature.

I screamed, and the arm tightened around my midsection.

Wait a minute. Was he purring?

Yes, that was definitely a purr. And coming from a beast this size, a purr wasnotthe right word for it. It was a full body rumble.

And did Ilikeit?

Okay. This was shifter country. But why was I here with this…creature?

I didn’t seem to be in danger. But I couldn’t be too sure.

His huge, dark eyes were fixed on me. Our gazes locked. He wasn’t like any shifter I’d ever seen before. I had to remember to breathe, let alone figure out what those industrial-sized purrs were doing to me. Those eyes were kind as they studied me, waiting for my next move. Okay, no strange creature danger. At least not at this very moment. Maybe he was as afraid of me as I was of him. Which was a hilarious thought because I was five-foot nothing and this beast washuge.

He could eat me.

Sweet mother of the moon, he totally could. No… I couldn’t panic. I had to stay calm and not give him any ideas.

Where was I?

I blinked first, which was a mistake because as soon as I closed my eyes the image of the snow hitting my car assaulted me again, the same way I’d relived car accidents…and then I remembered the avalanche.

The big hand digging me out and the roar.

My body stiffened, and he pulled me in tighter.

This creature had saved my life, and I was pretty sure he’d brought me to his house.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” I had no idea if he could understand me. And even though he saved me, no idea what his plans were for me. “Would it be okay if I sat up?”

I had a feeling if I didn’t ask, he’d hold me forever. Like I was his cute little new human toy.

Best case scenario.

He slid his arm away from my torso. My head spun as soon as I rose from the pillow. Great time for altitude sickness to kick in. I scooted away from the creature, getting a vantage point of the room, the bed, and him.

And bless the moon, I didn’t get sick.

My knight in brown shaggy fur washuge. I wasn’t a tall human, but I had my share of human fluff too and it wasn’t often that anyone made me feel small. This creature made me feel tiny. His face had human-like features, but his nose was more pronounced, and the skin that showed in the middle of his face was tan, leathery, along with the area around his mouth and cheeks. The fur on the perimeter of his face was longer. The rest of his body, that I could see, was also covered with that soft fur.

We really were in a cavern. Jagged rock determined the parameters of the space. There was a fireplace, a little kitchen area, and two chairs perched in front of an opening that overlooked a stunning mountain valley.

I wondered who sat in that other chair…

It was not time to wax romantic about this giant furry creature when I needed to be figuring out what he wanted with me.

“Thank you for saving me. I would’ve died out there if you didn’t find me.” My words were coming fast, wanting to speak my piece before he decided I might taste good with his favorite condiment. “I didn’t mean to scream when I woke up, but I’m in a strange place, in a strange bed with a… You seem friendly though. I certainly don’t mean to inconvenience you—"

“It’s my pleasure, Hannah.” His tone was deep, each word was tipped with a rumble as jagged as the rocks that surrounded us.

I almost screamed again, but I managed to clap my hand over my mouth just in time. “How do you know my name?”