Chapter Four
I didn’t know how to human. It wasn’t a skill I ever needed or cared to perfect.
But Hannah wassohuman. Small, soft, and fragile, with very little understanding of her own mortality.
The only way I could get her home was to carry her all the way to Sunset Springs. It would take me days to walk there. There would be few opportunities to shelter her in some stretches. I’d survive, but she could very well freeze to death by the time we got there.
I pulled back from her and put my finger under her chin. “I don’t want you to be sad. You will get home.”
She blinked away unshed tears. “It’s weird, huh? I’m afraid they’re gonna think something bad happened to me, and I’m perfectly fine. Do you know how much people would shell out to stay at a place like this if it was listed on Airbnb?”
“I don’t understand what that means.”
“It means you’re cool and you don’t even have to try.” She laughed, and I’d do anything to have her make that noise again. “And you’re kinda cute too. Which is crazy. You’re huge and probably could eat me for breakfast—”
A long-forgotten need stirred inside me, lighting a fire that made my cock twitch. My tail was going crazy. She had no idea what I could do to her with it.
“—I’m so embarrassed to ask. What are you?”
“I told Bibi that I was part of the mountains—”
“Oh, come on.” Hannah rolled her eyes. Talk about cute. She was adorable. “Since it looks like we’re gonna be roommates for the foreseeable future, it would help if I knew what you really are.”
“Patience,” I teased. It would take some used to, being this close to her. She wanted everything now, and this sweet, luscious little human needed to be careful what she wished for. “What I am doesn’t have a name. What I told Bibi is technically true. But your kind has several names for me.”
“Are you gonna tell me, or will you make me guess?”
The little human liked to play. I could work with that. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
Her eyes widened, the light dancing in them. “Are you a bear?”
I shook my head.
She wrinkled her nose. “An ape?”
“I’m not sure if you’re familiar with three strikes and you’re out, but I don’t want to be out. Tell me what you are.”
“Have you ever heard anyone talk about Bigfoot or Sasquatch?”
Her lips parted. “I thought that was just a myth.”
“Do I look make believe to you?”
“No,” she said softly. She put her hands against my chest, running them over my fur. Hot damn, did that ever feel good. It had been lifetimes since anyone had touched me like that. “You’re big and strong and soft and it sounds like you’re purring.”
I hadn’t made that noise in so long. Hadn’t had any reason to.
I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to feel that cute little mouth against mine. I wanted her to pull on my fur as she took my tail until she worked up to being able to handle my cock. She was so tiny. But I couldn’t do any of those things. Not yet. She was scared and worried about disappointing the people who cared about her in Sunset Springs. And maybe a little embarrassed that she’d gotten herself in such a predicament.
I didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t sensed her. Or if I hadn’t found her. If the snow had had the audacity to swallow her.
I knew what it was like to lose a mate and live with the unbearable heartbreak that came with missing a piece of myself. I wouldn’t go as far as thinking a human had been put on this earth just for my pleasure, my happiness, but so far, I liked having Hannah around. A lot.
“Are there any other…what do you prefer to be called?”