When she said yes to dating Eric, she did so to make her parents happy. When she said she wanted to wait until they were married to have sex, she did it to make herself happy.

Deep down, she knew she was never going to marry Eric. And she was always going to be a virgin. In hindsight, it was because of him.

Her stalker.

Her kidnapper.

The man she loved without even knowing it.

She already knew she was going to give up everything for him. While Declan was taken away in a chopper, she had to wait a few more hours for the roads to clear before she could leave.

Cell service had already returned, and her boss had called her that morning to tell her she did well. She didn’t acknowledge it at all.

Strangely enough, even before she knew who Declan was, she had it all figured out in her head already. She wasn’t going to drive him to the airport. Not yet. Not until she knew why he had that hold on her.

With her bags packed, she went into the main chalet to say her goodbyes to Margo and Tobias. It was the least she could do. They seemed oblivious to what had transpired, and she was grateful for that, simply because the mere mention of Declan’s name would have her crying inconsolably.

Breakfast was underway, which she skipped even as she tried to put on a pleasant smile when she was introduced to the two other guests who hadn’t made it to the New Year’s Eve party the night before, Adam and Chelsea, and they appeared to be crazy about each other.

She was so numb that she had no idea how she got to the airport.

How she got home. She could barely keep it together when Ellie called her.

“Your safety was my first priority, so before you go off on me about Red Hills Resort being a kink resort, keep that in mind,” Ellie said.

“Where would the fun have been if I told you that, huh? You and Mr. Hottie FBI agent. But you have to admit, after trying to set you up on dates and getting you to come to a kink club with me, how perfect was this setup? The two of you were without a doubt the hottest couple ever to be seen at a kink resort, and I will stake my shoe collection on that. My work is done. So? How did it go?” Ellie squealed.

“It was work, Ellie,” she said tiredly, on the brink of tears.

“Something is wrong.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not.”

“I’m just tired.”

After trying to do a better job of assuring her friend she was fine, Peyton hung up, but not before Ellie had already made plans to fly in the following week. There was no talking her out of anything, so Peyton didn’t even try.

She didn’t turn up for work for days on end, and when she was called, she pretended to be sick. On the coffee table in her lounge in her cute little apartment were aerial maps marked with safe houses she knew from memory. Torture halls, too.

She was going to find him.

Tomorrow, she had to go back to work because she needed access to sensitive material.

No matter where in the world he was, she was going to find him if she died trying.

That night, she sat in a chair in her room, probably the one Declan used when he stalked her.

She couldn’t explain the rush of torturous arousal that crept over her as she closed her eyes and imagined he was there, watching her.

Chapter Fifteen

Declan couldn’t keep his gaze off the sleeping beauty in her bed. She had fallen asleep with her laptop open, a pen in her hand, and a series of maps scattered on the bed around her. She was trying to find him.

His beautiful little kitten.

She said yes.