The rest of his glorious body was still wet. Orisis’ tattoo of the scythe engraved into the skin on his chest glistened now. Her fingers flexed involuntarily to touch him, requiring her to dig her nails into her palms so hard that all she felt instead was pain.

“Good morning, kitten,” he said, offering her a nerve-melting smile and undoing all her resistance against him. Did he choose her because he knew she would be weak? He could manipulate her easily enough because the only experience she had was a desk job with little to no interaction with actual FBI field operatives?

Oh yes.

He was the lion, and she was just his fickle little mouse. It became evidently and profoundly clear to her that he was using her for some other end result that was bigger than her. And she continued to fall into his trap like the inexperienced, wide-eyed, stupid virgin she was.

“Sleep well?” he asked conversationally, whereas she wanted to scream blue murder at him for thinking she was easily influenced. But that was until he flicked the towel off his body.

She automatically lowered her eyes to see it drape the floor, and that was her biggest mistake. Well, one of a substantial number of other errors she’d made in his company.

Her gaze slid down his muscle-layered, not an ounce of fat to be seen, torso, then lowered to his tapered v, and then lowered still.

She stopped breathing altogether at the sight of his fully erect cock. Despite being twenty-six and still a virgin, she knew he was utterly, incomparably beautiful.

Her eyes widened as she strained to encompass the thickness of his shaft—his impossible length. Tingling bursts of sensation exploded in her mouth as she took in the dampness on his crown, the potent and virile veins that swirled around the velvety-looking skin, and an intricate tattoo that stretched over his cock.

She gasped in awe as she focused on the ink that twirled around his hardness. Embossed with roses was a word. Before she could decipher it, Declan was already standing right in front of her.

The heat of his body enveloped her as he wrapped one hand around her waist and brought her flush against his body. The magnificent hardness of his cock pressed into her stomach, making her heart thud in her chest.

She trembled, and he brought her closer before he kissed the top of her head with such tenderness that a tear gathered in the corner of her eye.

“Peyton,” he said so softly that she was sure she imagined him saying her name.

Then he released her and turned around.

Peyton took a few moments to register that she was staring at his naked ass as he walked away from her, then flipped open his bag stored on the luggage station.

When he looked at her next, without saying a word, the devilish smile on his face asked her in no uncertain terms if she liked the view.

Annoyed with herself for being caught when, honestly, she shouldn’t have been looking in the first place, she held her head up high, tightened the blanket wrapped around her body, marched from the bedroom into the living room area, and took a seat, deliberately with her back facing away from the bedroom.

She felt as if she had waited for long, agonizing moments for him to put on some clothes, but she didn’t dare turn around again.

When he eventually strode into the living room, dressed in jeans that hugged the thick, long muscles in his thighs and a long-sleeved T-shirt, smelling as if he could be eaten, she jumped up from the sofa, ignored him, and went into the bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.

She looked at the time on her phone and gasped. She had managed to sleep the whole morning away. That was fine, she told herself.

But while she had never been a coward in all her life, this proved to be the perfect time to start the practice of cowardice. She kept herself confined to the bedroom for the rest of the day.

Meals were still brought to them from the main hotel, which meant those were the times Declan had threatened to break the door down to the bedroom if she didn’t come out and eat.


Why was he like that?

The last thing she wanted was to be the reason he destroyed the beautiful cabin, especially after Tobias and Margo had been generous enough to put them up until the storm passed, for free, no less. But as soon as she finished eating, she escaped back to the bedroom.

She was surprised he let her have her space when, with one flick of his fingers, she’d be a hot mess all over again.

That night, she tossed and turned, caught between the annoying state of slumber and wakefulness.

She assumed Declan slept on the sofa. It wasn’t that she needed a bed, but the bedroom was the only room with a door that locked while she fell apart periodically in some sort of privacy.

With the storm raging outside, she took comfort in knowing that if he was going to escape, he would have already, although she doubted the weather would keep him in.

Declan was smart. It was how he stayed alive. Besides, instinctively, she knew he wasn’t finished playing his game with her. He wasn’t going to go anywhere until he was done with her.