Page 28 of His Own Heaven

Lucy felt rather than saw Charlie slip from the bed. She was exhausted, completely and thoroughly fucked—literally—and could barely keep her eyes open, but she felt like she should say something to him. Call him back for a cuddle, at the very least thank him for helping his brother rock her world. But then she heard the sound of a shower running and found herself being lifted in Toby’s strong arms.

“What the—”

The big man nuzzled her cheek, and a shot of something warm and fuzzy speared right through her. “Time to clean you up, dirty girl.”

Good God, she loved the sound of that. Not just the part about getting clean but the part where Toby called her a dirty girl in that sexy baritone. Yeah, that was pretty awesome too.

And that wasn’t good.

One night only.

That was the rule.

Getting attached was a bad idea.

Sure, Toby was a sensual, Dominant sex god who just happened to be hung like a freaking horse, but it really didn’t matter that she hadn’t signed the employee contract yet. He was, for all intents and purposes, her boss. He had power over her that had nothing to do with freaky sexy fun time and everything to do with a paycheque and a diminishing level of respect.

Before she could process the negative thoughts that had suddenly resurfaced now she had nothing more pleasurable to distract herself with, Toby walked them inside the biggest shower she’d ever seen in her life and put her on her feet. Taking a moment to look around proved almost as awe-inspiring as the first time she saw Toby’s dick, and one word sprang to mind.


His shower was as big as her entire bathroom, decorated entirely in black stone and sleek chrome fixtures, and had a staggering array of directional showerheads lining both sides of the open-ended space.

“I feel like I’m about to be decontaminated and checked over for alien implants.”

Toby laughed and Charlie smirked, no doubt a retort about anal probes on the tip of his talented tongue.

“Hopefully this will be a little more enjoyable than that,” Toby said.

Lucy groaned. “More sex?”

Judging by the tone of her voice, anyone would be forgiven for thinking she was unwilling to bang the Bennett brothers again so soon after their last bout.

Nothing could be further from the truth, but she ached in places she hadn’t ached in years. And as interested as she was by the prospect of having mind-blowing sex in the shower, her pussy needed a rest. The poor girl had earned it.

“No more sex for now, baby. Just relax and let me take care of you.”

A prickling sensation in her nose warned her more tears were imminent, only this time they weren’t from an orgasm so intense it threatened to send her blind.

“Let me take care of you.”

No one had said those words to her in a very long time, and they’d never been said with such… affection.

That warm, fuzzy feeling rose up in her again, shoving her doubts out of the way and daring her to take a chance on this intriguing man.

No. Rules exist for a reason.

Her days of taking chances with her heart were long gone.

Gentle hands directed her under a spray of hot water, and Lucy closed her eyes and turned her face into the cleansing stream. Firm hands worked her over from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, cleaned her skin and washed her hair, then massaged her tired muscles until she didn’t feel quite so tired anymore.

By the time Toby shut the water off, a spark of wanting had bloomed inside her.

More than a spark.

Taking his hand, she followed him out of the shower and let him wrap her in a huge bath towel. She almost felt like a doll, letting him take care of her that way, letting him dry her and touch her. Play with her.

When she looked up at him, she saw a softness that hadn’t been there earlier. It was… not unnerving exactly, more that it frightened her how much she liked him looking at her that way. Like she was precious to him.