Page 26 of His Own Heaven

“Charlie, condoms, top drawer.”

“No.” The word was out of her mouth before she could think better of it. Then she said it again, more deliberately. “No.”

Toby’s eyebrows arched into his hairline, and he shared a long look with his brother. When he returned his questioning gaze to hers, he said, “You don’t want to fuck?”

“Yes. I mean no. I mean… I want to fuck, Sir.”

Toby engaged in another silent exchange with his brother, then looked back at her. “But you want to go bareback?”

She did. She really, really did. Even though she knew it was reckless, even though the common-sense part of her brain screamed at her to change her mind, Lucy wanted to know what it felt like. Just once.

Forty years old and she’d never had unprotected sex.

Then again, she’d never wanted to before now. But something about Toby and Charlie—mostly Toby—told her she’d be safe with them and had been all night.

Maybe it was the sheer size of them or the way they hadn’t hesitated to come to her aid earlier, but not a single warning bell had gone off in her head, and not once had she looked for the exit. Not since Toby had thrown her over his shoulder and waltzed her out of that pub, anyway.

Hell, she’d achievedsubspacein his hands. She wanted more of that. She wanted more of him. And if one night was all she had to indulge her baser desires, she wasn’t holding anything back.

“Is that all right?” she asked, her gaze flicking between the brothers. “It’s just that I’ve never done it before, you know? Not used a condom? I want to know how it feels.” Then she shook her head, realising what she was asking of them. “You know what? Forget about it. It was a stupid idea. You’re right. Safety first.”

There was a moment of silence, then, “I haven’t been with anyone since the last time I got tested,” Charlie offered with a slight shrug.

“Me either.” A smile lifted one corner of Toby’s mouth.

Lucy let go of the breath she’d been holding. “That makes three of us.”

Charlie chuckled quietly and scratched his head. “I guess we should have had this conversation earlier, huh? Possiblybeforewe started going down on each other.”

Toby’s smile slipped. “Birth control?”

She pointed to the inside of her upper arm. “I have the rod. I’m good to go.”

Toby gripped her upper arm and slid his thumb back and forth over the matchstick-sized implant resting just under her skin. His gaze flicked back to hers. “Are you sure—reallysure—you want this? You can change your mind at any time.”

Letting her legs fall open in blatant invitation, she smiled and held out her arms to him, beckoned him to join her. “Yes.” Begged him to fuck her. “Please.”

Toby smiled down at the gorgeous woman in his bed, loving the sultry tone of her voice. Next to the words ‘yes’ and ‘sir’, hearing the word ‘please’ fall from Lucy’s lips was like a shot of pure adrenaline.


It was the catalyst that set everything in motion.

In the time it took between one breath and the next, Toby was on top of her, slipping his tongue inside her mouth as he fisted his cock and fed the hard length of it into the tight, silken embrace of her cunt. She was so wet, so warm, and as he moved his hips and began the slow erotic glide of his body inside hers, he felt ten feet tall and bulletproof.

He felt like he could conquer the world.

Never had a woman responded to him as beautifully as Lucy Barton. Never had he wanted a woman as much as he wanted her right then in that moment.

“Heaven,” he whispered as he pulled his mouth away from hers. “Sweet fucking heaven.”

Kissing and nibbling, he followed the line of her jaw, then bit down hard on her earlobe. He enjoyed her cry of pain. “You’re perfect,” he whispered in her ear.

Lucy groaned. “And you’re… huge!”

Toby chuckled. “I’m notthatbig.”

“Nine inches at least, if I had to guess.” She gasped, her back bowing, pushing her breasts against his chest. He smiled lazily at the feel of her tightly pebbled nipples rubbing against him, teasing him with sensual possibility.