Not without permission.
Tilting her head back a little, she opened her mouth wide and took Toby’s cock as deeply as she could, which was more than she’d thought she’d be able to, considering his size. His groan of pleasure as he slid deep was gratifying. His masculine growl of approval as she wove her tongue around the steel of his shaft was simply music to her ears.
Behind her, she could hear the unmistakable sound of Charlie taking his cock in hand again, the slapping of flesh on flesh adding another level of excited urgency to his muffled grunts as he continued eating her out.
Lucy closed her eyes and let the sounds of sex surround her, let the physical sensations she was feeling guide her. The nip of pain from Charlie’s fingernails and the frenzied flicking of his tongue drove her to grind down on him, uncaring if he could breathe under there or not. And the sting of Toby pulling her hair and the measured thrusts of his hips made her grab his arse in both hands and pull him closer.
The pain in her scalp eased as he let go of her hair and started petting her again. Her responding moan was almost a purr and vibrated along Toby’s shaft.
His breath shuddered out of him. “Eyes on me, baby,” he groaned, and when she opened her eyes and looked up at him, he traced his fingertip around the jagged edge of her scars. Cutting across her forehead and over her too-short eyebrow, past the corner of her eye and then curving over the apple of her cheek, slashing across the corner of her mouth, then dipping under it to follow the swell of her lower lip before slipping down over her chin, her neck, her collarbone….
His touch made her shiver, his words even more so. “You are so goddamn beautiful.”
Unlike his brother, who she suspected bandied the word around as a means of maintaining distance from his sexual partners—don’t have to remember their names if you call them all the same thing—when Toby said she was beautiful, Lucy actually almost believed him. The conviction in his voice as he’d growled the word had tears pricking behind her eyes, threatening to make a fool of her.
But Lucy was no one’s fool. Not anymore.
She worked Toby’s cock with her teeth and tongue until his breathing was as ragged as hers. Gentle scrapes with her teeth were followed by the long, slow glide of her tongue as she slipped it along the sensitive underside of his cock’s bulbous head, then teased the tiny slit on the end. She tasted more pre-come. He was close.
She was closer.
Who knew where Charlie was at?
Lucy sped up her movements, bobbing back and forth like an emu on speed, and all the while she continued staring into Toby’s ice blue eyes. He blinked slowly as he stared at her, as though it were taking all his concentration to control himself. She liked that, liked thinking she had that power over him, and it spurred her on even more, made her even more determined to make him come and earn his praise.
“Lucy,” Toby panted. His chest rose and fell with exaggerated breaths, and his gaze bored into hers. “Come with me, baby. Come with me. Now.”
And that was all the warning she got before the big man stiffened and shot his load down her throat, roaring at the glass ceiling of the conservatory like a wounded beast. But it was enough to trigger her own release, and her body clamped down hard, her thighs quivering against the side of Charlie’s head as his talented tongue continued its mercenary pace against her clit.
A moment later Charlie came too, his big body shaking under hers for a few seconds before slumping against the floor.
The next thing she knew, big, warm hands were clamped around her waist and lifting her to her feet. Toby pulled her into his embrace and held her for a long moment, gently stroking his hands up and down her back while pressing kisses against her temple and hair.
“Charlie, you alive?” he murmured at the prone figure behind them.
An unintelligible grunt and a mumbled “fuck me” affirmed his brother’s continued existence.
“And you, Lucy?” Toby cooed softly, petting her again. “How are you?”
Lucy snuggled against the giant man’s chest and sighed contentedly. “That was quite possibly the sexiest thing I’ve ever done. Thank you, Sir.” Then she pressed a kiss to his chest and slowly trailed her lips upwards until she was nuzzling the stubbled flesh of his jaw right below his ear, smiling all the way.
A rich chuckle rumbled through him and stretched her smile even wider, but movement behind them had her turning in his arms. She watched Charlie get to his feet. He moved quite gracefully for such a big man.
“I concur,” he said, grinning at them. “That was the sexiest thing in the history of sexy things. And Tobes, just an FYI, your woman has thighs of steel. Squeezed my head so damn hard when she came I thought it was gunna pop off my shoulders.”
Heat burned through Lucy’s cheeks and she buried her head in Toby’s chest, even as she laughed at the audacious statement. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. It was hot as fuck.”
Toby laughed, the rich sound almost washing away her embarrassment over Charlie’s words, but it wasn’t enough to stop her brain from snagging on something he’d said in particular.
“Your woman.”
Did she imagine Toby’s arms tighten around her when he’d said it? Surely that was just wishful thinking.
And when the fuck did she start wishing for anything more than a fun time?
One night. That was her rule. It had served its purpose for a long time, and there was no need to change things up now. No matter how sexy Tobias Bennett was, no matter how he made her feel, he was still her boss, and come Monday morning, every sexy thing in the history of sexy things would be just that.