Page 77 of His Own Heaven

Toby didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Eat your muffin,” she said. “I have work to do.” Then she struggled out of his lap.

As soon as she found her footing, Toby grabbed her hips and pulled her backwards so she stood between his knees. “How’s your arse?” he said, running one hand over her plush backside, gently kneading her flesh through the soft denim of her knee-length skirt. “Did the message sink in this time?”

Lucy’s sharp inhale of breath followed by a quiet whimper was like music to Toby’s ears, and he’d bet anything her panties were wet. He checked the time. It was just after one. Four more hours and that wet pussy was all his.Soon, baby.

“I really do have to get back to work,” Lucy protested, wriggling her hips as she attempted to escape his grip. Because, yeah, that wasn’t helping.

His cock twitched to life.

“Answer my question first.”

“Are you asking as my boyfriend or my boss?”

He grinned. “Which one makes it sound more dirty?”

She half turned around at that and he saw she was trying not to laugh. “You’re incorrigible, and this is against the rules.” She swatted at his hands. “I’m not answering any more personal questions until after five o’clock,” she said, her voice taking on that prim tone that made him want to put her over his knee and spank her until her voice turned sultry again.

“Fine,” he said, letting her go and reaching for a muffin. “Go back to work. I’ll just sit here and eat something else delicious. Speaking of which, what would you like for dinner? It’s my turn to cook. And by cook I mean order in because I haven’t been grocery shopping yet.”

Lucy unlocked the door and stood poised to open it. “Who says I’m having dinner with you?”

Even though he detected her teasing lilt, Toby didn’t like what Lucy was saying and let his displeasure show on his face, in his voice. “Why wouldn’t you be eating dinner with me?”

“Because it’s Tuesday.” Toby stared at her until she explained why the day of the week made a difference to their dinner plans. “I go to the rock climbing gym on Tuesday. Or did you think this arse you’re so fond of just happened by magic?” she said, lightly slapping her butt with both hands.

“Cheeky girl,” Toby laughed, conceding defeat. He did that a lot with Lucy. Both the laughing and the concessions. “What time do you go to the gym?”

“Straight after work. I’ll only be an hour or two.”

“Two hours to climb a wall? What the hell takes you so long?”

“It doesn’t usually take me that long but I’m doing a catch-up session to cover the one I missed over the weekend. Besides,” she said, shooting him a look that dared him to contradict her, “the exercise is good stress relief.”

Toby growled. “So is bending you over the dining table and making you orgasm so hard you black out.”

Ducking her head to hide her expression, Lucy dropped her hand from the door knob and stalked towards him.

“Are you ordering me to not go to the gym,” she said.

When she raised her face again Toby couldn’t miss the thin slash of her mouth or the narrowing of her amber gaze.

Ah, crap.If he said yes, he was a controlling douchebag, and while he loved controlling her, he didn’t want to do it like that. He wanted to control her body, her orgasms, her pleasure, sometimes even her breathing, but not her life.

He’d watched his sister go through two relationships like that and they hadn’t ended well. He wouldn’t make the same mistake with Lucy.

She was a grown woman, more than capable of making her own decisions and if Toby wanted to earn her trust, her heart, then she didn’t need him monopolising every second of her day.

She needed her own space, to do her own thing.

“No, baby,” he said, staying seated, allowing her the position of power. Showing her she could trust him. “I wouldn’t dare.”

Her expression softened, her gaze dipped. “You could always come with me,” she said, reaching out to steal a piece of his muffin.

To avoid answering her, Toby grabbed a coffee off the table and gulped it down, thankful it wasn’t overly hot. But as her wide-eyed amusement at his non-answer became more apparent, he said, “Thank you for the offer, but, no. Rock climbing isn’t my thing.”

Her grin broadened. “Not afraid of heights, are you?”