Page 34 of His Own Heaven

Sometimes knowing something for certain was worse than what you thought you knew before you knew it, you know? And if Lucy spent the entire weekend with the man, she would know—truly know—what he was capable of. And after the intensity of the night they’d already spent together, that was a frightening thought.

But then… she already knew, didn’t she? And now that she knew, she certainly couldn’t know any less. Right? She couldn’t go back to a time when she didn’t know that sex with Tobias Bennett was out-of-this-world amazing. Honestly, the man was a machine. A well-hung, inventive and insatiable machine.

Pressing her fingers to her temples to ease the sudden headache she felt forming there, she realised she was talking herself in circles. She knew what she wanted to do, and she knew what she should do, and really, how many times was an opportunity like this going to come along?

Tobias Bennett was a smart, gorgeous, sexy, funny, deliciously tall, stunningly built man who wasn’t just great in bed but was nice too. No, not nice. Nice was too…nicea word to describe Toby. He was something, she just wasn’t sure what. All she knew was she’d wanted him from the moment she’d met him. And now that she’d had him…?

Ah, hell.She knew he was right.

One night wasnotenough.

Chapter Twelve

“You look nervous.”

Toby glanced at his brother across the breakfast table and glared at his smug expression, then realised his leg was bouncing uncontrollably. He forced it to stop. “I asked Lucy to spend the weekend with me.”

His brother’s smile was surprised but genuine as he gave a decisive nod. “Good. I haven’t seen you this excited about a woman since we were nineteen. The smile’s barely left your face since you tossed her over your shoulder and walked out of the pub last night.”

With a non-committal grunt, Toby rose and walked to the daybed nestled amongst the potted palms. He grabbed a cushion, the big one he used to prop himself up when he was reading or taking a nap, then returned to his seat and dropped it on the floor.

“So?” Charlie urged him on. “How will we know if the lovely Lucy accepts your offer of a debaucherously dirty weekend?”

A slow smile stretched across Toby’s face. “Trust me, we’ll know.”

“And I assume you’ll want me to vacate the premises as quickly as possible if she does?”

“I’ll let you finish breakfast first, but yes, I’d appreciate it.”

“You’re too kind,” Charlie drawled, then took a bite of croissant, narrowed his eyes, and studied Toby for what felt like an eternity.

Toby fought the urge to squirm in his chair. “What?”


Huffing out an impatient sigh, he demanded again, “What?”

“You really like this woman, don’t you?”

Toby snorted. “What was your first clue?”

“Besides the fact you couldn’t wait to get rid of me last night?” When Toby said nothing, Charlie continued. “You didn’t have to share her, you know? I would have been more than happy to leave her in your capable hands, if that’s what you’d wanted.”

“I know.”

“Then… why?”

He shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t do anything without a reason, Tobes.”

It was true. He didn’t. There was a reason behind everything he did every single day, but if he admitted to his brother the reason he’d shared Lucy, he’d never hear the end of it. So he’d lied and said ‘I don’t know’.

But Charlie was a persistent fucker. “You know, if I didn’t know you better, little brother, I’d swear you were falling in love with this woman.”

“Good thing you know me better, then, eh?” Toby replied, ignoring the tiny voice in the back of his mind telling him Charlie was right.

Because Charlie wasnotright.