My breath caught in my throat as he slowly slid his belt from the loops of his jeans. The soft rattle of the buckle echoed in the quiet, a subtle threat that sent shivers down my spine. Every deliberate movement, every tug and pull of leather, heightened the tension in the room, and I could feel the desire building between us like a steadily rising tide.
I should have been scared, but I wasn’t.
He folded the leather in half, holding it in one hand while the other pressed down on my lower back.
“I’m going to welt your bottom with my belt, little wolf, but your punishment isn’t going to end when I’m through with that,” he warned.
“After this pretty little ass is thoroughly marked, I’m going to fuck it,” he murmured.
He didn’t shout, but there was no need to. The room was tense with anticipation, and I found it difficult to draw enough air into my lungs. Every inch of my body was pulsing with heat.
The sound of the belt cutting through the air was like a gentle swish, but when it connected with my bare cheeks, it was like a line of liquid fire. My muscles tightened as pain arced across my cheeks, hot and heavy and all-consuming.
His hand had stung.
His belt was that much worse.
He used the belt to whip my bottom in earnest, taking care not to miss a single inch, from the middles of my thighs all the way up the upper crests of my cheeks. I keened as one cut right across the lower curve where my ass met my thighs, the sting more than enough to make me scream out loud.
His pace was slow and steady, allowing each welt to rise like the swelling tide. I rolled up on the tips of my toes as the waves of pain swept through me. I wanted to reach back to block the belt from hitting, but I knew he would simply pin my wrists out of the way, so I grabbed a pillow instead.
Liquid fire scalded across my bottom, over and over again until my eyes started to water and my breath hitched in my throat.
“Please,” I begged.
“You’re being punished, naughty little wolf.”
The belt whipped through the air, lashing across my cheeks five times in quick succession. My cries became more and more desperate.
“Oh, please! Please!” I pleaded. My toes hammered into the floor, and I had difficulty keeping still, each rising welt searing into my flesh with vivid intensity.
The belting didn’t end there. It kept going.
He’d taken me long past the point of control, taking it for himself just like I’d known he would, to the place that was terrifying each and every time he forced me there, and I loved every moment of it.
When he finally tossed the belt aside, my entire ass was blazing like it had caught fire. I breathed through the pain, enjoying the tremors that cascaded throughout my body.
Nothing would ever compare to this. This was perfect. This was us.
As the seconds ticked by, I slowly caught my breath. My heartbeat slowed down, at least for a few moments until his hands gripped my bottom and spread me wide open. I keened, shameful arousal washing over me in an instant. I bit my lip as my muscles tensed. My bottom cheeks clenched as I tried to hide my dark hole, but he pulled them apart anyway.
I could practically feel his dark gaze on my bare flesh.
“Such a naughty little hole,” he mused. Without another word, he released my bottom and reached to the nightstand, pulling the drawer open. When he reached inside, I blushed to see lubricant in his grasp.
This was really happening.
Suddenly, the idea of him taking my ass turned from a deep, dark fantasy to an actual reality. His one hand never left my lower back, as if he knew I would try to flee at any given moment.
A part of me wanted to, but an even bigger, much darker part of me needed to stay, to satisfy my curiosity and know what it was like.
“Sir,” I whispered.
“You’re going to be a good girl and take your fucking, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” I whimpered.