Page 47 of The Wolf

My pussy clenched, achingly sore from the sheer number of times that Kane had taken what he wanted from me. Willingly, I’d spread my legs for him each and every time. Even though we’d fucked last night and this morning, I could feel that all too familiar needy pressure building in my core, and there was little I could do to fight it.

I resituated myself so that I was straddling him, the heat of his cock pressing up against my center.

As our lips met in a searing kiss, the intensity of my desire and love for him surged to new heights. It was as if he held the key to my very existence, and in that moment, I kissed him back as though he was my last breath of air. The world around us ceased to exist; there was only us.

“Kane,” I breathed.

“My Lexie,” he purred, and his hands trailed up the length of my spine before his fingers dug into the hair at the back of my scalp. Pain radiated across my skull, yet a desire more intense than I’d ever known jolted through me. A soft moan escaped my lips as he lightened the pressure just a little bit, and without meaning to, I rolled my hips against the hard length of steel beneath me.

“I need you,” I whispered.

“You’re insatiable, little one,” he murmured.

“Please,” I begged, my desperation blatant in my voice. We’d spent hours training together, and I’d had the hardest time keeping my hands off him. I’d seen his heated gaze dragging up and down my body, enjoying the sight of my curves beneath the skintight fabric of my black tank top and leggings.

He’d given me a credit card to use the night we arrived with explicit instructions to fill my wardrobe here with anything I wanted. I’d chosen several stretchy pieces that would show off my body and be comfortable at the same time.

He seemed to especially like this outfit.

Throughout our training and the intimate dinner that followed, I couldn’t shake the feeling of Kane’s eyes on me. It was as if his gaze held a sheer magnetism, drawing me in with an intensity that left me feeling like I hadn’t had a sip of water in days, and he was the last drop of water in a desert. Every glance, every touch, every word exchanged between us seemed to carry an undercurrent of desire and affection that left me yearning for more.

Even now, his hands ran over my body, exploring my every curve. Tiny tendrils of desire flared through me with increasing ferocity, burning red hot before I could think to push them away. My breathing quickened, coming out in tiny little ragged breaths that revealed just how needy I had become.

Slowly, I rolled my hips against him, feeling his cock harden into steel beneath me.

Seems like you’re not the only needy one.

My fingers flitted over the smooth cotton fabric of his black t-shirt. I followed the ridges and contours of every muscle that seemed as though they were carved out of a masterpiece of marble. Desperate to see him, I drove my hands down and gripped the hem of his shirt.

I glanced up, silently looking for permission, and he nodded once, the movement so subtle I would have missed it if I hadn’t been looking for it.

Feeling a rush of heat to my core, I pulled his shirt up and over his head. Without a care in the world, I tossed the shirt aside and allowed myself to feast on the bare flesh of his torso.

His chest was broad with taut muscles that flexed and relaxed with each breath. It was as if I had stumbled upon a rugged god of perfection. The play of light and shadow over his chiseled form emphasized every ridge and valley, making him appear like a living work of art. I couldn’t help but admire the way his skin seemed to glow, kissed by the sun’s warmth, and how his powerful physique hinted at a strength that made me nervous and reassured me at the exact same time.

That’s just because you know he could take you whenever he wants, and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

I blushed at the direction of my inner thoughts.

The truth was I didn’t just like that about him. I loved it. In just the few days that we had been together, Kane had overpowered me again and again. He’d bent me over the bed and held me down for a brutal fucking, and then later that same day, he’d put me flat on my back and took me again just as hard.

He didn’t care that I was sore. He gave me what I needed anyway.

Just like he was going to do right now…

With bated breath, I took a single finger and trailed it down the center of his chest, holding it as I crested over each ridge of his abs until I reached the beginnings of the deep v that was hidden by his grey sweatpants.

I didn’t have to look for the bulge of his erection. I could feel it.

“Stand up and take off every stich of fabric covering that beautiful body. I want to see what’s mine,” he demanded.

He offered me a hand and I took it, hesitantly placing one foot and then the other onto the floor until I was standing there in front of him.

“Everything?” I asked.

“Everything,” he answered, his tone darkly resolute.

With a hard swallow, I pulled my tank top over my head. In an instant, a rush of warmth surged to my cheeks, my shameful arousal on full display. I decided to take off my leggings next, peeling the fabric down my legs and stepping out of them as they pooled around my ankles. I stood up in my bra and panties.