He didn’t rush me. He just held me for as long as I needed.
When my head had come down from the clouds of mind-reeling pleasure, I blushed as I felt his seed dripping down my thighs. He must have noticed because he used his fingers to push it back inside of me.
“My seed belongs inside this perfect little pussy,” he mused, and I languished in the feeling of his fingers pumping inside of me.
“I’m not on birth control,” I murmured.
“Good, because one day, I’m going to put a baby in your belly,” he growled, and my breathing hitched at the sound. I shivered at the thought, surprised that my pussy clenched along with it.
For the first time in a long time, everything felt right.
He lifted me effortlessly into his arms, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of trust as he carried me upstairs into the master bathroom. His strength was both comforting and addictive. He placed me gently on the edge of the large, luxurious bathtub and started running the water. Steam began to fill the room, and I watched him with interest.
He poured a fragrant bath oil into the water, and the scent of lavender and roses filled the air. He offered me his hand and I took it. The warm water felt like a gentle caress as he helped me into the tub. Once I’d stepped inside, he picked up a soft sponge and started washing me, his touch tender and caring.
He cleansed every inch of me, taking his time to wash my breasts and between my thighs, even though it made me gasp from the sensitivity. Next, he shampooed and conditioned my hair with just as much care as he had taken with my body. Finally, it was time to rinse, and he stayed there with me the whole time as I dipped my head and my body beneath the surface.
Once I was done, he helped me out of the tub and wrapped me in a plush, fluffy towel. I shivered slightly as he dried me off with a gentleness that left my heart racing.
He handed me a soft, wrap-style dress, and I slipped it on, feeling the smooth fabric against my skin. Then he took a brush and gently ran it through my hair, untangling the knots with infinite patience. The sensation was oddly intimate, and I couldn’t help but meet his eyes in the mirror.
As he finished brushing my hair, he smiled softly, and I couldn’t help but return the gesture.
“Come. Let’s head downstairs, and I will give you the answers you seek, Lexie,” he stated, and I nodded quickly, taking his hand when he offered it. The two of us headed back downstairs. He brought me into the living room before he pulled me into his lap. I went willingly, eager to have his arms around me once again, but I flinched for a second when my burning bottom pressed against his thighs.
“I know what you are,” I breathed.
“Tell me, little one,” he coaxed.
“You’re a werewolf,” I whispered, my voice trembling almost as if the word itself was forbidden.
“Are you afraid?” he asked, his voice strangely soothing, and I shook my head.
Truthfully, I didn’t fear him. Instead, there was an inexplicable trust that had developed between us, a connection that ran deeper than the mysteries and dangers that surrounded him, one that might even dip down into the recesses of my heart.
“No, I’m not afraid of you,” I murmured, and I felt him sigh in relief.
“Are there others like you?” I asked.
“I’m the only one of my kind that I know about,” he said. “Truthfully, my story begins even before my existence, so I’ll start there. Long ago, there was a hunter, a man who went by the name Aric, who heard a legend that spoke of immortality. To achieve it, the legend said he had to kill a beast so terrifying that no other man could slay it.”
“How old are you?” I questioned tentatively.
“I’ve walked this earth for more than a millennium, ever since a time when the world was a very different place. I’ve lost track of the exact number of years long ago.”
The realization that the man before me had walked through countless lifetimes, witnessed history’s most pivotal moments, and carried the weight of centuries on his shoulders left me in awe. His ageless eyes held a depth of knowledge and experience that was both intriguing and humbling, and I couldn’t help but marvel at the ancient soul wrapped up within his caring form.
“You’ll have to tell me about some of the things you’ve seen,” I whispered.
“I’ll look forward to it,” he said, pressing his lips lightly against my forehead. His tenderness sent a shiver of heat down my spine, and I curled up against him.
“Tell me the rest, please,” I whispered, and he nodded, his arms squeezing around me a bit tighter.
“Aric the hunter spent decades trying to fulfill the legend, but he never found a suitable beast. He killed lions, bears, great wolves, and a wide range of other creatures, but none of them ever granted him the power he sought. As the years passed with no success in sight, Aric decided to take matters into his own hands.”
“What did he do?” I asked breathlessly.