Page 38 of The Wolf

My core clenched tightly, but then the spanking got harder, and the only things I could focus on were his hand and my bare bottom.

“Wait, please! Ithurts!!!”

“It’s supposed to, little one,” he scolded. Using his hand, he punctuated each word with a hard smack to the tops of my thighs.

Those stung far more than all the rest. I yelped and tried to bite my lips shut once more, but I couldn’t hold my cries in as the spanking intensified. I pummeled my toes against the floor as I tried to escape, even though I knew it was useless.

Soon enough, I couldn’t stop whimpering, the scalding pain more than anything I ever imagined. I gasped when a particularly hard strike caught the middle of my left thigh. Then, he started spanking them exclusively.

The scalding burn was almost more than I could bear, or at least I thought so until they kept coming and I kept taking them. The sizzling sting built and built until it was the only thing I could focus on. Even though my clit kept throbbing, there was nothing I could do to keep my mind off the vicious burn of his palm as he spanked me harder than I ever thought he would.

This wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. It was a real spanking and it hurt. Knowing that I could do nothing to stop it made it that much worse, that much more real, and I cried out.

“Please, sir!” I tried.

I’m not sure why I called him that. In this instance, it felt like it fit, like I was giving him the respect he deserved when I was face down over his knee.

His hand continued to fall, and I tightened my bottom, hoping it would make it hurt less, but it did nothing. My mouth opened with a soft cry when his palm punished the tops of my thighs and when my breathing hitched in the back of my throat, I knew I was close to tears.

With each passing moment, the stinging burn intensified, morphing into a searing sensation that tore through my every nerve. It felt like fire, a blistering torment that consumed my senses, drowning out everything else except for my scalded bottom and his unforgiving hand. The pain grew sharper with every searing spank, and I was left gasping for air as it spread like wildfire throughout my body.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to get ahold of myself, but as the sizzling burn seared even hotter, I cried out and my eyes watered.

“Please, sir. I’m sorry! No more ultimatums,” I wailed, yet the spanking didn’t stop. It seemed to get that much firmer.

His broad hand painted over every inch of my bare ass, again and again as I cried out, struggling to take every last smack until at last, a single tear rolled down my cheek.

My breathing hitched, and my body slumped over his knee, no longer fighting against the punishment that I so richly deserved. I shouldn’t have threatened to leave. I shouldn’t have goaded him into this.

Another tear rolled down my cheek, and I unconsciously lifted my hips, seeking out his firm punishment without even realizing it.

When the spanking finally ended, my bottom stung like it had been burned in a fire. The pain didn’t fade right away when his palm stopped falling. Instead, it continued to burn long after, and I bit my lip.

Carefully, he released my wrist and with hesitation, I reached back and cupped my cheeks lightly with my fingers. The heat radiating off my sore ass was like touching the stovetop, sizzling hot. I whimpered quietly, the soft brush of my own hands enough to sting, too. Tentatively, I pulled my hands back around to wipe the tears from my face.

He made no move to let me up, but he did lift his leg off of mine and resituate me so that I was lying over both knees.

“Did you learn your lesson, little one, or do I need to spank you harder?” he asked.

“Yes. I learned my lesson. Please don’t spank me anymore,” I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. Even as I said the words though, my clit pulsed so hard that I was thankful for the fact that I was lying down, or I would have pitched forward. Despite that, my pelvis still arched forward, rubbing myself obscenely against the rock-hard surface of his cock right beneath me.

During my spanking, I’d felt him get even harder. He’d enjoyed punishing me.

His hand brushed lightly over my bare, punished cheeks, moving in slow circles. His touch was like a slow, deliberate dance across my skin, a tantalizing caress that sent shivers racing down my spine. The gentle circles he traced seemed to stoke the embers of desire within me, igniting a fervor that had been smoldering just beneath the surface.

My breath hitched, and my heart quickened its pace as his fingers moved with a deliberate, intoxicating rhythm. The desire within me surged back to life, a wild and uncontrollable force that threatened to consume my every rational thought.

His touch drove me wild with need, and soon enough, I was practically quivering with desire. The longer I lay there with my burning bottom in the air, the stronger my arousal spiraled. My thighs rubbed against one another, my skin slick with my wetness.

I was soaked. There wasn’t a single instance in my life where I could remember ever being wetter than I was at that moment, and it shocked me.

I’d gotten a real spanking, and it had aroused me more than it had hurt. Sure, my bottom stung, but the need swirling in my core was stronger than it had ever been.

I closed my eyes and imagined the scene that had just played out, which only made a cord of arousal surge straight down to my clit. I rocked my hips, trying to rub myself off on him, but none of the angles were right.

Then it hit me.

Kane had punished me, and I wanted nothing more than to have an orgasm right there over his knee.