Page 24 of Glory



Not sure what’s going on, but something is definitely up. When the old bitch came in to make sure I was in bed, well, where the hell else would I be? Come on, every night I’m cuffed to the bed frame, so really. If not for Angel I would’ve left and run away a very long time ago. My baby girl is the only thing keeping me here.

I remember that horrible night when I first got here.

Talk about being scared to death. Daddy told me we had to disappear and Uncle Oscar told him this was a safe place. Little did we know then how bad my dad’s brother was. When we arrived, it seemed okay in my little girl mind. They took Daddy’s car to ‘hide it’ and took us in and fed us. It was strange how none of the women talked or even looked us in the eyes. The men were way different. They had no problem staring at me like I was a piece of candy. Daddy even told the ugly man to quit staring. That got Daddy a fat lip because that man punched him right in the face and said next time he wouldn’t be so nice.

Even as a small child I knew we were in big trouble. First Uncle Oscar took Mommy then told us to come here. Now they were being mean to us and even hit Daddy. When I started to cry the ugly man came to me, picking me up. That’s when Daddy stood up and tried to grab me, but that’s when it happened. I’ll never forget it. The back door opened and there was Uncle Oscar. When Daddy saw him, at first I saw relief but then something really scary crossed over my Daddy’s face. When he looked back at me, he mouthed, “I’m so sorry pumpkin.”

When Uncle Oscar reached Daddy, he hugged him and for a quick second I thought it was okay. Until Daddy jerked and I saw the knife that was stuck in his belly. When Uncle Oscar jerked it up, Daddy’s eyes rolled then he slumped forward. I started to scream but ugly man put his hand on my mouth, telling me to, “Shut the fuck up.” Then he leaned down and licked my face.

Uncle Oscar pulled the knife outta my daddy, wiping it on his jeans. He stomped our way saying something to the man, who just laughed. When my uncle grabbed me, the man said a bad word. Then I was put behind him while I watched him pull a gun and shoot the man in his head. I closed my eyes and started humming like Mommy always told me to. There was a lot of people screaming then it went quiet when my uncle started talking in a weird way. Then he picked me up and walked away to a room that he said is where I would sleep. Then he said that he’d sleep with me. I looked at him and said, “I’m a big girl and can sleep by myself.” He grabbed me and threw me on the bed. He started telling me how he tricked his stupid brother into thinking this place and the people were safe. Uncle Oscar said this was the most unsafe place to be if we had not been with him. Then the bad thing happened. I never talked to him again unless he asked me a question.

When I was, I don’t know—eleven—I thought I was dying when I peed blood. The mean lady said I was a woman now and had to act like one. She dressed me up and put stuff on my cheeks and lips. That night while we ate dinner, Uncle Oscar told me that now we could finally complete our union. I had no idea what he meant but when, don’t know, four months or so later I was really sick. Uncle Oscar got really happy and one of the nice older girls told me I was with child. Again, had no idea what that meant until my belly kept getting bigger, and I couldn’t keep anything down in my belly. When I woke up in the middle of the night and my bed was wet and in so much pain, I thought I was dying, the old mean lady came in and between her and the other woman I had my little girl. She was perfect in every way. I wanted to name her Nora after my mommy, but wouldn’t dare because all Uncle Oscar talked about when he did bad things was how if he couldn’t have his Nora then I was a good second because I came from her.

Just those memories in my head cause me to feel sick to my stomach. Now Oscar is here less than ever and I’m so happy about that, even though I’m still in prison and don’t get to have my daughter with me all the time. Besides that, I’ve come to accept my life ended when I was pulled from my parents because a very sick man was obsessed with my mom.

There are times when I allow my mind to wander and I wonder what my life would be like if my family was able to just be and go through life like a normal family. Why was my dad normal and my uncle was a sick asshole? The only good thing is that in this compound no one will come near me or touch me because I belong to Oscar. Over the years some have tried but didn’t breathe for long once the maniac found out. And his punishments were brutal. From poisoning to asphyxiation, drowning, and torture. Now no one will even attempt to take a chance on me, so I live my life for my daughter. If I didn’t have her, I would probably end my life because what I’m doing isn’t even remotely close to enjoying my time on this earth.

In my early teens, when the pain was way too much for me to even understand, I started cutting and hurting myself. That is until Oscar caught me one time and slit my upper arm up so badly, I needed stitches. I stopped that night because he scared the shit out of me. And he threatened me that if I killed myself, Angel would take my place. That scared me and woke me up at the same time. I would never put Angel in danger and all she has to protect her is me. As long as I play along, she sleeps in the adjoining room. When I was having my tantrums, Oscar moved her down the hall in a dorm setting with other young girls. We both hated it and she would cry in my arms when they returned her to me every morning.

Sometimes late at night I wonder what my mom is up to and it eats at me why she never looked for me. For all I know she’s dead too. Oscar never really talks about her unless he’s drunk or high. Then he rants and raves about how my dad stole her from him. Whatever happened between the three of them, I should not have to suffer my whole life. I can never forgive him for all he’s done, and if I ever get the chance, I’ll kill him with my own bare hands.

Feeling the urge to urinate, I hold back. My chains don’t reach the bathroom so there’s a potty chair next to the bed. I try very hard not to use that but I have over the years, especially that time I was extremely sick with the stomach flu. That was horrible as I couldn’t stop going potty, and I had to scream for someone to empty it because I had severe diarrhea. Talk about embarrassing but more I was so angry. Not sure why the need to keep me chained at night, we are in the middle of who the hell knows because I sure don’t. And every few months they move me and Angel to a new location, so I don’t even bother with the effort to try and make friends. It’s useless because I won’t be staying.

Knowing if I don’t pee before I fall asleep it will bother me all night, I get up and take care of business. When done I put the plastic cutting board on top so it keeps any odors inside, hopefully. Yeah, I live like this and have all my life. But for Angel, I’ll do it until I can get us away from here.

My last thought before I slip into a dreamless slumber is if my mom ever thinks of me, and if so, does she remember when we were happy, just the three of us? I hope if she recalls those times, it brings her happy vibes because it’s those memories that keep me going day in and day out. That and my daughter.




Soaking in our whirlpool every morning helps my arthritic body to move better. If I’m not in this one, I’m just in the tub with Epsom salts. Diane looked it up and you can’t put the salts in a whirlpool, something about acidic levels. So if I need the extra jolt of Epsom salts I go in the guest bathroom and soak. Thank God we have four full baths and two half ones. Especially with Hannah still coming and going, and Ironside’s parents are here while their house is being built. His sister and brother-in-law just finished their home and moved in.

My body is so relaxed, my head is back on the pillow Diane bought for me so I don’t cramp my neck. I’m in between being asleep and awake and for once my mind is clear. I mean, as clear as it can be. So when a hard knock comes at the door, I immediately reach to the ledge for my gun. Before I even get a word out, I see Enforcer with a smirk and Yoggie, who’s looking anywhere but at me, walking in. Goddamn, I can’t even soak in peace anymore, for Christ’s sake.

“Now what, you motherfuckers? What’s so fuckin’ important that ya are pounding on my bathroom door and it’s not even nine o’clock in the goddamn morning. When do I get some downtime, you bastards?”

Yoggie looks guilty as hell while Enforcer goes right to the sink and hops up on the counter, getting comfortable. Yoggie goes up to the wall and leans against it, crossing his ankles and trying to look relaxed. Watching him, I can tell he’s anything but relaxed. So seeing that, he’s the one I go to first.

“Yoggie, break it down for me, brother. What’s got both of your asses up here when you both have women in your bed now. I mean, if my choices are talkin’ to you two bastards or being able to wake up to my ol’ lady, I’ll definitely pick option two. So talk.”

“Well, Prez, ya know there was trouble last night. Well, Shadow and her girls got those assholes they caught to talk and, yeah, they confirmed that Lilly is alive, living in one of the compounds. Then they dropped a bomb, saying there is no way she will ever leave because she won’t leave her kid at the mercy of those assholes.”

My body jerks with what Yoggie just said. I can’t sit in this spa any longer, I’m feeling sick all of the sudden. Grabbing the bar on the wall that helps me get up, I manage to do it without lookin’ like an old fuck. When I go to grab my towel, Intruder has it spread out in front of me. Not sure what’s up his ass today, but gettin’ sick of his attitude. Until he looks at me with an expression I rarely see on his face. Insecurity and fear. Oh fuck, last time I saw it was when Vixen was in the hospital after they were attacked on the road.

Wrapping the large bath towel around me, I carefully get out of the tub, sliding my feet into the slippers right off to the side. Bathroom, though huge, is feelin’ a bit tight, so I walk into the bedroom, go to the walk-in, and grab my robe. Once I have it on, I turn and look at the two brothers in my bedroom.

“Let’s take this downstairs, brothers. I’ll see if Diane can put some coffee on for us. Then I need the whole story because right now I wanna put to ground every motherfucker who touched that poor child. This is hitting way too close to Maggie’s situation. Come on, no time to waste.”

Goddamn, it’s after breakfast and coffee that Diane insisted she make for the three of us. Then we sit in my home office, tryin’ make sense of something that never will. Why the hell are the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood keeping Glory’s kid alive all these years? Something is sittin’ way left with me. Diane has come in and out of the office with refills of coffee. On one of her return visits, she stops and listens to us talk. I see it on her face right before I ask her what’s bothering her.

“Jay, from what I’m hearing maybe the uncle is way more involved and has more pull on that brotherhood than anyone ever knew. Someone should check to make sure the man in jail is actually Glory’s uncle and this racist group doesn’t have someone in his place. Once you know that, then get together with Maggie’s club and try and figure out how to get that child and her baby out of there faster than I can say your favorite word, Jay. Now, husband of mine, get it ‘fucking’ done.”