Page 14 of Glory

“Bae, you’re always the first thing on my agenda, every single day.”

I hear both Tink and Shadow sigh as Intruder chokes on his coffee. Tank just smirks. I don’t care what anyone thinks, not going to play games with Nora now that everyone knows we are together. Life is way too fuckin’ short.

When everything calms down, Tank goes over what I told him, asking Nora questions here and there. Everyone listens as she goes through her past, taking in what she’s not saying. When Tank finishes, Intruder jumps in.

“I’ve had extra eyes on Que and Teddy since all our shit went down. We can rotate some of the prospects to include you, Glory, and Olivia. Now, don’t get your shit in an uproar, been there with Que, it aint’ gonna make a difference. Do you know what kind of man you hooked your star to? Yeah, I said it. He’s one of us and we take care of our own, just like y’all take care of us. That’s what happens when you’re in a‘grown-up’relationship. Now, Prez, I’ll get a schedule together. Glory, try to keep Olivia with Teddy as much as possible. Yeah, I know that won’t be a problem. Last night my son asked me to be his best man at their wedding. And no, I didn’t argue with him about being too young and shit. Que told me not to because Teddy gets all upset, and we don’t want to set him into an autistic episode. I’ll let Que know and if you two can hang together, that’d be great. I hired a few of Ollie’s folks to keep an eye on my family from a distance. Que wasn’t happy, but they are ex-military so I feel a bit better knowing they have some extra protection, just in case.”

With that, between our two biker families I feel a bit less stress, knowing everyone is on the same page and both Nora and Olivia have extra eyes on them. Feeling hands on my waist, I look down into Nora’s beautiful eyes that are shining.

“Thanks, Sebastian, for caring so much. It’s a new feeling for me to have a man who cares enough to make sure I’m protected, though I can take care of myself. Remember, I’m a black belt in multiple disciplines. I want you to know how much I appreciate you making sure Olivia is safe because she needs to feel that for the rest of her life.”

Then she lifts up and kisses me with all that she’s feeling. We hang on to each other until, at the same time, both Shadow and Intruder tell us to get a room while Tink and Tank laugh.

Good start to our day for sure.




Fuck, I need to start exercising or eating less. All these hours on my ass with limited movement have me in extreme pain everywhere. All my muscles are tightening while my back and neck are cramping constantly. I need a good massage to get loose since I ain’t got a man to do it. Might need to talk to Heartbreaker or Duchess to see where they go for theirs. Both of those sisters bring bougie to another level. Well, for sure Heartbreaker, though she’s kinda calmed down after her last relapse. Now that sister is always around to lend a hand or take on the worst jobs possible. Even worse than the prospects, which is saying a lot.

Searching for ghosts is not my favorite thing to do. Glory’s husband and daughter disappeared off the face of the earth the day that dick Oscar walked away with Glory. Though she never has gone into much detail about it to me, I’ve done some background on that asshole and, man, he’s a sadist to the maximum.

Before he even fixated on Glory, he was accused of multiple domestics and two rapes but no one ever pressed charges. Well, out of the four times cops were called in, two of the victims just disappeared, never to be seen again. The other two just out of the blue dropped the charges, not wanting anything to do with Oscar. So that tells me someone got in their faces. Victim harassment. And for that to happen, Oscar had to call someone or ones to have his back. All fingers are pointing to our nemesis, the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. Diving in, I can see a connection between the brotherhood and Glory’s brother-in-law Oscar. They were in business together; I just don’t know what kind yet. I’m sure though it’s illegal.

I’ve traced back some disappearances that tie both Oscar and the brotherhood together, though there is no solid proof that either are involved, just circumstantial evidence, which doesn’t help at all.

I also checked with the prison and supposedly Oscar is still incarcerated, but need to talk to Tink and Tank because I got a weird feeling talking to that administrator on the phone. Just when I go to pick it up my cell rings, which freaks me out. I hate when that happens. Looking at the screen, I see Freak’s name so I grab it.

“What’s up, fellow nerd?”

“Raven, where are you? I need your help and I mean now.”

“Calm the hell down, Freak. I’m at the clubhouse in my office. What’s got your balls in a sling today?”

“Tank has me looking into your sister, Glory, and her history. I think I found something but don’t want to go off half-cocked before I have confirmation. I’ve tried a few things but not gettin’ what I want. Think you can help me?”

“Sure, come on by. I’ll let whoever is up front know to let you in, just come to my office. It won’t be open, as you know, so knock your knock and I’ll let ya in. How long before ya get here?’

Listening to Freak, he tells me no longer than twenty to thirty minutes. Knowing him like I do, probably should cut that in half. Once we hang up, I look through my contacts, find the one I want, and hit it.

“Heartbreaker, hey, sister, it’s me. Freak is on his way so let him in and send him back. Would you mind maybe brewing some coffee and, I don’t know, those wraps you make? I’m sure the bastard will be starving. And remember no matter how much he begs, no energy drinks. I don’t care if he begs or offers to pay you, just say no. Thanks, appreciate it, Heartbreaker.”

While I wait, I continue to scan through anything related to that crazy as fuck brotherhood. I’m looking at pictures taken of different compounds and shit monkey balls, I literally freeze. Holy shit, mother of God, how can that be? What the fuck am I looking at? On the screen is a teenage girl who could pass as Glory’s doppelgänger. No way, this can’t be? How and why would that kid be with those assholes? I thought Glory said when she married Gino he was the good one in the family. Why then would their daughter be hanging out at one of the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood’s compounds? Especially since Oscar has ties to them?

I grab that photo and get to work. My computer is scanning documents and photos at such a fast rate I can’t even make out what it’s going through. I coded this program myself to find either documents or photos with the specific parameters. I start to gather the documents lying all over to put in my desk safe, when my computer starts pinging. Then picture after picture appears on the screen. Motherfucker, it’s like a picture book of Glory’s daughter Lilly’s life. Opening the safe that looks like a file cabinet, I toss everything in, even though our club trusts Freak we don’t trust him one-hundred-percent. And him being in Tank’s club doesn’t make us believe he’s all in. There are very few who the Devil’s Handmaidens consider family to our club. That handful includes Panther, Avalanche, Noodles, Ollie, Intruder, Dr. Cora, and Cynthia who was working really hard and was on her way, earning our trust slowly.

Hearing Freak’s knock at my door—the hard knock, soft knock, then a rap—I get up and with my gun at my side look through the computer, showing me who’s out there. And it’s Freak making a face at the door, which means he’s assuming there is a camera. Fucking dork is too smart for his own britches. I unlatch the door and he walks in with his laptop, tablet, and a folder filled with papers. One glance at my screen that I forgot to minimize and he flips out.

“What the fuck, Raven? You know already and didn’t share with me? Not good, sister. Here I thought I found gold and you’ve been sittin’ on it. Goddamn it.”

“Sit the fuck down, Freak, and shut it. I just ran across this and was in the middle of a face detection search when you got here. So, let’s start at the beginning. Apparently, you also found this, right? And you, like me, are guessing this might be Lilly, Glory’s missing daughter. So come on, tell me what else you got so we can compare notes.”

Right when he starts another knock comes at the door. He lets out a snarl while I flip him off, knowing it’s Heartbreaker. She has the code but probably has her hands full with food and coffee, so I open up. And she has a huge tray covered with shit.

“Come on in, sister. Put it on that table, if ya don’t mind.”