Page 9 of Glory

What else could it be, I’m thinking as I get out of my cage and walk toward the door. I see Slick standing on the outside. I hear that Tank called him back for something which he needed Slick’s help. Slick’s a strange nut to break for sure. That he’s still breathing after all that went down with Taz and the Devil’s Handmaidens MC is surprising. Why the hell Tank and Brick wanted him breathing I’ll never know. Well yeah, they did give Slick to Chains to get as much information out of him as possible about the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. From what I hear that crazy fucker did not go easy on Slick. And he got everything out of him. But Chains was warned not to end Slick’s life, so he didn’t. Though he’s missing a pinky and a few toes. Also, some teeth and patches of skin.

“Evening, Glory. How ya doing tonight?”

“Hanging in, Slick, all I can do. Hear you’re going back to the Grimm Wolves soon after that shit with Dingo. You all healed? Any idea what I’m about to walk into?”

“I’m not at liberty to talk about anything. Remember I’m a prospect, well lower than that, but there’s no name for it. Though you heard right, leaving next week to go back home. That’s what it is now, just had to help Tank out with that brotherhood bunch of assholes. Let me get this door for ya. Enjoy your night, Glory.”

He opens the door and it sounds like one hell of a party. Walking through, no one notices me, but I see that everyone in here is feeling no pain. Glancing around I see Wrench, Enforcer, Pussy, and Half Pint by the bar, each with a beer in their hands. Most of the prospects are in the far corner talking and laughing. There are sweet butts all over the party room serving drinks or sitting on laps, making sure the Intruders are happy. Nothing too indecent but nonetheless, not what I want to see. Something catches my eye and I turn my head to see a half-naked bitch with her hands on Sebastian. What the ever-lovin’ fuck? Before I can lose my shit further, he pushes her hands off of him, taking a step back.

I walk in that direction, hands in fists at my side. That’s when everyone notices I’m in the building. The crowd actually parts to let me by as I make my way to my ol’ man. The bitch actually has her hip cocked as well as a hand on it, and a very ugly look on her face. When I’m within hearing distance, she lets loose.

“What’s up, Glory? Coming to share your ‘cock’ with me? I’m good with that, Yoggie likes threesomes, so this should be interesting. What do you want, the top or middle? I’ll take whatever you don’t want. I’m very flexible.”

Without even thinking, I swing back then connect with her jaw. First punch. My second hit is a kick and the third lands in her midsection and I hear the air leave her lungs. My fourth and last punch lands on her nose, which instantly starts pouring blood. Then as I try to get closer, I’m lifted from behind and pulled farther back.

“Bae, don’t even go there. I’m no saint but I’d never go there and risk losing you. Come on, Nora, think for a second. Whatcha doing here anyway?”

“Enforcer called me and told me to stop by on my way back to the ranch. Any idea why or is this a normal weekday party?”

Before Sebastian can say a single word, I hear a whistle I’ve come to know. It’s Enforcer and when I turn, he’s standing next to Tank. When the president of the Intruders sees me he grins, then motions me to come over to him. I grab Sebastian’s hand and together we walk to where Tank is. He reaches out and gives me a quick hug. Then he reaches out and grabs Sebastian’s arm, pulling him to his side.

Again Enforcer whistles, though this time longer and louder. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks in the direction the noise came from. When the entire group of men are looking at Tank, he slaps Sebastian on the back.

“All right, not big on tons of words or bullshit, so gonna get right to it. Talked it over with the brothers and everyone is on board. Yoggie, we all see your dedication, determination, and desire to be an Intruder. You will still be on a sort of probation but congratulations, brother, and welcome to your forever home. Enforcer, go call Georgie, tell him to get his ass up here to the clubhouse, need him to tattoo our newest Intruder brother. Freak, give me that bag now. Okay, you’ve stepped up to the plate so many times, Yoggie, that after some thought we’ve decided to patch your ass in now. We’ll get a party scheduled for ya, but tonight you get these patches: the center club logo one and the top and bottom rockers. We’ll get Momma Diane to sew them on while you and Georgie figure out what your club tat is going to be and where. Then you’ll get it tonight, so plan on a long as fuck one and no booze, it thins the blood. Glory, if you can stay I’m sure our boy would appreciate the company. Now, one shot and then we got shit to do, can’t hold your hand all the time, Yoggie. To our newest brother, we welcome you to be free with what you decide, to ride every day with the wind at your back and the sun on your face, and hold on to those who are important to ya. Congratulations, my brother Yoggie.”

I hear congrats and hoots, hollers, and all kinds of interesting comments, including that we should get a room to celebrate and get down and dirty. Fucking assholes.

Feeling arms pulling me back, I shiver when Sebastian’s entire front pressed tightly and super close. I feel every muscle, and I mean each one, especially the one pressing into my ass. Damn, this man can get my juices flowing just by being close.

“Nora, do ya mind hanging around with me while I get my tattoo? Already know what I want, but it’s a good size so if you got shit to do, I understand. I had no idea that this was going to go down tonight but, Bae, I appreciate you stopping by and being a part of it.”

“Sebastian, let me call Taz, see if she can keep an eye on Olivia until I get back. If not, Shadow is around and she loves hanging with my girl. Or any of the sisters, just depends who’s at the ranch. And I’d love to stay and keep you company. I’m so proud of you, and just so you know, this is something you’ve earned and deserve. Now let me make my call, then I’m all yours.”

Walking away, I already have my phone in hand, looking up Taz’s home number, when someone plows into my front so hard I fall backward and land hard on my ass.

“Goddamn you, asshole. Next time open your eyes and watch where the hell you’re going.”

Looking up I see Malice looking down at me, giving me a disgusted look. He doesn’t offer me a hand up or even apologizes. Just looks me up and down, smirks, then turns to walk away. His attitude pisses me off so much I leap to my feet, swearing under my breath. He’s been an asshole since before Tink’s shit got rough. I remember Tink cracking him across the face and I thought at that time he was going to hit her back. Since then he’s been a total prick to just about all of us Devil’s Handmaidens sisters. Well, when none of his brothers are around. With my ass burning, I hightail it after Malice and grab his arm, spinning him around. His hands automatically go up and he swings. Not bad but the dumbass must not know I’ve been involved with Japanese jiu-jitsu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, along with Taekwondo, my whole adult life, since I got away from Oscar. When he tries again to swing in my direction, my many years of training kick in. I drop low so his punch misses, then I leap up and I immediately do a side kick to his family jewels, which has Malice gasping for air. Then when he’s about to charge me, I hear a roar then see Malice go flying right before my eyes.

I see Enforcer with his hands around Malice’s neck, squeezing tightly. Brothers come running from all directions, reaching and trying to get Enforcer off of their brother Malice, whose face is turning blue. When Yoggie gets behind Enforcer, I’m not sure what he’s about to do, but when he takes his hand and squeezes right behind Enforcer’s ear, the big man goes down immediately, his hands falling off his brother’s neck. Malice rolls, coughing and trying to catch his breath. When Half Pint tries to help him up, Malice pushes his hand away and struggles his way to his feet. Once he’s standing, Sebastian walks up to him, grabbing him from behind, immediately strangling him. I start to scream because I couldn’t give a shit about Malice but I am worried about Sebastian. His face is red and he looks like he’s ready to kill the man with his bare hands. Right now, he’s totally Yoggie, the one-percenter of a motorcycle club.

Moving as quickly as possible, pushing his brothers here and there, I reach Sebastian and grab his forearms.

“Sebastian, let him go. He’s not worth it. Boo, you just got patched in, what do you think the Intruders will do if you kill another brother? I can tell you it won’t be anything good. Let the club decide. Please, I’m begging you.”

It takes a minute but it finally penetrates, and like he’s coming out of a deep dream he jerks his hands away and lets Malice drop to the floor.

“Bae, you’re right, but after this I’m thinking the club would have thanked me for getting rid of the trash. And you, asshole, you ever disrespect Nora again, no one will be able to save your ass. You hear me, jagoff?”

Before Malice can answer we hear boots hitting the floor and then Tank’s booming voice.

“What the ever-lovin’ fuck is going on? Brothers don’t fight brothers unless in the ring. What’s the problem, Yoggie? Malice, one of you sons of bitches better start talking, you don’t want me on your ass, just sayin’.”

When neither seems like they were going to tell Tank what happened, I do it.

“Just a misunderstanding, Tank. Malice seems to have a thorn under his skin for all of us Devil’s Handmaidens, and not sure if it was an accident or done on purpose but he plowed into me, knocking me on my ass. Didn’t seem too sorry about it either, so when I went after him. He raised fists, swung, and I finished it with a kick. Needless to say, my Boo was upset and here we are now.”

“Malice, get your ass in my office now. I’ve had enough of your stupid kid shit. Enforcer, you okay? If so make sure he gets there, will ya? Yoggie, no fine, not gonna give ya a talking to, you just got the fuck patched in. Next time bring it to either me, Enforcer, or even Pussy if he’s around. We’re gonna fill the VP position soon but until then find one of us. Don’t take matters in your own hands, not what this club is about. Now go grab your ol’ lady and have a good night, son.”