Page 8 of Glory

No one says a word so I look around. Every single Devil’s Handmaidens sister is looking at Tank like a little girl looks at her daddy who’s her hero. Not sure what I’m seeing so I glance down at Nora, who’s eyes are wet and locked with my president’s. She lets my hand go and walks toward the big man.

“Tank, I’m sorry I didn’t come to you but don’t be mad at Sebastian, please. I care about him. I don’t want him to get into trouble because it was me who begged him to keep this relationship a secret.”

Then she gets on her toes and leans up, whispering in his ear. I watch my prez’s face get serious as his eyes get bigger and bigger. When they shoot my way, I don’t shy away. As much as I want to be an Intruder, I’ll pull out quicker than you can blink if it’s a choice between Nora and the club. It must show on my face because Tank continues to stare until he smirks and gives me a chin lift. Thank God, because besides the military I’ve never felt more at home than I do with the Intruders. Great bunch of men who kinda all have the same way of thinking and values like I do.

I walk over to Tank, never taking my eyes off of him. When I’m close enough for him to hear me, I try out how to put the words but just let my mouth loose.

“Prez, I know you look at the women in the Devil’s Handmaidens like your daughters, so I’m gonna ask if I can continue to see Nora. And before you say yay or nay, just so you know, this is just me showing respect. She’s mine and ain’t no one gonna say different.”

Tank smiles hugely then leans down to Nora, whispering something. She throws her head back and laughs. He joins her then they both look at me. I shrug my shoulders as I have no idea what’s going on but give my girl a grin anyway.

“Son, you don’t have to ask me anything. That you did shows me the type of man you are. I like that. All I got to say is if you hurt her, I’ll beat the living shit outta ya then turn you over to Wrench and Enforcer. You know though, you hurt Glory and no one will be able to hold Shadow back, so keep that in the back of your mind. Out of the three of those psychos, I put my money on my girl, Shadow. Now, congratulations to both of ya. Enjoy this time as it passes way too fast. And if you both can, try for no fuckin’ drama, murder, and mayhem. My daughter’s club seems to attract it.”

He gives Nora a quick hug and shakes my hand, then walks toward Tink’s office. Looking around, I think to myself,this went easier than I thought it would.Feeling pretty good, I pull Nora into my side just as the door opens and kids of all ages run in. Oh fuck, Taz and Vixen are here with the children. Now the real test, as I see Olivia searching for that familiar face she knows. When she sees Nora, she smiles huge and skips toward us. When she sees my hand around Nora’s waist, she slows down then stops.

“Why you got your hands on Glory?”

“Cariño, manners, please. First this is Sebastian, but his brothers call him Yoggie. He’s my friend and hopefully yours too.”

I watch her looking between the both of us, fear on her face. Not sure why until she mutters the most horrendous thoughts I’ve ever heard come from a young person’s mouth.

“Glory, does that mean he’ll want to touch me too? Like that man let others at that house far away? He’s darker than them, but I guess a man is a man, right? Should I go in the back and take my clothes off?”

Nora sucks in a deep breath and when I look down, she’s looking at Olivia with such a pained expression. I can’t even think, but I move Nora slightly then walk to Olivia, hands out. She doesn’t move and barely breathes. I don’t even notice that the room has gone eerily quiet. Kneeling in front of the terrified girl, I put my hands in front of me. She looks at them first then at my face, searching for something, not sure what. Then hesitantly she puts those tiny hands in my huge mitts. She’s giving me her trust and that is something I will never abuse.

“Little Olivia, listen closely to me. See these big hands of mine? They will never hurt you, ever. Since we are now in each other’s lives, this is a promise I’ll make to you. No one will ever hurt you as long as I’m here. And just so you know, I don’t make promises I can’t keep. Now about Nora, she means something to me and you mean something to her, so can we try and be friends?”

Olivia leans to the left to see Nora. I don’t know what she did but Olivia smiles her way. Then she moves closer to me, pulling her hands out of mine, and throwing her arms around my neck. Oh damn, this kid is gonna kill me. I put my hands around her waist and stand up. With Olivia in my arms I walk to Nora, who puts her hand on Olivia’s back, rubbing up and down.

Looking around I see everyone grinning or just watching us closely. Then someone in the back starts laughing hard. People separate and there is Raven, a huge smile on her face, walking toward us.

“So, it’s finally out now? Glory, you told me not to say a word, almost made me slice myself so we could do a blood handshake. I come out and see you, Yoggie Bear, and little bear all huddled together in front of the entire club. So why did ya tell me to keep it quiet? Not cool, sister, not cool. My feelings are hurt.”

Olivia shifts and looks from Glory to Raven then back at Glory. Then she leans her head on my shoulder and sighs.

“Miss Raven, don’t be mad. Yoggie just promised to keep me safe and won’t put his big mitts on me. I’m happy he’s with Glory. Did you like Yoggie and are you mad that they are together? Remember Poodles, she had a favorite saying she would tell the other girls. Something likethere are tons of fish in the sea.Maybe you can find another fish.”

Watching Raven’s face is priceless. Her eyes get big when Olivia tells her I have her back and that I’ll never hurt her. Now I’m not sure what she’s feeling because she’s trying to hold something in. Then she busts out cackling.

“Little sister, no, I don’t like Yoggie Bear in that way. I’m glad Glory and Yoggie are together. And your Poodles is right there are thousands, if not millions, of fish in the sea. Maybe I need to start fishing, great idea. You want to go with me, lil’ Olivia, and help me catch my own fishy?”

Olivia starts to giggle, which is cute as hell. Then she replies to Raven.

“Miss Raven, I’m too young to try and look for a fish. I got to grow up more and don’t think Glory wants me to find a boyfriend yet, even though I kind of promised Teddy. Do you want me to wait, Glory?”

“Cariño, yes, I do. Maybe when you’re sixteen, or wait, I think we should wait until you’re thirty then we can talk again. Until then you and Teddy can be best of friends.”

Nora starts giggling then starts to tickle Olivia, who is now laughing out loud. Then everyone starts to join in. I take it all in because this is a first. The whole family thing is a new experience. Foster care homes didn’t have any of this ever. Looking at Tank, he gives me a chin lift and smiles at me.




It’s been just a few weeks since Sebastian and I came out and it’s been wonderful. When Enforcer asked me to stop by their clubhouse one night on my way home from the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill, I was surprised but also curious as hell. Since Olivia was again at Taz’s, I didn’t have anything else going on, so I told him sure.

When I finally pull off on the road that leads to the Intruders clubhouse, my mind is all over. God, please, I hope nothing happened to Sebastian, but I would think Enforcer would have said something.