Page 35 of Glory

As we sit on the sectional, Taz and I with our wine and Olivia with her kiddie cocktail in a wine glass, we try to get back to our laughing and giggling. I can tell Taz is worried but for some reason she’s not leaving. I hear a couple of bikes pull up and before I can even reach the door, I see Tink, Shadow, and Wildcat walking in the front door.

“What’s up? Something going on? Come on in, anyone want some wine or a beer? Sebastian always keeps some on hand.”

They go to sit in the family room just as I hear a car door slam. Then Raven, Vixen, and Rebel walk in. Damn, Vixen is starting to show. They just walk in and plop down at the kitchen table. What the fuck is going on? Before I can ask, in walks Hannah, Dottie, Dani, and Kitty.

“Okay, what the heck is going on? Are we having a meeting at my house tonight and someone forgot to tell me? Who the hell is that now?’

Turning I see Duchess, Heartbreaker, Peanut, and finally Kiwi. These sisters walk around and take a seat on the floor facing toward me. That’s it, but again someone beats me to it. And of course it’s smart-mouthed Raven.

“Now, before you lose that temper of yours, we were told by Yoggie to get our asses here and wait ’til he gets here. All he said. So, cover that child’s ears. Can you hear me, Olivia? Okay, so either you gave a one in a million blow job last night, or he’s fallen captive to your woman garden. Maybe there’s a ring involved. Y’all are dropping like flies.”

By the time she’s finished everyone is laughing. Well, guess I’ll wait, though I always thought Sebastian would propose in private. Shared just between the two of us. As we all sit back and visit Olivia leans into me, trying to get comfortable. I see Taz texting back and forth. She’s wiping her eyes so it’s not good news about Tuna. So involved with everyone and what’s going on, I miss the truck pulling up.

When the door swings open, I turn to see Yoggie walking in. He’s got the strangest look on his face. He walks directly to me, grabbing my hands, pulling me up. Fuck, he’s freaking me out. As he pulls me out of the family room into the kitchen area, I can hear everyone standing up and shifting here and there.

“Sebastian, what’s going on? You look strange, like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Bae, do you trust me? I mean down to the root of your soul?”

Now I’m getting really nervous, maybe my sisters were right. Could he be getting ready to propose? Oh my God, and I look a mess, been running around all day. Shit. I look up and he’s watching me with those gorgeous sapphire eyes.

“Sebastian, of course I trust you. Always and forever.”

He drops his head, pulling me into him. I let him as he seems to be struggling with something. When he kisses the top of my head it’s like he’s come to a decision. He turns and grabs my hand, then puts his other out for Olivia. She goes to grab it and he changes his mind and picks her up while putting his arm around my waist.

Looking around, every single sister is on her feet waiting for me to pass. As I do, they all fall in line behind me. Damn, don’t know if I can take much more. Olivia looks at me smiling, though I know she doesn’t know what’s going on. When Sebastian opens the door, I see all my sisters’ men standing in our front yard. With them are most of the Intruders and, shit, Tank and Momma Diane are sitting on the porch in our rockers. What catches my eyes though is the huge black SUV. As soon as we get down off the porch, the front doors open and Nova steps out, along with Mayhem.

As they approach us, I watch the eye contact between Nova and Yoggie. Mayhem comes close and when Olivia sees him she squeals then motions for Yoggie to take her to Mayhem. The big guy has a way with the little ones.

“Evening, Glory. How ya doing?”

“Nova, was doing okay. Now I need to know what’s going on. I know you two, no, three are in cahoots so just tell me. This is driving me insane. Just tell me, you’re starting to piss me off.”

I hear from a distance, “Mom, you said a bad word again.”

“Glory, this is gonna be a total shock. Need you to take a seat. Yeah, right behind you. No, just relax, woman. Now, as you know, or probably know we’ve been busy trying to disband the brotherhood. Well, we came across something today, so yeah, Yoggie, we might as well just do it.”

Sebastian stands behind me as Nova walks to the SUV, reaching for the passenger back door. He opens it and I can see there are people in there, don’t know who. As they start moving, I can make out one young adult and the other looks to be a kid, maybe close to Olivia’s age. A young woman steps out and immediately reaches for the kid. The woman hesitates with the child, I can see it’s a girl in her arms.

I see her start to turn and I have a weird feeling start to run through my body. The more she turns the more I feel like electricity is running through me. When she’s facing me, she lifts her head and I jump up off the chair so hard I hear Sebastian groan. The woman in front of me could be my twin or, holy mother of God, my daughter. I don’t move and neither does she. Leave it to a child, what do they say, out of the mouths of babes.

“Are you my grandma? He said he knew her, is that you? You and mom look alike.”

Before I know it, I’m running toward them just as the woman puts the little girl down.

“Lilly? Is that you, my beautiful daughter? My God, is this really happening? Are you my Lilly?’

The woman is staring at me then slowly smiles.

“Hey, Momma, yeah, I’m your Lilly.”

We fall into each other’s arms crying, laughing, screaming, and everything else in between. As we continue to hang on to each other, Sebastian comes to stand next to me with both Olivia and the little girl, who when I look at her, I can tell she’s Lilly’s.

“Momma, this is my daughter, Angel. Angel, this is your grandma.”

The little girl leans toward me so I take her in my arms at the same time she gives me a little kiss on the cheek. I’ve died and gone to Heaven. I never want to lose this feeling for as long as I’m alive.