Page 3 of Glory

“I’m good, Boo, take as long as you want. If there’s a wet spot you can sleep on it.”

Reaching for my boxer briefs, I one-armed lift her ass up and put the boxers under her.

“See, problem solved, no wet spot. Come closer, Bae, want those lips.”

Nora lifts her head, offering up her lips. I place a soft kiss on them, then holding her close we slowly drift back to sleep, arms around each other, hanging on tightly.




Waking up in the same position Boo pulled me into last night, I let out a sigh. He’s been putting more pressure on me about us coming out, and deep down I know he’s right, but I’m so fucking scared. I don’t think I’d be able to live if something ever happened to him. And since the lunatic and his bunch of assholes are still out there, there’s no guarantee I can protect those closest to me.

Picking my head up, I stare at his face. My God, he’s gorgeous, probably could be a model though he’d never do that, no matter how much money. He looks peaceful and so much younger than my thirty-seven-ish. Goddamn, I’m pushing thirty-eight, never thought I’d make thirty. Now I’m still here and a VP for a motorcycle club. Who would have thought that even possible? Not me.

Thought I had my life figured out. Being from a large Italian family, who figured they would have a say-so or even try to plan out how my life would go. NOT. Obviously, they don’t know Nora Winfield.Well, duh, that’s not my real name, I think to myself. I went so to the right and vanilla when choosing my name. My only hope is that he can’t find me.

I remember that last time at my townhouse in New Jersey. The ‘family’ wasn’t happy with some of my life choices, but my parents didn’t care as long as I was happy. Which is outright crazy for Italian parents, who are known for being bossy and getting their own way. I went to school and first got my BSW or Bachelor of Social Work in less than the four-year program. Yeah, I’m one of the smart kids everyone hated in school. When I graduated, told my dad I wanted to end up getting my MSW or Master of Social Work because then I could become a LSW or licensed social worker.

My dream has always been to be able to work with and, more importantly, help children. Especially ones who have been abused or mistreated in their family unit. The reasoning is pretty simple. I know I’m blessed with the family I was born into. Strict as can be but loving also. Everything my parents did for us kids was because they loved us. And at an early age, I saw what not having great parents means.

Mom has a huge heart and works as a nurse. One time she brought her work home and we all thought dad would lose his mind. But when he saw the six-year-old little boy with cigarette burns all over his body and his one little hand broken because his drug addict mother caught him stealing a piece of bread because he was starving, that did it. Dom is now part of our family since his parents unexpectedly died in a house explosion. They think it had something to do with a leaky connection and smoking dope.

When Mom brought Dom home that night, my dad called me into his office. Now I’d had an idea of what I wanted to do all my life after watching an episode ofLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit. My dream was to become the next ‘Olivia Benson.’ I was a teenager and she rocked being badass. So that night in my father’s office, he told me that no matter what it took I was going to school and he wanted me to save as many children as I could. Having his support meant everything because to this day he supports me. Dad knows what the Devil’s Handmaidens’ mission is and he loves it and supports us as much as he can, though he can’t tell the ‘family.’

Not sure why I’m so afraid to tell Boo the main reason I’m on the run. If I want to keep him in my life, he has to know the truth and what can happen if he stays with me. Fuck, why can’t it just fade away? I let it go, not that I wanted to but at the time, I had no choice. That jagoff figured a way to screw the system. Wish I had the knowledge and skills back then that I do now. Would have finished him off myself with my bare hands.

Running my hands over my face and through my hair, I can feel the tension building. Thank God, when I transferred to this chapter, I sat down with Tink, Tank, Shadow, Momma Diane, and Enforcer. Told them an abbreviated version to make sure it was okay that I stayed and became a part of this Devil’s Handmaidens chapter. So if my past is about to force itself into my present, those in power already have an idea of what could show up and can somewhat prepare. So I owe that to my Boo.

Getting up is hard as shit with him wrapped all around me. Thank God I don’t have an urgent need to pee. I walk to the bathroom and drop my panties that, thank God, he didn’t rip last night. Then I turn on the shower and step in, pressing the steam button. I need the additional heat to penetrate my body and relax it. Boo worked me pretty good last night so a steam shower might help.

I’m so deep in my head, I don’t hear the glass door open but can feel the cooler air as the steam leaves the shower. Opening my eyes, he’s standing there in all his glory with a sexy as hell smirk on his face. Damn, I can’t wait any longer, got to talk to him and fill in the blanks. In fact, I have to also inform my club of what’s been going on with me. Didn’t want to add to the mix with all the shit Vixen went through recently. And since after her drama we worked three human trafficking takedowns, I prayed my shit would go away. It didn’t, so time to spill.

“Boo, morning. We can share our shower together but then I need to talk to you. Seriously, I’ve been putting it off for too long. And from the look on your face, don’t go jumping to conclusions. I know that you’re the one who doesn’t care about the age difference, unlike me. For fuck’s sake, what is it? I’m thirty-seven and your what again? Thirty going on thirty-one. It’s only six-ish years. Why do I care what anyone else thinks? It’s not a big deal so I’m going to try and let it go. And I’m not kicking you to the curb, so get that outta your melon.”

“Good morning, beautiful. Feeling spunky this morning, guess my spanking wasn’t enough. Might need to bring a paddle with me next time. I can see my handprints are already gone. Sure, we can talk, Nora, you know I’m always here for you, but first let’s put that mouth of yours to a better use. On your knees, Bae, and open wide.”

My body starts trembling as I’m not sure why I follow his orders and open wide, knowing this will take my mind off of all the other shit in there. Boo makes sure all my concentration is on the here and now, no matter what it is I’m doing. He’s like velvet but hard like steel. Letting my mind go blank, I take what he gives me until I feel him pulsing in my mouth. He taps my shoulder so if I want to move back, together we’ll finish him off, but today I don’t want that. Need to have him lose control for once. I press into his ass cheeks and suck hard. He literally lifts onto his tippy-toes, so I reach one hand closer to the front and grab his balls, one at a time. That does it and he loses his control and rhythm. I keep mine though, and when the end comes, I’m not sure who enjoys it more. My Boo or me.

When I’m able, he lifts me off the tiled floor and helps me sit on the bench. He turns the temperature back up for the steam and first he washes off, then when I can stand, I join him and he washes me off too. When we’re done, he grabs the first towel and wraps my hair up in it, then covers me with a huge bath towel. I go to the sink, pull my toothbrush out, and brush my teeth as Boo does the exact thing, though he’s butt-ass naked. Not wanting to drool, I pay attention and finish my task.

Before I can place my toothbrush back in its cup, he’s there giving me one of his sexy good morning kisses, which has me tingling. Those deep sapphire eyes of his are watching me, which adds to the feelings pulsing through my body. It’s his deep, raspy, rough voice though that does it to me every time.

“Morning, Bae. Where you want to talk, in bed or at the table?”

Now that the time is near, I start to panic, but this conversation needs to be had today. I’ve followed my gut feelings since I was a teenager, so gonna follow it today. Grabbing his hand, I pull him back into bed, both our backs up against the headboard, though I’m leaning into him. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I give Boo my story.




Sitting at my desk, keeping my eyes on the four screens in front of me and the six others on my two side desks, my mind keeps running in circles. Why the fuck is Glory being so goddamn secretive? Honestly, no one cares who she lets into her bed. The problem is the sneaky shady shit on top of the bullshit of hiding who she’s spending her nights with. Kind of reminds me of Shadow with Panther. What is wrong with these women? If I had a man and, shit, a hot one to boot, in my bed besides howling every night he was with me in said bed, pleasuring me, I’d be showing him off to everyone and anyone. With Glory, I’m guessing her guy’s looks are off the charts ripped but not overly done. A kind of quiet guy, who’d rather listen than just talk bullshit. And just one look at him you know he can get stuff done when necessary.Someone like Avalanche, maybe,I wonder. No, not her type, I don’t think, though they’ve flirted more lately. Well, since all the shit went down with Vixen in Mesquite.

My mind goes back to when I grew up. I had some really good men to compare my crushes to and they never measured up. My God, between my dad’s and brothers’ looks, women have always swooned over them. I don’t know how my mom put up with all those women flirting with my dad, though when she brought it up, he acted like he never noticed. Then there’s my brother, Ollie, who got all the best genes in our family and I’m his sister. I know a few of my club sisters have had huge crushes on him, but he only has eyes for his woman, Paisley, now. I want what my parents and brother have.