Page 27 of Glory

I’m out of my chair before it all penetrates inside. Oh my God, Taz, Teddy, and Olivia are all together. Who was supposed to have her back and didn’t? Then I hear who it was and I start to run. The brother who was supposed to take Taz’s back was Malice.

* * *

My God, we’ve never driven into town like the devil’s hounds of hell but this is an emergency. As we make it down Main Street, you can see folks trying to see what’s going on but also are frightened. When we come to the end of Main Street and turn left onto Juniper Avenue, the grocery store is at the end of the street. The cop cars in front let me know that this is no mistake, but seeing Taz’s big SUV Enforcer bought her has me gasping for air. Fuck, they are still in there, I’m almost positive.

Sheriff George comes our way once we’ve all parked. He looks worried but I’ve watched this man go through so much lately, and he barely gets upset or crazy. He’s a cool cucumber.

“We’ve got ourselves a hostage situation. There are probably at least twenty folks in there, along with some of those motherfuckers in the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. They must be close and know our little town because word is they drove in like they do it every day. Walked in and nothing until first one shot then another before all hell broke loose. Now we’re all here, so let’s figure out how we are going to get those people out.”

Staring at the front of the store, I can’t imagine what’s going on in there and all I can do is pray that my sister Taz, lil’ Teddy, and Olivia are safe in there and are brought out shortly. Otherwise, I’ll never be able to live with myself if something happens to any of them.




We are scrunched in a stockroom behind a bunch of pallets. When I heard the first gunshot, knew we had to find a place that would keep us safe until the cavalry arrived. Well, the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters and Intruder brothers.

Being in the back, I don’t have eyes on what’s going on and am responsible for two young children, who are beyond scared to death and for different reasons. My son because he’s never been good at highly emotional situations and poor little Olivia. When whoever started screaming her name, she froze and wouldn’t move. Her face showed the fear in her body and heart. If not for my Teddy grabbing her hand and pulling with all his might, she might not have moved. We got in this room and found a place for the three of us to hide. I have no idea what’s going on but I reach in my purse, pulling out my SIG Sauer P365 X 9mm. Then I reach in again, pulling out an extra clip, putting that in my jeans back pocket. Both kids are watching me closely so I take a deep breath.

“Not going to lie to either of you. Those are bad people out there, so no matter what you hear, I want both of you to stay together and here behind the pallets. Please listen to me carefully. I’m sure Enforcer and everyone else are outside already, so it’s a matter of time before they come busting in. I want you two to be safe. Now I want you to crunch up in that corner and I’m going to throw these tarps on top of you both. Breathe slowly and stay as still as possible. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I love you both. Now I’m going to see what’s going on.”

I can see the fear in my little boy’s eyes as I’m sure this is bringing back a lot of bad memories. Then there’s little Olivia, because I’m guessing whoever that voice belongs to is one of the jagoffs who was down in Mesquite because she turned white when she heard it. I smile at both of them and point to the corner. They both go into the far corner and I grab two tarps and a few of the moving blankets, throwing those back there with them and on the floor before them, so it looks like they were tossed there when done with.

I pray to God he keeps them protected. Before I venture out, I reach at the stone hanging around my neck, holding it for a second to try and ground myself. Thank God I had my chakra cluster on. After taking a few breaths, I move quietly to the door that leads back into the grocery store. As soon as I push the door open, I see a few townspeople crunched down at the end of the aisles. The woman who works at the post office turns and sees me. She puts up both hands with seven fingers up, for a total of seven. Then she starts pointing and showing the number on her fingers. I give her a strained smile then move past her, guessing that the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood is hanging out in the more open front of the store.

I grab my phone, texting on our emergency text. Give them the information the other woman shared then tell them where the kids are hiding. I put my phone back in my jeans pocket before I start to move toward the front of the grocery store. The closer I get the voices are clearer.

“Motherfucker, we can’t get stuck here. I don’t care what you think you know, it’s not time for us to make our point. No, we’ve not been told this has been sanctioned by the elders. Why are you laughing? You, of all people, know the rules and regulations. Didn’t you help write them back in the day? Come on, Oscar, quit fucking around and let’s try to get out of here. If you ain’t going, I sure the hell am. This shit ain’t gonna get me killed.”

Did he say Oscar? I thought that bastard was in jail. Fuck, did we not check to make sure it was him? I thought we did. Then I hear a voice straight from hell.

“Motherfucker, you either stay with us or I’ll send you straight to hell. I’m in charge not you, little prick. What’s it gonna be?”

I don’t hear his answer but I clearly hear the shot that echoes through the store. Oh my God, did he just shoot someone? I slowly walk backward until I am able to hide at the end of the aisle. I hear that voice again screaming for Olivia to come out, or else when they find her it will be twice as bad. We’re totally fucked because there are too many of them and just me. I don’t have any idea what to do next when I feel my phone vibrating, so I take it out, seeing that it’s Travis. Oh dear God, he must be losing his ever-lovin’ mind. I don’t need to know that Enforcer is out in front.

Again, I pull my phone out and text Travis. Looking at the text, I hope he can understand because the thought of him rushing the front and being killed would tear my heart out of my chest. I push send and then put it back in my pocket. Looking around, I spot one of Sheriff George’s older deputies I’ve known for years. He gives me the hands down then points to his side, which after he lifts his jacket, I see his service revolver. Next to him is one of the ranchers from just out of town. He already has a gun in his hand. As I look around, I see just about everyone is armed. Sometimes I forget that in Montana it’s unheard of if you don’t carry a handgun, rifle, or both.

Deputy Carl motions for everyone to stay where they are. He’s on his phone texting, so I glance back where I left the kids, wondering if that was a good idea. Before I can even head back that way, I hear screaming and yelling from the storage room. I start to head back there when two huge motherfuckers, each carrying one of the kids under their arms come out.

My son is barely moving while Olivia is screaming, trying to scratch and bite. Well, until the asshole stops and cracks her across the face. She immediately stops and starts to cry softly. I thought I was out of their vision but then one raises his gun and points it at her.

“Move your ass over here, bitch, right now, or I’ll shoot that little mute right in front of you instead of selling him to the highest bidder. Come on, get over here.”

I slowly walk to them, trying to make eye contact with either of the kids. Olivia’s eyes are shifting right then left while Teddy looks almost comatose. How in the hell am I going to get both of them out of here without being injured? Why the hell does this keep happening? Though this time these two innocents are right in the middle of it.

When we make it to the front, the two men talking in the corner turn and when one of them sees Olivia, his face lights up and he starts toward her. By this time the two jerks release the kids and they are both with me. Pushing Olivia behind me, I wait until the freak is standing in front of me, his eyes shooting flames at me.

“Move your ass, bitch. I ain’t messin’ with you. That piece of meat is mine and I’m here to get her back. Now move your ass. Come here, my little sweetie pie. Come to Daddy.”

Hearing that, it hits me right in the head that this is the prick who abused her in Mesquite. I take a step forward so there’s room between me and the kids. Then I fake trip and as I go down, my hand reaches out and I clamp on to one of his balls, twisting just how Shadow taught all of us. I’ve never heard a man scream like that before. Not sure how but even with his ball trapped in my hand, he forms a fist and punches me on the side of my head.

I fly about three feet before I land hard on my side. My head is ringing and through blurry eyes I see him grab on to Olivia’s arm and start to drag her away while she’s screaming bloody murder. Then I see Teddy and my eyes almost pop out of my head. Somehow, he got ahold of one of my guns and it’s in his hands, though he’s shaking badly. I try to get up but I think something is broke or strained. The jagbag who was jerking Olivia around then sees Teddy.

So instead of showing fear, he starts to laugh hysterically.

“Come on, ya dumbass. Like you could even shoot that gun, let alone hit me and not your little girlfriend. Teddy, right? Well, Teddy, did Olivia share with you what she did down in Mesquite before she came to Montana? By the look on your face, I’ll take that as a no. So man-to-man I’ll tell you, aghhhhhh.”