Page 20 of Glory

“All right, nothing more can be done tonight. I want two sisters here until the morning. Also, Avalanche has volunteered to stay and keep watch so the three of you can stay in his truck. Squirt, you and Heartbreaker stay, put your bikes in the pole barn. Avalanche, park your truck under the carport over there. Everyone else back to the main house or wherever the fuck you came from. Cynthia, go on, you and the kids get back to the bunkhouse. Tell the bunch there that everything is okay. Tink and I will talk to them in the morning. Yeah, thanks, Cynthia.”

I’m shocked as I didn’t even notice Cynthia and her kids were out of the bunkhouse. When I turn that’s when I notice that Cynthia, the timid ex-bank manager, with a rifle in her arms. One kid had a can of Mace and the other a Taser. Well, fuck me, guess they’ve been trained by the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters.

Everyone starts to move along, though Nora hangs on to Raven just as Squirt brings Olivia over to us. As soon as she puts her down, Olivia has her arms up to Nora, who picks her up. Then my ol’ lady leans into her sister.

“Raven, go back to the main house and get some sleep. No, don’t argue with me, listen up. Brenna, I can’t thank you enough but you’re burning the candle at both ends, and you’re going to fuck yourself up. Please go get some sleep. I’ll tell Tink to have Dani or Dotty go sit in your office up at the main house and watch your computers. They’ve watched them for you before, so the twins know what to look for. You need to take care of yourself or you’ll be no good to the club.”

Raven looks at Nora then slowly nods. When she goes to turn, Squirt walks up to her, grabbing her hand, and walking down with her toward her bike. I can hear whispering and look to see Nora and Olivia’s heads together. Then I hear the little girl and what she says has me wanting to find the bastards and tear them apart with my own hands.

“Nora, was those the flying things in the sky? Those mean men had those at that place you found me at. They sometimes would make some of the other girls stand in the big field and they would shoot at them. One time they hit Sasha in the foot and then another time the rocks hit Kathy in the face. Juice got mad at them but they told him to shut his, they used a bad word, mouth. And he did. I think he was scared of them, which was good because we was scared of him and them.”

Nora meets my eyes over Olivia, and I know she feels exactly like I do. Those motherfuckers need to pay for all the agony they’ve caused. Got to talk to Tank and Enforcer tomorrow. We need to step up our efforts to rid the world of the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood for good, no matter what it takes.




Damn, I hate these long as shit nights when I’m stuck here at our trucking company, but someone’s got to fix the damn rigs when they go down. And since I’m one of the mechanics, I volunteered because what else do I have to do. Go back to my little cabin on Tink’s ranch and eat a frozen dinner, while I dive into my Kindle on to the next book on my TBR list? Seems like now I’ve much more time on my hands since my sisters in the Devil’s Handmaidens are falling fast. I mean, I’m happy for them but, damn, so far four have found their men and it looks like Glory is quickly catching up to them with Yoggie.

Gotta say, our VP has excellent taste. When he first started to prospect with Tank’s club I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, as he looks more like a male model than a biker. And he’s polite and always there to lend a hand. Even though he’s hot as can be, Yoggie never acts like an asshole or dick like some of the men in our small community. With the growing number of bastards hanging with the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood, my prospects of finding a ‘man’ are quickly going down the toilet.

As I work on the transmission of this beast, I’ve already changed a valve and the pump, so wiping my hands, I take a quick minute to grab a bottle of water and analyze what’s left that could be broken. Taking a huge gulp, I hear something almost like an animal is scratching at the big door we pull the tractors in for service. Moving to the small desk in the corner, I pull up the camera and am totally shocked because all I see is black. What the ever-lovin’ fuck is going on? Then I hear that same noise but louder now.

Very carefully and quietly I walk to the other side of the garage, where we have windows that folks can’t see in but we can see out. What I see sends a shiver down my spine. There are at least four or five, I’m assuming men, in ski masks and dark clothing messing around out there. Two are throwing down garbage by the doors, while one other is grabbing whatever sticks and shit they can get their hands on. The last two have some kind of box or something they are messing with. Oh damn, this ain’t good.

Reaching in my pocket, I pull my cell out and send the SOS text not one of my Devil’s Handmaidens sisters ever wants to type or receive. It means serious trouble, need help now. As I go to put my phone back in my pocket, all of a sudden, an extremely loud alarm starts going off as lights on the outside start blinking on and off. As I watch in total shock, the five idiots seem to panic and run back to a large black vehicle parked on the inside of the gate that is now halfway closed.

As they all jump into the vehicle, I hear a faint sound like someone’s horn. Not paying attention, I’m trying to get as much information on these scumbags so we can try and figure out who the hell they are and what they are doing here. Then, as they try to fit between the fence and the closing gate, I see the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill catering van come wheeling down the driveway. Not sure who’s driving but these guys have a purpose, which is to get the fuck outta Dodge.

I squeeze my eyes closed for a quick second because not sure I want to see how these two vehicles come together. Well, it’s not to the benefit of the five assholes, that’s for sure. As they try to manipulate their humongous SUV past the gate, which is now jammed into the side of their vehicle, the catering van’s side window goes down as one of our Steyr AUG SA USA rifles comes out, pointing at the large vehicle. When whomever starts firing, first goes the tires on that side then a round goes through the back windows by the third-row seating. As our club van rolls by slowly, someone has some kind of a can and now that there is an opening, they toss it in and take off like bats outta hell.

Immediately smoke starts to fill up that part of the vehicle, and it’s not a minute or so before the doors open and the two masked assholes in the front come rolling out onto the concrete, hands up, guns dropped on the ground. The two in the second row also open their doors but they come out fighting, which is beyond stupid because by now we’ve got people rolling in left and right.

With my attention on what’s happening outside, I don’t feel it until I hear boots on the concrete. Turning, I see Peanut and Wildcat making their way to me. When they see me, they smirk just for a second before they are stoic again. More gunfire is happening out front but they both walk right up to me. Wildcat grabs me, looking me up and down.

“Sister, goddamn, ya okay? Thank God, Raven put that security on all of our phones. We’re fucking lucky that she knows her shit. I keep saying that to the powers that be too. Now whatcha know, Duchess? Got anything to share or we gonna wait for Shadow to get here, probably with Rebel? Together I’m sure they’ll be able to pull out what they were doing here, and why they have a bomb in a box with a timer that detonates when a call comes in. Hope Vixen keeps her pregnant ass home, she’s starting to really get on my last nerve with all of her all-day sickness. Last time we had that issue at the grill with the mice, she not only wanted us to catch them but bring them back to the ranch and give them a home. Ya know how good that went with Shadow and Tink. The poison worked really fast and, shit, I swear to Christ she cried the whole next day, calling our sisters ‘baby mice killers.’ That had Shadow first snorting then laughing so hard she had to run before she pissed her pants. And that pissed off our enforcer so she came back with huge attitude.

“I even suggested to Tink that maybe she find something for Vixen to do that’s not related to our missions for the time being. We will see if it goes anywhere.”

Turning when I hear more vehicles, I look to see Sheriff George getting out of his squad car, while Rebel and Kitty are pulling the couple of assholes still in the huge SUV out by whatever they can grab. The first two are now in cuffs and are being escorted to a sheriff’s squad. Chaos that’s what it is again at one of our businesses.

I feel her before I even see her skull face. Shadow comes right through the large door someone opened and stomps right to me, grabbing me by the arms.

“You okay, kid? Did good, kept your head clear. I’ll get what we need quickly from them. Heat up the torch, will ya, Duchess? Wildcat grab some rope and zip ties. Gonna go talk to my dad real fast, be right back.” She turns and moves like lightning to her father, Sheriff George. When he sees her, a small smile appears on his face until she starts talking. He’s shaking his head at first, but then his arms are in the air as he gets riled up. I’m sure Shadow is demanding this go her way but, unfortunately, the sheriff has to abide by the law. Well, most of the time.

As their words become heated, another pickup makes its way to the shop. When it’s close enough, I can see it’s Noodles and Tink. He stops right by the open overhead door, as our prez jumps down from the running boards. She looks around then her eyes stop on the five men on the ground before she looks and finds me. Then she’s on the move, coming my way.

“Duchess, you good, sister? What the hell happened? I almost crapped myself when the alarm went off on my phone. Jesus Christ, had no clue what it was until Noodles told me. So what do we know? Do we know what their intentions were? Thought I heard someone on the two-ways say a bomb was found. Come on, give it to me, so I can figure out how to move forward with this and try not to involve any innocents, if possible. This town has had enough shit to last a decade, for sure. The only thing we got going for us right now is that it’s the middle of the night. Hey, Duchess, why were you here alone, sister? Thought we all agreed to do things in twos until some of this shit died down. It could have gone really shitty real fast, remember that. I’m not trying to be a bossy bitch, just don’t want anything to happen to any of us because of that brotherhood. I’m sure they’d gang rape one of us without thinking twice. Now, let’s get this cleaned up so Zoey can do her thing and we can finally get some answers.”

I watch as Tink approaches the sheriff, who’s speaking to Noodles. She seems so tiny and fragile, but I’ve seen my prez bring down men bigger than Noodles and even Avalanche. We all say she’s tiny and mighty.

I shake my head and start out to see what’s going on and where we go from here. One thing for sure, it’s not getting any easier, that’s for damn sure. And now the job I was almost done with will go to the back burner and we’ll be down one tractor tomorrow, which will throw everything off. Gonna have to put a call out to Pussy so he can switch shit around since he’s been helping out in dispatch now that his ol’ lady just had their second—no, I think third kid. They fuck like rabbits, though I smile to myself, their children are adorable. Two girls and the last is a little boy.

With that thought I reach for my cell so I can fill him in, then do whatever needs to be done. Seems like the assholes did some damage around the yard and to some of our trucks. Gonna be another long night. Our club is getting worn out with all of this bullshit, and we’re no closer to finding Glory’s kid or bringing down the brotherhood. Something’s gonna have to switch up ’cause not sure how much longer we can do this. Especially if we find a human trafficking circuit that needs to be broken up.Too much on our plates, as usual, I think right when Pussy picks up and I start to explain the situation.