Page 19 of Glory

“So get ready, Goldilocks, you need to get up an hour early so we can hit the gym together. No, not gonna listen to your excuses, you been getting soft since Noodles came into your life. I’m gonna need to toughen you up, ya know, being president and all.”

For a quick second I give her a shocked face then we both start to crack up. That is what the guys walk into, us laughing like idiots.




My God, I’ve never had a dream like this. I can feel my Bae’s body suck me into the most intense heat I’ve ever felt, and that’s saying a lot being a man my age. I’ve had my number of women, not bragging, but shit I was in the military and now I’m a member of a one-percent motorcycle club.

When Nora lifts her body up, almost all the way off of me, then slams back down I can’t hold the moan that comes outta my mouth.

I’ve got no problem giving up power to this woman. No matter if I’m being dominant or submissive, the end is always good for both of us. Nora generally is the submissive one, probably because of all of her responsibilities as VP. But now she’s got her dominant side going and I’m totally digging it. When she pulls my hands above my head, wrapping my fingers around the headboard, I do exactly what she wants. Then she starts to kiss her way down my neck to my chest. When her mouth sucks one of my nipples in, I take in a deep breath right before she bites down. Not too hard but also not too soft. My cock feels like it’s about to burst, but I let her continue with that magical mouth of hers. Lower and lower she goes licking, sucking, and nibbling. When she gets to my belly button, her hands come into play, caressing my nuts, first one then the other.

By the time she gets me in her mouth I am just about ready to explode. Not wanting her to think I assume how this will end, I finally speak.

“Bae, I’m so close, not gonna last.”

She nods then takes me deep. By the time she does it for the third time I feel the familiar tingles running up and down my entire body, while the muscles in my back and ass tense up. When my balls pull up into my body, I’m lost to the sensations. I curl my toes into the comforter as Nora moans, taking me deep. That’s when I explode and actually lose time.

When I can finally catch my breath, and once again Nora is lying on top of me, her head right under my chin, I lean down and place a kiss on the top of her head.

“What was that for, Nora? My God, woman, you’re gonna kill me one of these days, though I’m not complaining at all. Best way to go.”

She giggles and that right there tells me she’s okay, though her world cracked open yet again. She hung on to Olivia tonight and stayed in her bedroom long after the little girl was asleep. By the time she came to our room, I’d showered and was reading my book. I could tell she was exhausted. When she crawled into bed, she snuggled close, telling me she needed comforting, so I pulled her close, rubbing my hand slowly up and down her back until she fell asleep, which I followed her not too long after.

“Bae, how are you really doing? I can’t even imagine what’s going on in your head but I’ll be around, just in case. Now get that fine ass of yours up here, I’ve got a taste only you can satisfy.”

Again, she giggles as she crawls up my body and then she is the one holding on to the headboard.

* * *

Not sure what woke me up, but I carefully get out of bed and pull on my sweats. Looking down at Nora, I smile then walk to the door, opening it and starting down the hallway when I hear a faint whining sound. Not sure what it is, I open Olivia’s door to see she’s curled up in a ball under her covers, holding on to her polar bear, Ivory.

As I go to shut her door, the whining starts again but it’s closer this time. Something in the back of my mind is triggered, and before I know it, I’m walking toward the front door. Reaching in the hallway closet, I open the gun safe built into the wall. Nora said it’s something all the houses, cabins, and main house have. Grabbing my Glock and two clips that I put in my pocket, I lock the safe back up, and go to the front door, opening it.

Bright lights hit me directly in the eyes, blinding me for a second. I stumble my way out the front door, and it hits me where I’ve heard this sound before was when I was in the service, it is a motherfucking drone. They have a unique whine, especially when they are low to the ground. When my eyes have adjusted, I look up and there are three drones making circles around our house. What the fuck? If Raven thinks this is funny, it’s not. Just as I go to move, one of the drones comes down really low and I swear to Christ it’s following my every move. The feeling going down my spine warns me as the drone dives right toward me. Hitting the porch, I land behind the storage bench. Thank God because I could have sworn I heard bullets.

Son of a bitch, that thing is shooting at me. I lean to the left, aiming my gun, firing through my entire clip. Thank God, one winged it as I see sparks before it does a few circles and tries to take off after the other two, hightailing it out of here. Then I hear the noise and it’s getting louder and louder, just as the front door flies open and Nora is standing there with a Steyr AUG SA USA rifle in her hands. Well, fuck me, where the hell did she have that hidden? Just when I’m about to ask her, the noise is deafening as bike after bike come flying up the road to our house. Behind the bikes are a few pickup trucks.

Nora lets the gun down, holding it in one hand while lifting the other high up in the air, shaking it back and forth. Not sure what she’s doing, but not my circus, not my monkey as the old saying goes. I walk up next to Nora, grabbing her Steyr, taking a close look at it. She looks at me, shaking her head.

“Just like a guy, no matter what is going on they have to check out the new gun. What’s going on, Sebastian?”

I just shake my head as one by one Devil’s Handmaidens sisters come up to us, and it hits me that every one of the women here were probably up at the main house. Then I see Raven making her way up to us. She grabs Nora, pulling her in closely, hugging her tightly.

“Holy fuck, Glory, all I did was go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. Swear to Christ, not even gone for five minutes. Then my alarms started going off and when I saw those motherfuckers in the sky, I hit the warning on everyone’s phones. All I could think back on is all the drama when Vixen’s shit was going down. Remember when Slick showed up in the bomb vest and then the drone showed up. Sister, I’m sorry, never going to piss again, swear to you.”

That brings a snort then a laugh from Nora as she holds on tightly to the younger woman. Just looking at Raven, you can tell she’s freaked out. When I look around the two women, I see Squirt with Olivia in her arms, trying to calm her down. When everyone sees the young girl, they try to hide or cover their weapons up. Olivia smiles hugely.

“Oh no, did I miss the action? Dang it, Squirt, how could I sleep during a mission? Does that mean I have to give my kutte back? I swear, I’ll never sleep again. You can depend on me, sisters.”

That, on top of Raven’s promise never to urinate again, has everyone grinning and/or smiling. That’s when I hear Nora whispering to Raven, who is now standing next to her.

“Raven, sister, I can’t thank you enough. Once again you have my back. No, don’t go there, if you weren’t still up and watching the screens, only God knows what would have happened. So knock it off. Did you see anything else or did you leave the computers recording as you came and played hero again?”

With that, Nora shoulder bumps Raven again and again until she grins, which has my ol’ lady grinning back. Then a whistle sounds and we all look at Shadow.