Page 18 of Glory

My eyes are starting to droop so I close them, trying to relax my body section by section. Right before I start to drift, I hear it softly whispered. I’m not sure if she’s awake or asleep, but her words bring a smile to my lips right before I fall asleep.

“Thanks, Sebastian, for actually being a good guy and helping to hold me up. I’ll never be able to repay you, but I’ll damn sure try. Thanks, Boo. Night.”




Sitting in my downstairs family room, leaning up against Noodles, I watch as Zoey takes another two pieces of pizza while Panther just watches her, shaking his head. Sometimes I wonder about those two. My bestie seems to be able to eat just about anyone under the table. Well, except the one on the other side of her, reaching for three more pieces of pizza and two mozzarella sticks. Avalanche and Zoey have a constant food battle going on. I’ve come to the conclusion they are both totally insane. My man gives my shoulder a squeeze, letting me know he’s about to drop a bomb.

“All right, let’s get the huge elephant out in the open. What the hell are we gonna do about Glory’s shit? I know you all talked it to death with your dad, Sweet Pea, but was a plan put in place? I spoke to Ollie and he said that whatever you need, just let him know. And he means anything, you all know he has connections all over now since the Blue Sky Sanctuary is on the map. He’s getting huge brownie points for all he’s doing for our ex-military brothers and sisters. Just say the word, though I know you want to handle it yourselves. Sometimes it’s not considered a weakness but a strength to ask for help. Just sayin’.”

Watching everyone’s faces, I know this is going to turn into a long discussion and, to be honest, I’m beyond exhausted. Haven’t been feeling myself the last couple of days. Not sure if I’m catching something, as I know that Vixen’s kids were sick last week, so it’s just a matter of time before everyone in the club gets it. Also, the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill is packed every night and Peanut told me just yesterday at the clubhouse that it’s a petri dish of germs. She asked if they could close a little early on Sunday so a bunch of the sisters could do a deep clean. I told her it’s fine, as long as a sign is posted on the doors of the bar and grill. She’s the only person I know who gets so excited to clean the restaurant and bar.Can I say OCD, I think to myself.

I look over to Zoey, who’s starting to look a bit off color. Oh shit, she better not puke like the last time when she went up against Avalanche, betting who could eat the most hot dogs. I don’t think she’s eaten one since. Knowing I’m going to have to save her, I give Noodles an elbow, then stare at him, and then the pizza. He nods, leaning over and grabbing the last four pieces, making a show of being starved, when I know after the five or six pieces he ate already, he’s probably full. But my ol’ man will do anything I ask.

“As Noodles said, I know that usually this is all handled by the Devil’s Handmaidens club, but know that my men are at your disposal for whatever you need. Tomorrow, Chicago and Dallas have to go a few towns over to pick up a horse, but outside of that we’ll all be at the ranch. And that guy over there is gonna need to work off all that pizza he is stuffing down his face. Now, not sure about each of you, but Nizhoni and I had a rough night last night with our wolf dogs, so think we’re going to call it a night.

“Thanks, Tink, for putting both myself and Avalanche up again. That drive to the ranch at this time of night can be treacherous, especially since my woman will want to ride her beast of a bike. Last time we did that, I almost drove off the road when we took a turn too fast and there was a herd of deer on the road. Zoey was able to stop, but not before her front tire bumped one of the huge beasts. Thought we were going to have to shoot him but he snorted loudly then slowly walked off into the woods. So we all agree, if it’s too late we stay, if that’s all right with you and Noodles.”

Zoey is getting greener by the minute so I nod quickly.

“Panther, you guys are always welcome. Go on up to bed, we’ll clean up. I know how early you both, no I mean all three of you, get up on that ranch of yours. Are your guys going to take care of the two howlers tonight?”

“Yeah, since Chicago and Dallas have to leave so early, they are spending the night at the ranch. Both Ma'iitsoh(wolf)and Zhi´'ii(raven)love the guys, so it’ll be okay. Personally, I hate leaving them but nothing we can do about it. This takes precedence. A sister of Zoey’s is like a sister of ours.”

Avalanche, who’s been quiet up ’til this moment, bumps shoulders with my bestie, a huge grin on his face.

“Little skull anii', might want to get a move on‘going to bed’before you make a total fool outta yourself. Once again I win, even though you’ll never admit it. Now get a movin’, I’ll see ya in the morning. Panther, go, I’ll put a call out to George so they know what to do with the beasts. Sleep tight, don’t let the bugs bite.”

Zoey leaps up, hand to her mouth, running up the stairs as I hear Avalanche roaring with laughter. So much so, he has to grab a napkin as he chokes on his last piece of pizza. Panther starts beating him on the back as he lifts his hands high in the air. We watch as his face goes red and gets redder by the minute. Not sure if he is laughing or choking, I just stare but Noodles is up in a second, pulling him up, and wrapping his arms around his waist.

When I realize he’s trying to do the Heimlich, Panther is holding his best friend still as he’s trying to struggle while choking. On the fourth or fifth thrust from Noodles, a huge piece of pizza comes flying out of Avalanche’s mouth just as Zoey comes back down the stairs, wiping her mouth. She sees what’s going on and freezes on the stairs, mouth wide open. Noodles lets Avalanche go while Panther grabs him by the waist, holding his weight up. Avalanche’s color is off and his eyes are tearing. He looks at Noodles for a long minute.

“Brother, I owe you. Goddamn, felt it get stuck but thought a cough or two and it’d be good. Zoey, we need to quit this childish shit ’cause, eventually, your throat is gonna be damaged from all your puking or I’m gonna choke to death. What the fuck is wrong with us? Glory is going through hell and we are acting like two little kids. Let’s make a pact that we quit with the stupid shit and just realize we like each other, and that’s okay.”

She comes down the stairs and walks right to Avalanche, putting her arms around his waist.

“Thank God, Big Bird, I’m getting sick of throwing up my food all the time. Now, are you okay, or do we need Dr. Cora to make a house call?”

He shakes his head again, looking Noodles’s way.

“Nope, that one saved my life. And in our culture when you save a life the one you saved is indebted to you for their entire life. So, Noodles, whatever you need, all you have to do is reach out and I’ll be there. That’s a promise. Tomorrow, what I’m gonna do when you two head back to the ranch is I’ll take a ride to where that old compound was for the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood. Something tells me they are hiding Glory’s daughter Lilly somewhere close. Maybe I’ll go look at the De Luca mansion too. Or what’s left of it. They aren’t gonna build from scratch, but with their contacts I could see them getting help from high places.”

Noodles looks to me then to Avalanche, and I know what he’s going to say before it comes out of his mouth.

“Avalanche, plan on Phantom and me joining you. Don’t want you to go off half-cocked. And if you do see something, might get dangerous for you by yourself. And no, I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself, but these assholes are lethal. So, you good with us tagging along?”

“Yeah, Noodles, sounds good. I’ll give ya a call when I’m getting ready. You gonna call Phantom or do you want me to?”

As the two men figure out the hows and whens, I give Zoey a look and she gives me a half-ass grin. Yeah, she’s glad this is over. I’m ready to fall over so I get up, grabbing my bestie’s hand, and together we walk up the stairs so we can take a minute to ourselves. We go into the kitchen and each grab a bottle of water. No words are needed as we gulp down our water.

“You going to be okay, Zoey?’

“Yeah, Goldilocks, just glad I don’t have to keep trying to keep up with Big Bird. We should call him Godzilla the way he eats, for God’s sake. I’ve gained twelve pounds since this competition started. Gotta start working out harder and get this weight off before I’m not able to fit into my clothes.”

I look at her and she doesn’t look like she’s put on a pound. And as far as working out, besides Rebel, I don’t know anyone else who works out more than Shadow. Though I’ll let her think she’s got to get off her ass, it might keep her off of mine. Then she drops her bomb.