“Give it a minute, Glory. I need you to take a couple of deep breaths for me. Then if you feel like it, we’ll get you up to a sitting position. So come on, breathe with me.”
I stand with my two girls wrapped in my arms, thinking in that deep dark area in my head I’m done with these Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood jagoffs. Time to start a plan to rid the world of their existence. Might need some help or have to call in some markers, but I’ll do whatever I have to, to protect my family.
We all wait as Diane murmurs to Glory, trying to put her at ease. My ol’ lady is good at that, for sure. When Yoggie helps his ol’ lady so she can sit up, no one says a word. Her eyes immediately go to the computer screen, but her face falls when she sees it dark. Can’t imagine how she feels well, actually, I kinda can. When Hannah was taken it was like someone ripped my heart out of my chest. Feeling a heaviness in that area, I rub it while watching Diane. She’s my one shining star and accomplishment, besides our girls.
It takes Glory about six minutes to pull herself together. In that time, I can hear the noise in the hallway getting louder and louder. Just goes to show how many people care about the VP of the Devil’s Handmaidens. She keeps glancing at the door then the blank computer screen. After about another five minutes, I give in.
“Glory, you ready? I’ll get Raven and Freak back in here so they can share what they found out, only if you think you can handle it. No, don’t do that, no one in this room is judging you. My God, woman, you just found out your little girl is alive and grown. That would fuck anyone’s head up. So let that shit go. Need to find out all we can about your Lilly, then figure out a way to get her away from them. So am I calling in the troops or are we all gettin’ drunk on Jack Daniel’s?”
That brings a tiny smile to Glory’s face, and I think to myself my work here is done. Glory looks to Yoggie and it’s amazing to see them having a conversation with no words. That man is worth his weight in gold, and I’m thrilled to call him my brother. When they are done, Yoggie looks to me and gives me the signal, a chin lift, lettin’ me know they are ready to move this show forward.Great, I think to myself as I lift off the chair and walk to the door, opening it. Fuck, the hallway is packed with bikers leaning against the walls and sitting their asses on the floor. Up front are Glory’s sisters, who look beyond concerned. This room ain’t big enough so I look to Maggie, who nods.
“Get your asses outta the hallway and back into the main room. Raven, can you bring a laptop or computer to share what you found?”
“Tank, I’m hooked up out there, can stream it through the projection television so, yeah, I’m good. Let me grab a few things and I’ll be right out. Freak, want to grab your shit so we can share at the same time?”
My nerd of a brother nods but his eyes follow Raven’s ass. Oh, fuck me NO. Brother, not that one, she’ll eat ya up and spit ya out. Raven’s a good woman but between her jokes and snipes she’d be a handful and not one I think Freak can handle.Only time will tell,I think to myself as I grab my ol’ lady’s hand and start to head to the main room to see what’s gonna hit us next. Let’s deal with this shit before one of my brothers stirs the pot for Christ’s sake.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever even consider that Nora’s daughter was alive. As sad as that thought is, now I’m not so sure it’s great news that she’s alive. Yeah, what a shitty thought, but I always see the picture beyond what is first presented. Something ain’t right, but I’m not involved in this as much as all the rest of Nora’s crew. They have first-hand experience as they were there for her when she transferred out here after her husband and little girl were taken from her. She made the ultimate sacrifice for her family.
Hearing the door closing on Olivia’s bedroom, I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for Nora. I can’t imagine how hard this is for her, though I’ve had my own experiences when in the service that left me hollow. If I hadn’t found the Intruders, I have no idea what would have become of me. I’m a team player and need to protect, so being the one who helps Enforcer keep Tank safe satisfies me to no end. Now with Nora and Olivia, my internal needs are being met by being allowed to keep them from the evils of the world. Though both females in this house have experienced the scum of the earth already.
Nora walks in and I can tell she’s beyond exhausted. Emotionally drained. When she’s right in front of me, I grab her hands, placing a kiss on the top of each. Then I stand, my hands cupping her head as I gently place a kiss on her perfect as fuck lips.
“Bae, get undressed and lie on the bed. No, don’t ask any questions, just know I plan to take care of you. Trust me, Nora.”
Then I let her go and walk to the door, locking it just in case Olivia tries to climb into our bed during the night. I don’t mind but others might. She’s not my daughter and she’s approaching that age where she should be sleeping in her own bed. After the door is locked, I move to the bathroom, grabbing the basket I have sitting on the countertop.
I stop dead in my tracks when I enter the bedroom. Nora listened to me and is lying on the large towel I placed on top of the sheets, totally naked. The only things on her skin are her tattoos, which always draw my eyes to her. Her long hair is spread out on her pillow and her eyes are half-mast and sexy as fuck. Damn, this was gonna test my body’s restraint, ’cause all I want to do is drop my clothes and crawl up her long sexy body and bury myself in her tight warmth all night long ’til we can’t move and drop into a relaxed and utterly spent sleep.
Her eyes never leave mine as I approach her side of the bed, which is away from the door. As I keep telling her, I’ll always have her back and protect her.
“Bae, turn over onto your belly. Come on, it’ll be worth it, I promise, beautiful.”
Watching her body shift and move has my dick starting to thicken up and lengthen so it is getting a bit uncomfortable. I undo the top button of my jeans but that’s all I do. Tonight is not about me but about my Bae. I gaze at her long neck and smooth as silk back that narrows down to the two dimples right above her ass. And what an ass she has. It’s heart-shaped with a bit of a bubble to it. Her legs are shapely and long. Not sure where to start, I put the basket on the bed, and kneel at the bottom of it.
With my hands now full of warmed oil, I start to massage the arches of her feet when I hear the sudden gasp followed by a low moan. Not exactly sensual but nonetheless it tells me I am in the right spot. Slowly I work first one then the other foot. After, I make my way up her legs and thighs. I don’t quit or move on until I can feel her muscles actually relaxing and letting loose. By the time I warm more oil in my hands and place them on her ass, I hear the soft noises she makes when she’s asleep. My Bae is letting it go for now. Now the rubbing and massaging is for me. I can never get enough of my hands on her body. Nora is not one of those women who tries to hide her body. No matter what, in our relationship it is equal, she takes and gives. And never hides or covers anything. I love that about her.
When I’ve worked my way up her back and finish her shoulders, I go down each arm, making sure the joints are also relaxed. After I’m done, I go back into the bathroom, this time shutting the door partially so I don’t disturb her. I throw the towels I used in the laundry basket and put the oils and lotions away. Then I rip my T-shirt off and drop both my jeans and boxers.
I hit the shower making sure the water is on the cooler side so as not to bother the burned skin on my lower back and ass. Don’t think anyone but Nora and Ironside know about my injuries. I’ve got other scars but those are the worst. I already told Nora that in the winter she’ll have to help me keep the damaged skin moisturized or I can have issues. Been there done that, not going back.
I grab my body wash and quickly go over my body. Feeling the raised bumps on my thighs, I know how goddamn lucky I am to be alive as just about half of our team didn’t come home, not because they were killed but because there was nothing left to bring home. My hand grabs my cock and I vigorously wash it and my balls before moving up to my chest. I can feel the weight of my cock as it gets harder, but I’m not going to beat myself off. No, it will be worth the wait to feel Nora tighten around me as I thrust into her. I love how she is open to just about anything, which makes our coming together not only interesting but sexually addicting too.
Finishing off with washing my hair, I rinse off, and grab a towel before shutting down the shower. I quickly dry off and do my usual deodorant, body spray, and then brush my teeth. Running a quick comb through my hair, I move to the bedroom, flipping the main light off, though we always leave the small one in the water closet on for Nora. She can’t sleep in the dark thanks to that bastard Oscar. I go to my dresser, pull out a clean pair of boxer briefs, put them on, and head toward the bed.
Seeing Nora’s face has my breath catch. Seems like my massage relaxed her enough to fall into a deep sleep. Her face is relaxed with none of the earlier tenseness and fear on it. Before I get into bed, I move back to the door and unlock it, and pull it open just a little bit for Olivia. Then I walk to Nora’s side and reach under her pillow for her nightshirt. Then, somehow, I manage to get it on her before I pull the covers up and over her.
When I’m situated on my side, I pull my Bae to me, holding on to her closely as memories of a faraway place flash before my eyes. Nora told me about her time as a prisoner of someone, so I’m going to have to tell her about my time as a prisoner of war. It might help her to deal with the horrors she went through with Oscar. Even though our prisons were different, the torture, manipulation, and emotional damage is the same, no matter what or where you are. Not to mention when the someone or someones holding you are sadists. Nora’s story tells me Oscar is a total sadist. If I ever have the pleasure of meeting him, before I rip his head off his shoulders, he will get a small sampling of how a real sadist inflicts pain. I’m not a sadist but the motherfuckers who held me for fifteen months were, so I’ve been instructed by the best.
Not wanting to fight those nightmares before I try to sleep, I run my hands up and down Nora’s side, trying to imagine our lives a year, two years, and even five years from now. And I come to the same conclusion, if we don’t rescue Lilly there won’t be a future for any of us. I’m glad that Freak and Raven are on it and are doing everything within their nerd powers to give us a complete picture of Nora’s daughter’s situation.
Feeling Nora shift, I lie here hoping my thoughts aren’t what’s breaking her sleep. She needs a good night’s sleep, so that’s what she’ll get, if I have to stay awake all night and chase her demons away. I meant it when I told her that this is it for me. I’ll always protect her. Now that includes Olivia and if or when Lilly gets here, she’ll also have my protection. Nothing will ever hurt these three females ever again if I have any say-so.