Page 12 of Glory



After eating dinner at Taz and Enforcer’s, the kids watched a movie while all the adults sat on the back deck, trying to figure out who the hell would try to scare our little girl. Something isn’t right, and by the way Raven ran after Shadow and me when I got the call, figure she’s working every angle possible. Those motherfuckers in the brotherhood have their hands in just about every deviant action out there. And for some reason everything we are involved in leads right back to them. I know Tink and Tank have been having conversations, trying to figure out how both clubs are tied to this racist group of assholes. Well, besides when Taz had her drama and the Grimm Wolves and Tank decided to blow up the brotherhood’s compound.

By the time we left, Sebastian had to carry Olivia to my car because she was totally out. Little Teddy got mad because he told Sebastian he would carry our girl out, but when he tried to he couldn’t lift her. He got so mad tears started to roll down his cheeks. Leave it to my Boo to make him feel better.

“Teddy, my man, don’t get upset. Right now you’re helping Olivia much more by being her friend. One day you’ll be the only man picking her up, but for now, be thankful you have your dad and all of his brothers to step up to the plate ’til you get bigger. Remember that being a man isn’t about how strong you are but being a good man, and more importantly, a good human being in all ways. You’re on the road for that, so just keep doing what you’re doing. So gotta ask you, my man, may I carry your ol’ lady out to the car?”

I was watching Teddy’s face as Sebastian talked to him and he actually ended up smiling while wiping his tears off his face. His smile was huge when my Boo called Olivia his ol’ lady. I almost busted a gut, but did my best not to even smile as Teddy was in a very sensitive mood and didn’t want him to think I was laughing at him. We all learned that when he is having a moment to just support him emotionally, so he doesn’t draw into himself like he used to do when Taz first came into the Devil’s Handmaidens. It helped that his favorite auntie was there. Never got how close Teddy and Shadow are, but hey, who am I to judge. They say kids are a good judge of character. Even though Shadow tries to scare the shit out of everyone she has a very good heart, especially for those she cares about.

So while Sebastian carries Olivia out, Shadow makes it a point to hold Teddy’s hand as they both follow us out to my vehicle. He leans in and puts a soft kiss on her cheek before I shut the back door. Teddy then comes right up to me and gives me a tight hug.

“Auntie Glory, thanks for bringing Olivia home to us. I promise to take care of her, just like all the men take care of their ol’ ladies. Won’t let anything happen to her. See you tomorrow.”

Then he takes Shadow’s hand and goes to walk back to the house. Shadow leans down and says something to him that has him letting her hand go and run to the house by himself. My sister comes toward us and by the intensity of those ice-blue eyes of hers, I know whatever she is going to say, I won’t like.

“Glory, wasn’t going to tell ya, but with this, figure you should know, though we don’t have much yet. Raven found some bullshit report that someone is looking for Olivia and has a missing person report filed. They say they are her parents. And we both know that’s a fuckin’ lie, sister, because little Olivia told all of us those bastards killed her parents and took her to that hell she was living in. Raven went as deep as she could without them finding out she’s looking into them. The guy claiming to be her father is, in fact, part of the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. In fact, his dad is a founding member of the Timber-Ghost chapter, I guess you’d call it. So this jagoff grew up in that brotherhood and has probably been brainwashed. Glory, we got this, don’t lose your goddamn mind ’cause no one can get on the ranch or by any of the homesteads. We made sure of that after all the other sisters’ dramas. Go home, get some sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.”

Then she blew my mind by giving me a quick hug. After, she turned and walked back to the house. Sebastian is waiting by the driver’s side with the door open. Knowing he won’t leave until I’m in safe and sound in my cage, I walk over to him. He grabs me close, giving me a hard, closed-mouth kiss before he helps me into the driver’s seat. After I start my car, I wait for him to get in his cage then follow him home. My mind is going in all directions because I can feel deep in my gut that shit is about to go to hell. All I can pray for is, no matter what comes our way, we can keep Olivia safe and make sure nothing more happens to her. She’s gone through enough.

* * *

By the time we get back to the house and I get Olivia out of her clothes and into her jammies, she is wide awake. She wants both of us to read her a story, so Sebastian and I do just that. By the time we were halfway through she is out again. We finish the story then tuck her in, turn her stars motion light on, and shut the door only partway. She can’t be in the dark or locked in or she freaks out. Some nights, lately, she wakes up either screaming or crying.

I’m exhausted but need to take a quick shower. Looking for Sebastian, I find him in the kitchen making a sandwich.

“Boo, I’m going to jump in the shower. You okay? Keep an ear out for Olivia, will you please?”

“Bae, you don’t have to ask, for Christ’s sake, just go take five minutes for yourself. I’ll be right here when you’re done. Want me to make you a sandwich?”

Nodding, I turn and walk back to our bedroom and the bathroom. Turning on the shower to warm up, I start to take my clothes off then step into the shower. Once the water hits me, I feel it building, and before I can stop it, my emotions go into overload. Between the water and tears running down my face, everything hits me at once. I lean against the tile wall, head hanging, and just let everything out. Not sure how long I’m in here before I feel arms wrapping around me and my Boo pulls me up tightly, my back to his front. He doesn’t say a word, just holds me closely, which is exactly what I need in this moment. Feeling safe is something that is hard for me to feel. Even now.

Not sure how much time goes by before his hands start to caress my belly, but he never goes up or down. He’s comforting me. This man is beyond perfect. The more his hands are on me, the tingling feelings are growing. My body is relaxed while my mind has quieted down. When his fingers slip below my tummy, I feel all my muscles tense as his long, rough fingers make their way down to my lady bits. Just that thought has me giggling because that’s what Raven is always saying.

“Bae, I’m afraid to ask what’s so funny. Not exactly the reaction I

was looking for when my hands are on you. Gasps, moans, whimpers, or crying out my name, or even Oh my Gods, but not giggles. Woman, no man wants that. So do I want to know or not?”

“Boo, it’s not you. As you were traveling south, I heard Raven’s voice and how she calls where you were going lady bits. It made me giggle, but swear it wasn’t about you or what you were doing. In fact, you can get back to it anytime you want. I’m waiting impatiently, Sebastian.”

His fingers are on the move again. When his rough fingertips find my hidden bundle of nerves, I take in a deep breath.

“Breathe, Bae. I got ya.”

And man, does he have me. Between his fingers and mouth, the sounds coming from me surprise me. I just try to breathe and enjoy and feel what he’s doing to me. It’s all about me every time, and that alone makes me feel so special. The build keeps coming until I can’t hold back. My body lets go and Sebastian holds on to me until I’m limp and feeling beyond relaxed. He then moves me under the water and washes every inch of me, including shampooing my hair. Having those fingers on my scalp, lightly scrubbing, has goosebumps rising all up and down my arms. When he rinses out the conditioner, he turns me, placing a gentle kiss on my lips, then kisses my nose.

After he turns the shower off, he reaches out, grabbing a towel that he wraps my hair in. The next towel he dries me off in the shower before wrapping me in it.

“Bae, go on to bed. I’ll just be a minute, want to take a quick one. I’ll check on Olivia when I’m done. Go take care of you for a change.”

My body feels like I’m floating as I make my way to the bedroom. Dropping the towel, I reach under my pillow, pulling out the huge nightshirt I sleep in. Moving to my dresser, I grab a pair of my boxers and pull them up. Knowing I’ll have a mess in the morning, I skip drying my hair but drop that towel also and finger brush my hair before pulling the covers back and getting into bed.

Hearing the shower turn off, I shift, trying to get comfortable as I hear Sebastian enter the bedroom. He grabs his sleep shorts then leaves, probably to check on Olivia. I’m drifting off as he makes his way back and into bed. He pulls me close, his nose in my hair.

“Bae, sleep good, beautiful. Tomorrow will be a better day, promise. I got you, Nora, always.”

This is the last thing I hear before I fall deeply asleep and don’t wake up until the sun is already in the sky.