Page 11 of Glory

As Tink, Noodles, and I look over what I’ve been able to put together, I feel like once again we are stepping into the devil’s ring of fire. Even though I don’t do it enough, I pray that no one gets burned this time around.




The itching is finally getting better. Stupid me, I picked my shoulder and mid-back for my club tattoo. I picked our club logo and behind it are trees on mountains. Seems like what I’ve come to love about Montana. After being in the Middle East for many years, you come to enjoy seasons, mountains, valleys, blue sky, and trees.

I’ve not spoken to Malice since the day he knocked Nora down, and he’s never apologized. He’s in huge trouble with the club because it’s come to everyone’s attention he’s been a total dick to all of the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters since the situation with Tink and Noodles. Personally, I think his manhood was threatened when tiny but mighty Tink cracked the shit outta him. And he’s the type of man who would hold a grudge against a woman who was just protecting herself against a total dickhead.

Getting my head outta my own ass, I concentrate on the road as I make my way to Taz and Enforcer’s house. Olivia spent the day with Teddy and I’m picking her up on my way to Nora’s house. Well, she keeps saying it’s our home, but I’m not sure it is. Something is eating at my gut and I don’t have a fucking clue what.

There are times I feel like someone is watching me, but when I look around I don’t see a thing. Also, along with Nora, I’m getting calls and hang-ups. It freaked out Olivia the other night when both of our phones rang at the same time and when we answered, we both lost our shit in our own way, and Olivia lost her shit. She ran and hid in her closet, all the way in the back. When we finally got her out and calmed down and to bed, Nora and I talked, both agreeing we have to be more careful around her. That poor kid has been through enough, we don’t need to add to her troubles.

We also both agreed to have Olivia start therapy with the new doc at the Blue Sky Sanctuary. She’s been coming to the ranch once or twice a week to meet with the folks on the waitlist for the sanctuary. She also works with the survivors the Devil’s Handmaidens bring back from each human trafficking circuit they bust. Finally, Cynthia, the former bank manager, and her kids are also in therapy and can’t say enough about Joan. Again, Cynthia’s another woman, that the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood destroyed just because they could. Proud though that she’s fighting her way back.

I park off to the side so if anyone needs to get into their garage they can. I hate being in my cage, but Miss Olivia is worth it. That little girl has wormed her way deep into my heart. I can’t believe how much she’s drawn me out, just by being so cute and innocent. Even with the abuse she’s suffered at the hands of the brotherhood, Olivia is trying to move forward. With that thought, she still wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. The first time, we ran out of the bedroom with Nora and I both butt-ass naked, each of us holding a gun in one hand. I almost showed the girl my shit and am sure that would have probably scarred her worse than she already is. Nora pulled me back, gun in one hand, robe on her naked body.

So deep in my thoughts, I don’t hear the door open but feel a kind of calm feeling in the air as I walk up the stairs. Looking up, I see Cynthia Mick’s son, Benji, watching me intently. Sometimes this boy seems to always be taking shit in and doesn’t talk too much. Kind of reminds me of the son of Stitch in the Grimm Wolves MC.

“Hey, Benji, how’s things going today? The brats behave?”

He tilts his head one way then the other before he gives me a grin.

“Yoggie, you’re funny, man. Olivia and Teddy are planning their wedding as we speak. They are so serious and all they talk about is being in love. Taz tries to explain that they are too young to be in love. Teddy threw a fit, telling his mom that he supported her when she‘got together and was making kissy faces’with Enforcer, and she needs to support him with Olivia. I had to go to the bathroom, so no one got mad, I was laughing so dang hard. Not sure how Enforcer can sit in there, but he manages. Think it’s because Taz is always cracking jokes. Wanted to tell you something before you go in, you know, man-to-man.”

Now it’s my turn to tilt my head and stare at him. Man-to-man, what the hell is he talking about? I feel a tinge of nerves running up and down my back but I say nothing, just wait.

“Yoggie, I need to warn you. Talked to my mom, you know, Cynthia and she said to do what I thought was right, and this feels right. Don’t ask questions please, just listen. Olivia is having more nightmares and she seems to be blanking out sometimes. And she’s really afraid of the dark. I wasn’t going to tell, but Mom said she’ll try and talk to Glory in the morning when she checks in at the bunkhouse. Just want you to know that the brotherhood is everywhere.”

With that, he turns and goes back in the front door, passing Enforcer on the way. I stare at him knowing there is shock all over my face. I have no idea how to process what just happened. When Enforcer walks down the stairs, grabbing my shoulders and turning me toward the outbuilding, I follow. He says not a word until we are behind closed doors and he’s reset the alarm.

“Yoggie, what I’m about to tell you is for your ears only. Not even Glory can know at this snapshot in time. Got it, brother?”

I nod and wait.

“Freak found some shit out and right now we have no fuckin’ solid proof, but seems like one of the brothers has some distant ties to that messed-up brotherhood. No not gonna give you a name or anything else. Just know we have your back, along with your ol’ lady and kid. I know Benji told you that your girl is having nightmares, and she is. They are getting worse and that could be because of the therapy. It brings everything someone’s gone through to the surface. Yeah, I know what I’m talking about. Taz, Teddy, and I met with the new doctor, Joan, when all that shit went down with my ol’ lady. Fingers crossed, you and Glory can get by without too much drama. Now let’s get inside before someone has another meltdown. Teddy is driving us crazy with his idea that him and Olivia will be getting married later in the year. Olivia doesn’t say much but smiles every time he says anything about their ‘relationship.’ I know she was having a pretty intense conversation with Que today about relationships. She seemed worried as she told my ol’ lady Teddy might not want her if he found out about what happened at that house she was held in. My woman told her any man worthy of her wouldn’t let anything from the past stop his love for her. Olivia seemed to like that answer. Now, brother, let’s get our asses in there before one or all of those monsters come out wanting to play hide-and-seek, or worse, want to go pet all the animals up at the ranch. Again.”

Laughing along with Enforcer, we make our way up the porch and through the front door. I stop immediately when I see Teddy holding on to a crying Olivia while Benji and Dakota stand close by. Taz is on her knees next to the kids, rubbing up and down Olivia’s back. When she sees us walk in she gives Enforcer big eyes. I walk directly to the little girl, and when she sees me, she lets go of Teddy and walks to me, arms up in the air for me to pick her up. When I do, she puts her head on my shoulder and holds on tightly.

“Que, what the hell happened? I was gone maybe eight to ten minutes. What’s the drama now?”

Teddy turns around, his eyes first on me then his dad. He walks over to Enforcer pulling on his kutte to get him to come down to his level. Teddy does his whisper, which isn’t a whisper at all.

“Daddy, we’ve got a problem. Momma was on the house phone with Miss Cynthia, making sure that Benji and Dakota could stay for dinner and maybe watch a movie. Momma’s cell phone rang. I was in the bathroom, and Benji and Dakota were playing with Tuna, Atticus, and Skylar. Olivia was trying to be helpful and when she answered the phone, whoever was on it said something that totally freaked her out, Dad. She started to scream, making Momma drop the phone to see what was wrong. By the time I got out into the room, Olivia was crying and shaking. She ran to me so I held her like you always hold my momma. That’s what you guys walked into. Momma tried but can’t get anything out of Olivia about who was on the phone, or what they said to make her so upset.”

Before Enforcer or I can say a word, we hear footsteps running up the stairs and we both move outta the way as the door opens and Nora, Shadow, and Raven come in the door looking frantic. Nora comes to Olivia and me, putting her hands on the little girl’s back.

“Cariño, Taz called, said you were upset by a phone call. What’s going on, Olivia? You know you can trust Yoggie and me. Well, you can trust everyone in this room. No one will let anyone or anything hurt you, ever. I promised you on our way back here that I’d protect you, but need to know, honey, what’s got you so upset. Please, Olivia, talk to us.”

Olivia picks her head up off my shoulder then looks between me and my Bae. She reaches one hand out to touch Nora’s face, then brings that hand to my face. Her little face is pink and wet with her tears.

“Glory, I answered Miss Taz’s phone and the voice told me to‘enjoy your time there’because it was going to come to an end soon. Told me I was going to live with my new mommy and daddy. The voice told me I already know my daddy because we met at that bad house. That made me scream. My heart was beating really hard too. Please don’t let any of those bad, mean men take me. Please.”

My eyes immediately go to Nora’s, and I make a promise to myself that no one, and I mean no one, will ever hurt Nora or Olivia ever again if I can help it.