Page 10 of Glory

I watch my Boo’s face and the look when Tank calls him son has me reaching for my chest. I know a little bit of Sebastian’s past, but nothing that would put that look on his face. A look that seems to shout out with pride and joy that Tank would even consider calling him son. Going to need to start digging in and finding out more about this wonderful man.




My damn back is cramping up and my eyes are burning like a bitch. But when I saw this missing person report, knew I needed to follow the trail. Now I feel like Alice going down the rabbit hole. And it is all making its way around to those bastards, the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. I don’t know why they keep bouncing in and out of all of our businesses, both personal and professional.

Just the other day one of our tractor trailers was vandalized when the driver, Joe, ran into the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill to drop off some list from Dani that she needed to get into Taz’s hands. A list of shit that was needed at the shop. By the time Joe dropped it off to Peanut, who would hand it off to Taz, and he had a cup of coffee and a bowl of soup, the entire one side of the trailer had all kinds of shit on it. And none of it was pretty, especially since right now in our country spirits our running hot. We had to have Joe bring the trailer back, unload it, and then get it cleaned off, which took a couple of hours.

How did we know it was the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood? Well, the derogatory signs and words gave it away. And the GoPro caught two idiots leaving the scene and I was able to match them through facial recognition software I have. Dumbasses, we already called in Sheriff George so we could make a report. Taz and Tink are right, we need a paper trail to bring those sons of bitches down. Personally, I’m with Shadow, just take them down one at a time.

Hearing my alarm go off on my search computer, I turn to see what it’s found. I almost fall backward when I see the picture of the little girl who’s been at our ranch now for a couple of weeks. Olivia has really bonded with Glory, Taz, and Teddy. Don’t forget the pups too, especially Tuna.

Diving in, I start to search who the fuck put out a missing person on that little girl. Poodles said what Olivia told us was absolutely true. Her parents were murdered and she was taken by the racist club and dropped off to Juice’s in Mesquite Nevada for, as they put it, processing. What she went through has shivers going down my spine. Motherfuckers, I ever have that child tell me who I’ll gladly put a bullet in their crotch first, then cut off their dick before letting them bleed to death.

But for now, all I can do is fantasize about my desire to torture these assholes. I need to let Tink and Glory know about this because it means we need to keep a close eye on Olivia now at all times. Poor kid, after all she’s been through it’s still not safe for her to just be a kid. Though with all of the get-togethers with Teddy, our girl Olivia is catching up for sure. And the two of them are so cute together from all the pictures Taz is sending all of us, every time they are together.

Picking up the phone, I dial up Tink’s number and wait. After the second ring she picks up.

“Problem, Raven?”

I love my prez because she’s always in the mix, even before I tell her anything.

“Tink, you in town? I’m at the clubhouse in my cave, need to talk to you about something important and probably pretty urgent. Don’t want to talk on the cells. And just you and me to start, need to get your thoughts before we bring in any of the sisters. Especially Glory.”

I can almost hear the wheels in her head turning and trying to figure out what I’m trying to tell her without the words directly. As usual, she shocks the shit outta me.

“Noodles and I are at the Wooden Spirits, had to do some inventory and he wanted lunch. Can be over in under thirty minutes, that work? And just throwing it out there, but who’s it about, Olivia or Yoggie?”

Damn, how does she do this every single time? It freaks me out sometimes, well most times, if I’m being honest. Though I give it to her straight.

“Olivia, Prez.”

“I’ll be there shortly. You want me to bring you something to eat?”

As I tell her to bring me the special of the day with a bowl of soup, I continue to monitor my one screen as I search on the other. My third and fourth are for emergencies and to keep an eye on every camera I have out there. Alarms are set on each one and for the camera ones, I get notices for everything from motion to a person in the camera view. Can’t take any chances, especially now that some of the sisters have hooked their stars and there are children involved. They are all my responsibility and I won’t let them down.

* * *

Hearing the pounding on my door, I let out a scream after checking the camera on my phone to see both Tink and Noodles at my door. Great, can’t even pee in private anymore.

When I open the door, both Tink and Noodles are sitting at the table with water bottles in their hands. My food has been placed on the other side and I can see from here Tink brought extra bread and butter, which are my favorites.

“Raven, sit down and eat. It can wait another five or ten minutes. We can visit, then when you’re ready, you can drop the next bomb on me. Noodles is here because we drove together and as you all say, we are attached at the hip.”

I chuckle as I walk to the table and take a seat. Damn, it looks so good and I’m starving. Can’t remember the last time I ate a meal. Usually, I grab shit as I work. Gotta get better at that, my mom has been riding my ass that I need to take better care of myself. Right before she tells me I need to find a man. Mothers.

Tink and I are close but nothing like she is with Shadow or Glory. I’m not upset or jealous, just thinking that’s how it is in our club. Being I’m a computer nerd, can’t say I’m really close with any one sister. Well, maybe Peanut and Kiwi, as we all feel like the misfits of the Devil’s Handmaidens Motorcycle Club. We’ve gone out together and spent many nights crying on each other’s shoulders about different shit that has happened in our lives. Truly though, I’ve been blessed, the only negative thing that has happened with my family is they aren’t pleased I’m part of the club. My mom always had her dreams of her daughters finding a cowboy and getting married. Then being barefoot and pregnant just like she was. Unfortunately, that’s not for me. And I found my cowboy, he just wasn’t that into me.

“All right, Raven, now that we fed you and you won’t pass out on me, tell me what you found. I can see by the look on your face it’s not good news, for sure.”

“You’re right, Tink, it’s not. Before I start, got to ask is it okay to discuss this in front of Noodles? Don’t lose your shit, you taught me when I first took over the IT position so that’s why I’m asking.”

When she looks to her fiancé then back at me, I see him wink my way. Yeah, Noodles is a handful, thank God he has eyes for Tink because they are perfect together. Tink gives me the go-ahead, so I give it to her.

“All right, I’ve been running searches for anything that would give me insight into that racist group that is running circles around us. From a small town on the border of Montana and Idaho, a missing child report has been filed. Yeah, you guessed it, it’s for Olivia, and the report says her mother reported her missing over six months ago. I can’t tell for sure by the photos, but my gut is telling me it’s not her mom. Someone is playing games, and the man with the woman I was able to do facial recognition on. He’s from the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. His name is William Johnson, he’s forty-one and single. Well, maybe there isn’t much on him after he got involved with the brotherhood. His mother and father were murdered. Their farm in Idaho is now a compound for the brotherhood. They train there and occasionally use it for a middle ground when trying to human traffic the victims. From his facial features he could be Olivia’s father, though I believe that little girl’s story about how that group killed her parents. And with those racist bastards having so many folks in their pockets, probably would be really easy to lie and say he is her father. If so, you know the courts like the kids to go to their birth family, Tink. Not sure how you want to handle this with Glory. She’s gotten so attached to the girl, as Olivia has to her. For fuck’s sake, they set up house in that old homestead by the pasture you had. I mean, that’s what it seems like they are doing. Anyway, that’s what I have for you. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it, Prez, but we need to make sure Olivia is guarded and protected. If those assholes get ahold of her, she’ll be gone in the blink of an eye, never to be found again.”