Page 1 of Glory




Knowing Olivia is safe and being watched at Tank and Momma Diane’s house enables me to be right where I couldn’t wait to be. With my Boo after this long as fuck trip to rescue Vixen’s friend and bring that asshole Juice down. Though now we have so many souls depending on us, it’s going to take our village within the Devil’s Handmaidens, along with everyone else we know. But that is for tomorrow, tonight is for us.

“Bae, what’s put that look on your beautiful face? You should be on top of the moon since not only did you save Poodles but all the other women and all those babies. My God, what kind of deviant motherfucker does what Juice did? Talk to me, Glory girl, that’s why I’m here.”

“Awe, Boo, I’m sorry. This is the drop I get after every goddamn mission when I get home. It’s like everything hits me at once and the emotional swing is just plain exhausting. It’s not you, swear to Christ. If I’m honest here, when I had a moment to think, you were always on my mind. I was beyond thrilled when our convoy was riding in and I saw you on guard duty, though wish I could have jumped out and ran into your arms.”

“Well, now for my honesty, kinda blew my mind when I saw that little one wrapped around you. How’d that happen?”

Watching his face, I can’t tell if he’s just curious or if he’s just not that into kids. If it’s the first cool, but if it’s the latter then we have a huge problem. Been there, could have written the book on a guy not into kids, but to this day it’s too fucking painful. Better to find out now than waiting and ending up in a mess of pain.

“So you asking, Boo, ’cause you don’t like kids or just because you’re curious how Olivia ended up coming back with me?”

He jumps out of bed and immediately starts pacing back and forth like a, I don’t know, lunatic or psycho, pick one as I watch the shitshow in front of me.

“Really, Nora? I can’t believe you just asked me that. I do a ton of shit with kids all the time. And I’m probably one of the closest to lil’ Teddy. What is up with you tonight? If you didn’t want me to stop by should have just said it, instead of trying to pick a fight with me when I’m just trying to be here for you. I’ve been totally honest with you about everything. Told you to ask me anything you want to know about and I’ve answered honestly, no matter how personal or brutal some of your questions were. But I get it, honestly, especially after you shared what happened in New Jersey and New York. I’m not one of those Italian mafia pricks you’re used to, apparently. No, don’t get all pissed off now, Nora, you started this shit with the asinine kid questions. Have I ever made you feel like I didn’t like kids or wouldn’t want them around? The answer is a big fat fuckin’ NO.”

Knowing I’m being a total bitch, I get out of bed and when he turns and stalks toward me, I grab him, pulling tightly so I can hold on to him. At first he puts up a weak struggle, but eventually he gives in.

“Boo, I’m sorry for being a major bitch. What Olivia told us has me wanting to go out and castrate every deviant out there in the world. She’s a little fucking kid, for Christ’s sake. That asshole, Juice, altered her life path and it will never be the same, no matter what happens going forward. That is what is killing me. I hate that we didn’t rescue her before anyone of those dicks from the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood or Juice and his degenerate lowlifes put their eyes and hands on a little innocent girl, after they murdered her parents right in front of her. Maybe I was looking to fight with you because I’m so goddamn mad, and I can’t change a single thing for Olivia.”

He wraps me up in his strong arms, resting his chin on the top of my head. Whispering, he tells me to breathe deeply and I listen and do it.

“Bae, you’ve already changed shit for that little girl. You saved her, Nora. Imagine if you hadn’t gone and no one checked that room. Who the fuck puts a live child in a room with dead ones? For every evil that has been done to that child, you are already replacing those deeds with good ones. You and your club, Tank and Momma Diane, Ollie and his folks, will all come in contact with your lil’ Olivia and will help you change the direction her life is going. Now she will have so many choices it will seem like the sky’s the limit. Don’t beat yourself up, babe, please. Hey, if you’re worried about her, I can drive you over to Tank’s right now so you can check on her. Is that what you want, Bae?”

Shaking my head right before tears start rolling down my cheeks, it hits me how much I care for this man in my arms. He’s the exact opposite of what I grew up with and closer to who I hooked my star to all those years ago. Before the psychopath changed my life forever.

“No, don’t want to go there but if you don’t mind, I’m going to call Vixen to make sure she’s all right. It won’t take but a minute or two, promise.”

He turns me around and places a whisper of a kiss on my nose before leaning into me so his forehead is touching mine. His eyes are intently watching me, and I can see the multitude of colors in his gorgeous eyes.

“Nora, do what you have to. I’m going to go down and grab some snacks, then I’ll be back. Glad we were able to talk this through. If we do this, then we’ll never have problems. You want anything in particular? And don’t worry, I’ll be careful and stealth-like so no one will see me.”

Shaking my head, I watch him pull on his jeans and T-shirt, along with sliding his feet into his boots without socks, and he heads out of my room quietly, slipping into the hallway. Grabbing my phone, I dial Vixen and she answers on the first ring.

“Well shit, sister, took you long enough. Taz won the bet on how long before you called to check on your girl. Anyway, she’s out like a light, holding on to her new bear Momma Diane bought her. She seemed to have a blast with Declan, Amelia, and her boyfriend, Teddy. Damn, Glory, they are so frigging cute together. He must watch Enforcer with me because he held the door for her when they were done playing outside with the dogs. Then he shared his throw when they were watching the movie she picked out. When it was time for bed, as they were all getting ready, he leaned over and told her how much fun he had and wished her sweet dreams. Then she gave him a hug. Glory, I thought Taz was going to lose it and Enforcer wasn’t that far behind. Teddy, who isn’t into that touchy feely shit, gave your girl a hug right back. So all in all, everything is great. Oh, before anyone else can tell you, I’m engaged and I’m pregnant. Night.”

Before I can say a word, the phone goes dead. Holy mother of God, Vixen is engaged and pregnant all at the same time. It takes me a minute, but I text her congratulations on both just as my door opens and he comes in, arms full of goodies on a tray of some sort.

“Everything okay with the kids?”

“Yeah, and Vixen is engaged and knocked up. What a way to end a night, I guess.”

“Wait, what? How did she get engaged and pregnant since we saw them last? Damn, Ironside works fast. Well, good for them. Personally, I’m thrilled to see it working out for them since it sounds like they’ve been to hell and back. Now, are you hungry, Bae?”

My eyes take him in from the top of his head with that long wavy hair to his beautiful, sculptured face, broad shoulders, ripped chest and abs, down to his thick thighs, and as my eyes watch, a thickening and bulging crotch. Smiling and licking my lips, I don’t answer him in words.

“Well, thank God you have a fridge. Let me put this shit away and I’ll be right there.”

Laughing, I make my way to the bed, lounging in it for maybe a minute before he’s all over me with those full, firm lips of his. Hearing his deep throaty growl as he literally devours my moans,it might be time to let this secret out of the bag before any other female gets any ideas about this sensational man about to give me my third, no, fourth orgasm of the night.

That’s my last thought until after my final one which we shared, then he finally cuddles up close, his nose in my hair while my fingers are clutched to his as I drift to sleep surrounded by all that is him, my Boo.