Page 21 of Keep

“Oh, I love it,” Daisy cried.

Macy handed over the blue butterfly, and Daisy held it like it was made of gold. As my daughter threw her arms around Macy’s hips, my assistant hugged my kid.

My chest did that thing with the tug again.

On the plus side, though, at least Macy was looking more like her usual self.

“Daddy, you promised me ice cream.”

I stroked my chin. “You sure? I don’t recall that.”

“Daddy!” Daisy slapped her hands against my gut. “You did. You said at breakfast.”

“Hmm, I’m trying to remember…”


I tickled her, loving her giggles. Not one day went by that I regretted my decision to raise her. I hadn’t been sure I was the best man to be a father, but with my brothers’ help, and the godsend that was Lola, I was doing a decent job.

“Ice cream, it is.”

“Yay.” Daisy bounced.

I looked over her head. “Macy, you’re coming, too.”

She cocked a brow. “Was that an invitation?”

“No. You’re coming.” I wasn’t leaving her in the office alone. And I knew she loved ice cream.

“Please, Macy?” Daisy pleaded.

My assistant rolled her eyes. “It’s lucky I can’t resist ice cream.”

“Yay,” Daisy said.

“Reath?” I looked at my brother.

He had a shit-eating grin on his face. “Sorry. I can’t. You three have a good time.”

When Daisy and Macy headed for the door, I shot him the finger behind their backs. His grin just widened.

Not long after, I was seated at Ice Cream 504—which made the best ice cream in New Orleans, according to Daisy—realizing that I was in my own personal hell.

Daisy was chattering and eating her disgusting looking bubblegum ice cream that was an eye-searing, unnatural shade of blue-green. But my gaze was mostly on Macy as she licked her strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

I shifted on my chair and swallowed a curse. My jeans were getting tight with every glimpse of her pink tongue. She wasn’t licking daintily. No, it was all giant, enthusiastic licks of that little tongue, interspersed with moans.


My gaze flicked up to hers.

“Your ice cream is melting.”

I grunted, then took a bite of my own ice cream.

Macy smiled. “I knew you’d get plain chocolate.”

“Because it’s the best.”