"No shit. I'm a surgeon, and she's an auxiliary nurse," he said. "So what is your point? Bachelor degree holder?"
"It's actually a Master's degree," I quipped.
"Will you two knock it off?" Sarah sighed.
"He started it," Williams and I chorused.
"At least not in front of the baby," she said.
Williams and I playfully glared at each other before he handed his child over to me. I had carried a lot of babies, and he was no different: small, delicate, and full of life – proof of two people being in love.
It made me question why my mother and father had four kids and still nothing. Many parents were like this as well.
"He's beautiful, handsome, and seems intelligent too," I said as I admired the child smiling at me. "So glad he's nothing like his father."
"Yeah, me too," Williams agreed. “Wait. What?"
"All right, all right, that's enough," Sarah said as she took her son from me. "should we get a room ready for you?"
"I'm not sure. I came along with someone, and I wanted to check in on them later," I explained.
"A lady?" Sarah asked.
"In his dreams," Williams scoffed.
"I did come with a lady," I said. "I'm her client or boss."
I can't really say the client thing to see if it should ring any bells. While I wanted to believe Olivia, I had a feeling that what her aunt referred to may not have been what Olivia defined. I need to know what the locals defined it as.
"Client? You don't seem like the kind of person who would get a girl like that," Sarah remarked.
"Yeah, you aren't even that desperate," Williams added.
"What?" I blinked twice.
"We may be wrong, but do you mean like a client, a sugar daddy of some sort? Escort type of thing?" Williams asked.
That's what they mean?
"No, she's my secretary and offers business management advice to different organizations," I explained.
"Oh, you hired a freelancer to be your permanent staff?" Sarah asked. "Oh, in that case, we were wrong."
"Yeah, think about it; if it was one of those clients, I don't think she would be moving around a lot," Williams added. "Especially for those trying to live a changed life."
I didn't expect that. Their first definition had me worried. There was something off. Like I said, it felt like she was lying and telling the truth simultaneously. Is that the past she's trying to hide from me? No, it can't be.
"Is everything all right?" Williams asked. "You seem a little pale."
"Oh, I'm fine," I replied, As if on cue, my stomach growled. "I guess I'm hungry."
"We have stuffed chicken," Sarah gave me a thumbs up.
"I'll have that," I said.
Whatever Olivia was trying to hide, I had already promised myself that I would wait.