“You…” Tabitha called.

She wasn't with the man I had seen last time, but I was not surprised to see her at Lucas's hospital.

“Good morning, Miss Hill,” I greeted.

“Tabitha, you address me by name and not by that accursed surname,” she said.

“I'm sorry about that, Tabitha,” I apologized. “How may I be of service?”

“Is Greg here?” she asked.

“Your younger brother or our nurse, Greg?” I asked.

“I think she means me,” the tattooed second son of the Hill family replied.

“You're late idiot.” She frowned at him.

“I'm sorry,” he apologized then turned to me. “I didn't get to introduce myself properly at the dinner. But I'm Gregory Hills, Lucas's younger brother.”

“Olivia Sinclair,” I introduced myself.

It felt strange seeing two of them together and especially here. I was worried that it was going to be a problem considering how each sibling seemed to have it out for the other.

“I'm sorry to bother you two, but why are you here?” I asked.

“You tell me,” Tabitha said. “Apparently big brother needs help.”

“Lucas needs help no one informed me of that,” I replied.

“That's because it was an emergency,” Lucas said as he met us. He was dressed in scrubs and there was blood all over him.

“Tabitha!” Jane yelled at she hugged the oldest daughter.

“Get off me you wretched little…” Tabitha struggled to get Jane off her, but gave up and hugged her back.

“The accident had four victims,” Lucas relayed the information. “One of them has a hole to the heart, and another has something in his head. All are in critical condition.”

“Isaac is good with hearts, so why didn't you call him?” Tabitha asked.

“He's with the patient already,” Lucas replied. “I need you and me to handle the head case. Gregory, can you handle the other two cases? Just stitches, they've been stabilized. Helena will join you shortly. My staff are currently thinned out. I sent most of them out for external cases.”

“Let's go,” Tabitha said and pointed at me, “Fetch me some scrubs.”

“Make those two please. Sorry for the inconvenience,” Gregory said politely. “Tabitha you have to ask nicely. She's our incoming stepmother's friend.”

“Oh, I'm aware alright,” she smirked.

“People are dying. Get your asses to the operating rooms,” Lucas barked, and the both of them stepped in line.

I got them their scrubs as they demanded, but it still felt strange to see them. I had to go and check the operating rooms. Lucas and the man I hadn’t seen at dinner worked tirelessly on the patient. Gregory and Helena didn't shout at each other. Tabitha knew what to do the moment she stepped in.

They were all talented and worked with each other perfectly. It made me wonder why they couldn't be like this all the time.

“Do they usually come in like this?” I asked Jane.

“Well, yeah. If there are cases one of them can't handle they call the other,” she explained, “but it rarely happens.”

“It still feels weird seeing them together,” I remarked.