“My dear Kate, you really aren't in the position to be saying what you do and what you don't,” he sighed.

I lifted my eyes and found him holding a red sash. He tied it around his hand and walked toward me.

“Or maybe you want to leave now?” he asked.

I can do this. I know a lot of other girls like me who didn't like it at first but were able to handle it.

Besides he…he wouldn't go that hard on me.

I placed my hands behind my back and he tied them.

“Get to your feet,” he commanded, and I struggled to get up.

I was angry, but I hoped it didn't show on my face.

“There you go,” he said as he started to circle me, admiring my body.

Normally when you did things like this, without the tying, of course, I would get wet instantly.

But at that moment I was dryer than the Sahara.

“Bend over at the bed,” he said and pointed to the bed.

I dragged my feet all the way to the bed before bending. I closed my eyes expecting something bad to happen and I wasn't wrong.

Crack!The sound of the whip hitting my ass got to my ears before I even felt the pain.

“Ow! That hurts,” I complained.

“It's supposed to. That's how it works,” he said. He touched my ass with his hands to ease the pain, “if you don't know that then at this point you might as well be a virgin.”

“I don't like it,” I said. “James please let's do something else.”

“Normally you're supposed to choose a safe word,” he said ignoring my pleas. “But I don't think you would need that.”

“James no stop…ah!”

My pleas fell on deaf ears as he continued to whip me. He didn't relent, continuing to do it as he desired.

Was I feeling it? Absolutely not. It hurt like crazy.

Then he touched my pussy. “Why are you still dry? You hate me now?”

“No that's not it. I just don't like this,” I tried to explain.

“What kind of wife wouldn't like what her husband likes in the bedroom? he asked with disappointment.

“I guess you and my old wife aren't so different,” he scoffed. “But don't worry, we will keep trying until you get used to it.”

He wasn't joking. For the three nights that followed he kept on trying new things from choking me, to whipping, to gagging. Every time I didn't get wet, he'd lube me and start having sex with me. I saw it as rape. My skin had gotten so many whip marks, that I was so ashamed to step out of my room.

Then there was a knock.

“Kate it's me we need to talk,” I heard Olivia's voice call out.


I kept on knocking, “Kate there's no need to play the Silent game I know you're in there.”