“You know I noticed…” he started to say but stopped. “Never mind then.”
I don't know but it felt like I had made things a lot worse.
After our business in Chicago was done, we returned to Richmond. My aunt told me to leave and that was the only reason I left; but my mind was still worried about her. I looked over at Lucas who seemed to have something on his mind as well.
He turned to look at me and then averted his eyes. I started to feel guilty. He had suggested we hang out because of the disaster of a date we had in Richmond. I was so conscious of being recognized by people that I kept on turning him down and refusing to tell him what the reason for it was.
He promised to be patient, but that didn't mean his patience could last forever. Either way, he meant no harm when he asked me. It was already stupid of me to stress him out so much and not offer a single apology.
“Lucas….” I called.
He glanced at me sideways, waiting for me to speak.
“Nothing, never mind,” l said.
“I see,” his voice sounded disappointed in me.
It was an awkward silence, but things are about to get a lot more awkward.
“I hope you two had a wonderful trip?” Sebastian asked.
We had arrived at the Manor, and he had asked for the maids to assist with our luggage.
“It was a nice trip,” Lucas answered. “how's everything been here? Any recent developments I should be aware of?”
“Not significantly anything though,” the older man responded. “Things seem tense between the couple.”
Another thing for me to worry about was Kate's relationship with James. I didn't know if I was to follow the: mind my business: approach or insist that what Kate was walking into was a trap. Judging by his lack of interest in everything that had to do with the wedding or marriage, I had a feeling that he was cheating.
The last time I talked about it, Kate yelled at me.
“Any idea what started it?” Lucas asked.
“I have no idea at all, Master Lucas.” He muttered shook his head.
“Is she home?” I asked.
“Neither of them is but she left before pastor James did.”
“Alright then, thank you,” Lucas said. “You're excused.”
Sebastian nodded and left to carry out the rest of his duties.
“Do you want to try talking to her?” Lucas asked.
“I tried talking to her, but she didn't listen,” I replied. “I have a feeling she believes I'm against her.
“It looks like the spell Father has cast over her is stronger than expected,” he quipped. “Hopefully it doesn't turn into a situation she can't handle.”
“I suppose you're right,” I agreed.
In the living room, he took a seat on the sofa, and I sat on one of the couches. He leaned back and closed his eyes; it seemed like he was planning on falling asleep. It was the perfect opportunity to apologize for my outburst in Chicago.
“Lucas…” I started, but I was interrupted by the presence of someone else in the room.
James stared at Lucas and finally set his eyes on me. His glare intensified.