"Oh?" I arched a brow as I picked up the drink from earlier, taking a sip while I observed her actions.
"Yes," she answered, her voice was filled with temptation. For a moment, I felt like I was the one being hunted.
She opened her legs slowly, her dress retreating to reveal more of her skin. Her breathing was sharp and shallow. I could tell that it was a skill she had honed. Compared to me, this girl had been in different relationships. Lucky men. I was yet to stop sipping my drink as I scrutinized her.
"Looks like your words aren't lies. My bodydoesarouse you," she remarked as she reached for my cheek. "Do you mind if we leave here for a moment?"
"I have a feeling you want to do something to me," I smirked. "Just know, I'm not used to letting people have their way with me."
I left Williams and Sarah, two of my closest friends, and took a stranger I had just met to my hotel room. As we entered the room, the pounding of my heart only seemed to increase, thanks to her presence.
"Let me help you," she said in a tempting whisper as she touched my chest, pushing the jacket off my shoulders and letting it hit the floor.
She exhaled as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her eyes dimmed, lips opened slightly in expectation, as her face drew near to mine. I kissed her, my hands securing her nape as I feasted on her lips. Her lips were soft, despite being aggressive. I feared returning her passion, worrying that I could easily bite off her lips.
"Hah…" She pushed me away to catch her breath, then returned to my neck, biting and licking, I hoped that I wasn't too sweaty.
"Mmm," the gentle groan of pleasure escaped my lips while I helped her out of her coat. She returned the favor by undoing the button of my shirt.
She took off her things, save for the mismatched underwear she wore. The sultry look on her face disappeared almost immediately as she realized that she was wearing a black bra and red panties.
The look on her face made me snicker.
“No goodies for you then,” she pouted as she covered her chest.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” I admitted, hugging and pulling her to myself. I could feel her heart beating out of control.
Never mind, it was the sound of my own heart beating.
“I wasn’t expecting to go this far with anyone tonight,” she said softly.
I led her to the bed. “I hope I can be worth the trouble you went through tonight.”
As she lay on the bed, I continued undressing her until she was utterly nude. I placed my head between her legs, resting her legs on my shoulders.
“Wait, I should shower first.” She held my head to stop me, but my body was already on the edge, demanding to be inside her already.
I spread her pussy open, revealing the dripping walls she had kept hidden.
“It’s dirty,” she warned.
As a doctor, I know that more than anyone else. But everything about her, especially her peculiar scent, pulled me in. My tongue covered her wetness, lapping like a dog before the face of his favorite human.
“Fuck… stop…” she protested but held my head in place, her body tensing while I offered her pleasure.
Sucking on her clit, I slid in two of my fingers, gently wiggling them inside her as I prodded for her spot to finish her off. She whimpered and squirmed, but I showed no signs of ceasing until I was sure she had gotten enough.
Then my turn arrived. Usually, I'd be conscious about having unprotected sex with a stranger, but it felt like I had lost common sense. I slapped her pussy with my dick, caressing it gently before letting myself inside her.
She threw her head back in pleasure, clenching her walls and squeezing my dick. Her pussy was sucking me like a mouth. With each thrust, encouraged by her moans, I continued to ravage her while consuming her lips…taking all she could give me.
Her eyes were watery, and yet she didn't stop me. Instead, she wrapped her legs around my hips and urged me to continue as she inhaled sharply. She stuck out her tongue, and I sucked on it.
It was nothing like I had ever experienced.
"I'm…there…" she announced as her body began to shake. She sounded like one in pain and started to push me away as the orgasm finally took over.