“Everything is okay, I promise you,” I assured him.
“But you're not drinking coffee anymore,” he said, looking at the cup he had offered me.
“I didn't feel like it this morning; can you help me finish it?” I requested.
“Okay sure, I guess,” he said, still worried about me.
“Looks like you finally fixed that friend issue of yours,” he remarked. “I haven't seen him around the hospital anymore. I should have just trusted your process.”
“That is what I told you, but did you listen? No.” I became dramatic.
“Fine, fine, I get it. You are a big girl, and next time I will listen to you without questioning,” he promised me.
I don't know why, but after he said that, I felt like crying. I was secretly going to meet Liam sooner or later, so I felt extremely guilty. On the other hand, he had praised me so I was extremely happy.
“Thank you, thank you so much,” I mumbled and started to cry.
“Oh, my God, was it that bad?” he asked, rushing over to me. “I didn't know doubting you would put a strain on you.”
“You don't have to apologize,” I said.
I actually meant it. It really wasn’t something to cry about ,but my hormones were not letting me control the tears. He consoled me by giving me feet rubs and a back massage. He canceled his morning duties, cuddling me and petting me until I calmed down. I felt ashamed for succumbing to my hormones, but I was grateful for them. They were giving me the chance to get some premium treatment from Lucas.
“To be honest, I've always wanted to try doing this with you,” he said as he rubbed my feet, smiling lovingly. “Are you enjoying yourself, my lady?”
“Indeed, I am,” I responded heartily.
“Just tell me if there are any specific spots that need my touch,” he noted.
“Right there,” I said as his hands made contact with the exact spot.
“Anywhere else?” he asked as he continued his massage.
“Nowhere else for now.”
It was bliss. At the moment, there was someone out there plotting to ruin it. There was no way I was going to let that happen.
“You're pregnant?” Jane asked in a whisper.
“How could you tell?” I asked.
Her eyes lowered to the doughnut I had dipped in mayonnaise and was currently eating.
“Just a lucky guess,” she said as her face squeezed in disgust. “Isn't the mayonnaise smell supposed to affect you in a way?”
“I still haven't noticed anything, and besides this is delicious,” I replied.
“Does he know?” she asked.
“No he doesn't and please don't tell him,” I pleaded with her.
“Why don't you want to tell him?” she mused. “He deserves to know that you're carrying his child.”
“I was supposed to take the morning after pill and birth control, but I kept forgetting and never did,” I explained. “I'm sure he had been expecting me to handle such things. Telling him I'm pregnant might be problematic.”
“Well, we wouldn't know until we tried,” she said. “So, let's go tell him now.”