“I didn't do anything,” Gregory said, visibly annoyed.
“I was just about to,” Isaac said shamelessly. “You can't be the only one having a hot secretary . I want to have a drink with her - with your blessing, of course.”
“She's mine,” Lucas announced, surprising the rest of us. “So, she will not be going for drinks with anyone, without my permission.”
“Wait, that means you're dating your secretary,” Isaac pointed out.
“We're taking things slow, but we'll get there soon,” Lucas explained.
“You want to be in a relationship with someone?” Gregory asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his face.
“I haven't found anyone who gives me much peace as she does,” Lucas replied. “She makes my heart tremble. I want to spend the rest of my life understanding my feelings for her.”
“This is actually more surprising than I expected,” Gregory remarked.
“I should ask the lady if all you say is true, but the smile on her face has answered,” Isaac said, looking at me, “Aw, look at you, blushing red as a tomato.”
My face was already heated.
“Your body temperature just went up. Is everything okay?” Lucas asked me.
“No everything is fine,” I covered my face with both hands.
“I guess that explains why we haven't noticed your movements,” Gregory said, “and here I was thinking you didn't care about us anymore.”
“It's just weird monitoring you,” Lucas stated. “If I need to know what is happening in your lives, we could just have a conversation over some tea. You guys are the only family I have.”
The two younger brothers were surprised to hear his reply. They kept a blank face, wondering if they had heard correctly.
“So that's basically it,” Lucas concluded. “Stay away from my girl.”
“Ew, you sounded so intimate.” Isaac made a disgusted face, but I could tell that he was moved.
“I'll be willing to come for tea,” Gregory said with a warm smile.
“Let's get out of here,” Isaac said as he walked past us. “See you around, Luke.”
“What do you mean I didn't even come here with you,” Gregory said as he followed after him.
“Well, that was strange,” Lucas said. “He never calls me by name.”
“That's a good thing?” I asked.
“I guess so,” he replied as he held me close. “You do know that the brand you chose isn't good, right?”
“Yeah, Isaac told me,” I replied.
“I should have been here earlier,” he hissed. “Anyway, I'll be with you for your next shopping experience.”
“I would like that,” I sighed. “Did you just tell your siblings about us?”
Chapter thirty-three
Something's Off
“Wait, you didn't plan that?” Olivia laughed.