Page 108 of Dr. Damaged Protector

I was being watched by someone, and it wasn't the first time. The previous times, I had ignored it; but at that moment, it was too strong to ignore. I looked around the store and couldn't see anyone. I didn't lower my head. I kept looking around until the pressure I felt was gone.

“Strange.” I said to myself.

I made a mental note to stop going to this particular superstore. Then again it could have been me, stressing my mind. I know I was living with a billionaire, but the deal was too much to ignore.

I needed to keep my guard up.

Chapter thirty-one

The Demands


“He's been teaching me everything he knows,” Kate reported.

“Mm hmm,” I replied.

It was my day off. I was getting ready to go grocery shopping, but I called Kate to hear how she was doing. She was able to meet with the client she had mentioned and they became friends. He's been good to her; and from what she explained, she forgot that she was an escort.

“It's strange because when I called him up, his response was like, ‘Kate how you doing? It's been ages; is everything okay?’” she said. “I told him that I was no longer in the escort business. I was looking for ways to make money legally. He was like, ‘You were still doing that?’ I thought you left that life behind?’”

“Basically, he thought that I was taking the trading seriously,” she explained while laughing. “Could you believe that? He actually told me that the reason he gave me the money for trading in the first place was because he believed I'd be able to do something else.”

“In a way, that reminds me of how I met Lucas for the first time,” I said as I recalled the incident at the bar. “He didn't give me any money or tell me to change directly. He just said that I could forget the situation I was in. That was all I needed.”

“I can't believe that I was so blind,” she sighed. “Speaking of blindness, James has been texting me to get to you and convince Lukas to get rid of the evidence.”

“He should understand that his efforts will be in vain,” I said.

“Indeed,” she agreed. “So, what's new with you? Are you and Lucas official now?”

“We're taking it slow, so it's not official to the public,” I explained. “Lucas just wants to show me off and tell everyone else that I belong to him. Not in a possessive property kind of way but in a more like a possessive I love her kind of way. It's very cute when he does it.”

“I think I can picture that,” she laughed, “but besides that, everything is good?”

“Everything is,” I answered.

“All right. I'll be dropping by your aunt's place before I go for my lessons,” she said.

“Say hello to her for me,” I said.

“I will. Bye.” She bade me farewell and hung up.

Everything was not fine. Maybe I was losing my mind but someone was following me. After the super store pressure, I started noticing it at other times.

For example, when I arrived at work with Lucas, I could feel someone watching me.

I didn't feel like the person was in the building. I'd go outside to check; most times, I’d feel the person watching. Sometimes nothing. Then it happened during work hours while I made my rounds.

I was done with my own work for the day and didn't feel like going home. I could tell that I was being watched. The gaze felt familiar. From the burning malicious intent I sensed, it was someone who had a bone to pick with me.

I wanted to ask Sebastian if James was at home, but it would raise suspicion. He might tell Lucas, and he would wonder why I was looking for his father, causing a lot of stress.

It didn't feel that serious.But as it was my off day, I was worried about being followed. At first I suspected it was James trying to convince Lucas to get rid of the evidence. But that didn't sound right. James would go directly to Lucas if he felt he would become much of a threat. That was feeling I got from him, which means I had one other person to suspect. But we hadn't talked for a while. Even after I gave him my number, he didn't reach out.

My second suspect was Liam. I couldn't see his car, so I was skeptical. Why wouldn't he text? I didn't have his new number. He wasn't blocked. In fact, I didn't have his number to block him.

The safest thing was to change locations and go to another superstore. I followed my plan. I continued shopping with peace of mind. I didn't feel like I was being watched. Only after I proceeded to check did I start feeling it again.