Page 92 of Finn Rhodes Forever

“Swallow,” he said through a clenched jaw. “Every drop, Liv. That’s yours.”

He held my head, kept his thick cock in my mouth while I did as I was told. Embarrassment and pleasure twisted through me. My face warmed and I knew I was blushing but I couldn’t tear my gaze from Finn’s. His eyes blazed with heat as they pinned me.

“Jesus Christ, you’re a sight.” He hauled me up to standing and kissed me hard, tongue slipping into my mouth. I could taste our orgasms and from his low, pleased groan and the way he deepened our kiss, sucking on my tongue, he could too.

Our kiss broke and he began to put my clothes to rights, straightening my top and doing my fly up, and I did the same for him, ignoring the panic sitting at the edge of my consciousness at how intimate this was. His hands landed on my shoulders, slipping up to frame my face.

When he put his hands on my face and gazed down at me like I was the only person in the world, I forgot all the reasons Finn and I shouldn’t be together.

“Never letting you go.” He searched my eyes, stroking the sides of my face. “How do you feel about that?”

I quirked my eyebrows at him, smiling. “Fine.”

He snorted, shaking his head, but he smiled and it reached his eyes. “We’ll work on that answer.” He pressed a soft kiss to my mouth and my heart squeezed.

Finn led me upstairs to my apartment. He sat on the edge of the tub while I brushed my teeth, watching with a little smile, then he climbed into my bed, eyes all over my body while I changed into a sleep shirt.

“Getting comfortable?” I asked with raised eyebrows. Sarcastic on the outside, but on the inside, my heart leaped at the idea of him spending the night.

Olivia, you stupid, stupid woman.

“I’m sleeping here,” he said, holding the covers back for me.

I climbed in and he pulled me into his chest, tucking the covers around me. He watched my face with pure affection while I settled against him, heavy, floaty, and drowsy. His hand came to my hair, brushing it back, and I gave him a small smile.

“Goodnight,” I whispered.

“Goodnight, Livvy.”

While Finn fell asleep, my mind whirred with thoughts.

What if Finn was going to stay? What if a judgement from years ago wasn’t fair, and he had grown up?

What if we were meant to be together, and if I didn’t take this chance with him, I’d never get another one? Anxiety twisted in my stomach at the thought.

It was so easy with Finn. When I let go, he caught me. He was right there, waiting and thrilled, and all I had to do was jump.

A thought pierced through and my breath caught. It was too late. If Finn left, he’d take half of me with him. The stupid plan to get him to dump me wasn’t working.

I was falling back in love with Finn Rhodes, whether I wanted to or not. The guy was sleeping beneath me in my bed, and I couldn’t be more content.

This was a disaster. I should be running, packing up my belongings and moving to the next town to get away from him.

Never letting you go, he had said, and I wanted it to be true more than anything.

I didn’t want to run anymore. I wanted to jump, and I wanted Finn to catch me. I’d held on toFinn is evilfor so long that letting go of it made my throat knot, but what if it didn’t serve me anymore? What if it was in the way of something better?

In my head, I saw my mom’s narrowed eyes of disapproval when she found out Finn and I were back together for real, and my stomach churned.

I didn’t want to think about this anymore. I shifted on his chest, shoving the thoughts from my head, and took a deep breath. For the first time in my life, I didn’t need to have a plan. I didn’t need everything mapped out. It fit, didn’t it? I had no fucking clue where the flower was, had no idea where I was going to work or live come October, and I couldn’t force Finn to stay in town. I would never want someone to stick around out of obligation. I’d rather be alone.

So what if I went along with it, floated with the current and enjoyed being with Finn? Perhaps I wouldn’t try so hard to control everything.

Maybe it was my turn to be reckless.

