“Good girl.”
Oh,fuck. My blood surged with heat. From where they gripped the edge of the counter, he moved my hands to lie flat over my head. This position felt… submissive. Totally at his mercy. Like I was serving him or something. My center ached to be touched again. My breath caught as he slid my pants down my hips.
I was exposed and open to him. Shame threatened at the edges of my consciousness but something bigger took over.
“Just like that,” he whispered, his hand rubbing up and down my back in languid strokes. “Perfect.”
Pleasure melted into my blood and I smiled with my face against the counter. How many times had I stood at this counter and taken someone’s drink order, or chatted with one of the regulars? My throat worked as I swallowed the grin.
Finn was a bad influence, but right now? I didn’t mind one bit. I’d follow the devil right into the depths of hell if he made me feel like this.
In the back of my mind, that old version of myself from a couple months ago was outraged and incredulous.What are we doing?This is Finn Rhodes, we hate him! He’s a backstabbing dickhead who we don’t trust!
But the thing was, I did trust him. I didn’t hate him. And the rest of me? She wanted this. Badly. My pulse was racing, my face was flushed, and the pressure and heat between my legs were nearly unbearable.
He made a noise of admiration. “Fucking gorgeous.” He palmed my ass, running his hand over my skin, and I shivered.
“If you move off the counter, I’m stopping. Clear?”
I scoffed like I didn’t care. “Fine.”
He delivered a sharp smack on my ass and I yelped in surprise. A wave of heat hit me between my legs, exposed and open to him.
Ugh.Olivia.WhowasI right now? Finn turned my brain to mush.
“What the fuck?” I hissed.
He huffed a laugh. “That’s for the double date from hell.”
When the next slap landed, I clenched and a low moan slipped out of my mouth.
“That’s for thinking that a bad haircut or an ugly dress would scare me off.”
Another smack and I bit my lip to keep quiet.
“That’s for distracting me all fucking week, thinking about you in the shower, tightening up around my fingers, moaning my name.”
He smoothed his hand over my skin, soothing me. I was soaked, dripping, and my face burned with heat.
I was melting. That was the only explanation for why I was enjoying this so much. I hadn’t had a drop to drink but I felt drunk, like my mind was spinning with pleasure and adrenaline.
“And this—” His hand slid from my backside to between my legs, massaging over my clit. I moaned with relief. “—is for taking care of me when I was sick.”
His pressure wasjustright. Enough to make my hips tilt up for more.
One finger pushed inside me and my eyes rolled back as he stroked in and out.
“Jesusfuck, you are tight. I love that this is mine,” he ground out.
I huffed. “You wish.”
Behind me, he laughed and added another finger, stroking me and making my mind go blank. He found the spot he’d found in the shower and pressed.
“Finn,” I gasped.
“There we go.”