Page 71 of Finn Rhodes Forever

“Wowwwww.” Avery appeared at our table. “You brought the Thompsons here, huh?”

I winced. “I’m so sorry, Av. You can drink for free at the bar for the rest of the summer.”

She snorted. “Deal.”

After Finn and I argued over the bill—he won—we left, climbing into the beater minivan I had begged to borrow from the mechanic.

Finn laughed all the way home.



“Your face,”I said, shaking my head as we got back to the bar. My face hurt from laughing. “When Shannon brought up your labia, your face turned so red.”

She turned from the step in front of me and her eyes bugged out. “Oh my god. We need to stop saying that word. And you nearly choked when she said that.”

I couldn’t help my grin as I followed her into the hall between our apartments. Her weird dress was stained with red wine, and it made a swishing noise as she walked.

“You look like an egg in this thing,” I said, pointing at her outfit.

She tried to glare at me but her mouth twitched, giving her away.

I leaned on her doorframe. “You had fun tonight.”

She snorted. “Right, I brought two insane people to Avery’s restaurant and we didn’t even get dinner. So much fun.”

“I think youdidhave fun. I think you like poking at me, trying to get a rise out of me.”

The line of her throat moved as she swallowed. Her gaze flicked up to mine with a little frown. She pulled that plush lower lip into her mouth to bite it and I thought about her straddling my lap while we were camping last week, rocking against me as I tasted her.

In an instant, my cock was half hard.

I studied her pretty face, freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks, a pink flush from being in the sun and a little left over from her dinner plans gone awry, dark brows quirking up. The delicate line of her lips sloping up to her cupid’s bow.

“You didn’t eat,” she said suddenly.

Opportunity lifted its devious head in the back of my mind. Any chance to spend more time with Liv and I was in. I’d sit through a dozen more dinners with the Thompsons with a smile on my face if Liv was within arm’s reach.

“Neither did you.”

“I’m going to order pizza.” She unlocked her door. “Come on.”

I followed her in, watching as she flicked lights on and opened windows. I kicked my shoes off and took a seat on the couch, hands behind my head and gaze on her. She sent me quick glances before turning away, like she was nervous or something.

My eyes narrowed. The air in her apartment felt different from the last time I was here, waiting for her to put her boots on before we went hiking. Tonight, it felt charged, electrified. Sparking.

She tugged at her lacy collar like it was too tight. “I’m going to change.”

I nodded, eyes on her legs. They were lean, strong, and tanned from hiking. When I rested my hand there tonight, her skin was soft as silk. I wondered if she’d like it if I scraped her inner thighs with my five o’clock shadow. If she’d gasp.

She walked into her bedroom, but she left the door cracked. My gaze locked on that crack of light as I listened hard. A drawer sliding open and closed. A rustle of clothing. Another rustle. A grunt.

In her room, she sighed. “Finn?”

I sat up straight. “Yeah?”

The door opened. An adorable pink flush spanned her cheeks as she stared at me with a resigned expression. “I can’t get it off.”